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Cuban Medicine

InfoMed Cuba

InfoMed USA

Acupuncture in Cuba

Medical Computing at Infomed: Cuba & USA

Cuban medical computing supports medicine and biotechnology, fields in which AfroCubans are heavily represented.

InfoMed Cuba

Very impressive use of scarce resources in developing a medical informatics networks that supports doctors across Cuba. You must see this site at

Infomed is planning ambitious projects, such as a web based hospital information system. To date, most of these projects have been within Cuba, due to limited resources, but this is changing. Some of the many Cubans doctors abroad (300 in South Africa, others in Botswana, etc) use the web based Infomed network to support their work and this trend is expected to increase.

Contact point:

Centro Nacional de Informacion de Ciencias Medicas
27 # 110 e/ M y N. Vedado. CP 10400. Ciudad de La Habana., Cuba
Telf:(537) 321991 Fax:(537) 333063

InfoMed USA

These folks have done a great job supplying computers to Infomed in Cuba. Yes, they are the ones who sent 400 computers down to Cuba with the Pastors for Peace. Now they have sent many hundreds more, and they have been able to do so legally under a Treasury license. This has interesting implications for non-profits and others who need to operate legally. Check them out at InfoMed USA.


United States 290,000 000 inhabitants  Black MD'S 17,000
Cuba           11,000 000    " "         " "      13,500
See also
On the number of Black MDs in Cuba and the US

AfroCuba Web Site Contact Information

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