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  Mala Lengua
Minority Medical Scholarships in Cuba


Facilities The School Provides

Admission Requirements

Selection Procedure

Mission of the Latin American School of
Medical Science


The Latin American School has been entrusted with the task of training general practitioners oriented towards primary healthcare as their main professional scenario, having high scientific and technical skills, with a humane spirit of solidarity and ethics and being able to act, in accordance with the needs of the region, for the sustainable human development.


The Latin American School of Medical Science (ELACM) is located to the northwest of the capital city of the Republic of Cuba 31/2 KM of Panamericana highway, Santa Fe, Playa, City of Havana. That medical university has been entrusted with the task of training general practitioners oriented towards primary healthcare, having high scientific and technical skills, and with a humane spirit of solidarity. ECLAM should also take care of their undergraduates' cultural education without neglecting their national identities and roots, training them for their future work in their respective regions of origin.

The Basic General Practitioners' Curriculum is the same as the one taught in the rest of the Cuban Medical Universities as far as its academic rigor and training system of this kind of professionals in Cuba is concerned. It has always been based on the principles of combining theory and practice through the system of a work-oriented education.

The Program begins with the medical preparatory course that all students have to take for 18 weeks. Its purpose is assuring a balance in the basic knowledge required for medical studies. For non-Spanish speaking students, the medical preparatory course also includes a 12-week Spanish course. The 6-year Medical Program school year begins every month of September. The first two years corresponding to the Basic Science Course are taught at ELACM. On the third year students are transferred to other Higher Medical Schools throughout the country to start their clinical studies.

All graduates will be granted a Medical Doctor's Degree.

Both the scholarship and the student dormitories are totally free of charge, as stipulated by the Cuban Government Scholarship System. The institution also offers other services providing for the comprehensive training of its students. Such services include sports practice, participation in different cultural expressions by countries, school texts, optional courses, uniforms and other facilities.

The school provides the students with complementary and support services like: collective transportation on weekends, cafeteria, hairdressing, shoe repair, laundry, international phone calls and others.

There are mandatory Disciplinary Rules and Regulations. Air tickets are not to be paid by Cuba.

For national and international communications, the following phone and fax numbers and e-mail address are available.

Tel. (0-537) 29-7477, 29-7475

Fax: (0-537) 24-27 88

E-mail address:


ELACM is located to the northwest of the City of Havana, at 31/2 KM of Panamericana highway. It covers an area of 1,202,206 m2.

Currently, the school has a capacity for 4,000 students and offers separate dormitories, classrooms, amphitheater, laboratories, recreational and sports area to practice twelve sports and different places like the theater, the student's clubhouse and the Nations Square where the students carry out the principal events and classes on different cultural expressions. ELACM features all the facilities required to assure the students' comprehensive training.

The school also renders different services such as cafeteria, restaurant, hairdressing, barbershop, photo-video labs, shops, laundry, shoe repair, post office including fax services and national and international phone calls, etc.


Taking into account what is established for admission to the Cuban Universities and particularly to our Medical University, the methodological guidelines that should be followed to fulfill the applicants' selection process for the medical courses at the Latin American School of Medical Sciences are hereunder specified. All applicants should meet the following requirements:

    1. Submit documents certifying their B.S. degree or its equivalent and report cards issued by their respective teaching institutions. These documents should be duly certified by the relevant authorities from their countries of origin and by the Cuban Diplomatic Mission to their countries and endorsed by the representative of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Cuba taken care of ELACM.
    2. Be under 25 years of age at the time of registration.
    3. Being physically and mentally fit to study Medical Sciences. Such condition must be confirmed by a Health Certificate.
    4. Have no criminal record or outstanding lawsuits. Such condition must be duly attested by the relevant authorities of the applicants' respective countries.



    1. The Cuban diplomatic representatives along with the representative of the Ministry of Public Health will participate to guarantee the quality of the selection process. In those countries where there is no Cuban Medical Mission, a representative appointed by the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba (MINSAP) will take part in the process. (The appointee's full name is annexed)
    2. Submit the scholarship notice and the number of scholarships available to the relevant authorities for their dissemination and further selection of the applicants
    3. Collect and organize the files of the applicants chosen by the respective countries' governments and/or organizations making sure that the "Application for Admission to the Medical Program" as well as the annexed documents are properly filled out. Verify thoroughly that all applicants meet the academic level required to enter ELACM.
    4. The Cuban Embassies or representatives to the respective countries will be responsible for the fulfillment of ELACM's established admission requirements, for candidate approval and for notifying the relevant authorities in every case.
    5. The Cuban diplomatic missions along with the representative of the Ministry of Public Health of the Republic of Cuba, will brief the selected candidates before traveling to Cuba on the following:

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