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  Mala Lengua

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Contacting Ilede

Ilédè afrocuban drum and dance ensemble: Toronto & Havana

"Ilédè is a Toronto based ensemble that performs the folkloric music and dance of Cuba. The ensemble is comprised of Canadian-born musicians as well as Cuban-Canadians and members from other parts of Latin America. The ensemble was formed in 1992. The ensemble performs the music of the Yoruba, Bantu, Abakuá and Arará cultures of Cuba as well as the various folkloric genres specifically indigenous to the island (Rumba, Comparsa, etc.). The ensemble's members have spent a great deal of time and effort studying and involving themselves in the various cultural expressions that comprise the Cuban musical identity. The ensemble concerns itself with the presentation of some of these cultural expressions in a variety of settings (performances, clinics, etc.). This is done in the hopes of providing the most contextually-based manner through which audience/participants may experience and understand the diversity of Cuban culture."

Web Site

Contacting Ilédè

3-213 DeGrassi Street,
Toronto, Ontario, CANADA top
M5S 2N1
tel. (416) 466-9020
fax. (416) 466-0668

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