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  Mala Lengua

Haiti Earthquake 2010


I work with Walter Riley and the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund.  I recommend the HERF for donations. Since there's very little overhead cost, you can be assured that practically all your money will reach the Haitian people. Walter is also my neighbor.  Please, help.
Willie (Mack) Thompson
Professor Emeritus


Date: Wed, 13 Jan 2010 07:00:09 -0800
Subject: Haiti earthquake and Haiti Emergency Relief Fund


I sit on the Board of the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund — HERF — started in 2004 by Walter Riley, Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte. Attorney Walter Riley and his wife Barbara are in Port au Prince now (we've haven't been in contact yet) and were staying with human rights attorney Mario Joseph. Hopefully, they will be OK, and can possibly administer some of the funds coming in before they return home.  Some money has been streaming in, everything from $5 to $250 since we were recommended on many news programs including Flashpoints - KPFA, SFgate and Kim Ives on Democracy Now this morning. I was chatting online with Kim as he was on the air and he was quoting content from Kevin's editorial

You can view the Democracy Now broadcast online. Several of you have been asking where to donate and help, so I'm recommending HERF. Feel free to write, but things are hectic around here, there should be a good update on Flashpoints - KPFA at 6PM

PS: feel free to forward this message or the appeal link
An Urgent Appeal from the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund
Haiti hit by the first large earthquake in 240 years

Thousands may have been killed and tens of thousands left homeless. This is a moment in which your solidarity is of critical importance.

Appeals for Help

We have heard that large charity organization will take your money, but may not guarantee it will be spent in Haiti. We prefer small grass roots organizations that have already some track record in the country.

An Urgent Appeal from the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund  1/13/2010 Haiti Action: "Since its inception in March 2004, the Haiti Emergency Relief Fund has given concrete aid to Haiti’s grassroots democratic movement as they attempted to survive the brutal coup and to rebuild shattered development projects. We urge you to contribute generously, not only for this immediate crisis, but in order to support the long-run development of human rights, sustainable agriculture and economic justice in Haiti."

WHAT CAN YOU DO: Conscious Disaster relief with human rights and dignity  1/14/2010 Marguerite Laurent, attorney for Jean-Bertrand Aristide - Konbit Pou AyitiKonbit Pou Ayiti: regular progress reports with a lot of information.

Cuba in Haiti: an extraordinary medical effort that can use your support 

This one is new to us, and appears of interest:
L'association culturelle Malaki ma Kongo est née au Brazzaville en 1991, comme continuation et développement du festival Malaki ma Kongo, qui fait la promotion des racines de la culture de l'Afrique noire en général et du cœur de l'Afrique en particulier, dont les manifestations sont annuelles: aujourd'hui il se déroule dans bien trois continents.

Haïti est sous le choc. L’Association Malaki ma Kongo fait appel à votre générosité pour aider les bléssés de Montagne Noire, un des quartiers réculés de Port au Prince, souvent oublier par les aides humanitaires, et où Malaki ma Kongo-Haiti est installée depuis 2002.


Problem organizations

Wycklef Jean's organization is widely promoted after the earthquake, but may have some problems.

Wyclef Jean foundation hires new accountants after rapper acknowledges mistakes  1/23/2010 CP 

Wyclef Jean's Yele Charity Not The Only One With Dirt  1/22/2010 ABC: "The financial misconduct at Jean's Yele charity has thrown some nasty light on Haiti's relief efforts. Jean has not admitted to wrongdoing, but the group's most recent tax filing shows some financial imprudence. Yele, also known as the Wyclef Jean Foundation, raised more than $2 million after the earthquake through text messages, after Jean called on fans to donate $5 by texting "Yele" to 501501. Most of the criticism against Jean has focused on what's considered dubious spending, and records show that in 2007, the most recent year for which a filing is available, Yele earned $79,126 but spent $569,050. Critics also point to the close connections between Jean's business and charity ventures, pointing out a $250,000 payment made to buy airtime on a Haitian television station owned by the Grammy award- winner and his business partner."

Wyclef's Skipping Records - Star's charity repeatedly dissolved after failing to file reports
  1/15/2010 The Smoking Gun: "Musician Wyclef Jean's charitable foundation--now the recipient of many donations big and small in the wake of the Haiti earthquake--has repeatedly had its corporate status dissolved for failing to file required state disclosure reports, records show. As seen below, the Florida Division of Corporations has, on four separate occasions over the past five years, sanctioned the Yele Haiti Foundation (the charity was incorporated in Florida in 1998 as the Wyclef Jean Foundation, but formally changed its name two months ago)."'

It's not All about That!: Wyclef Jean is fronting in Haiti  12/10/2009 Haiti Action Net: posted in 2004: "Wyclef Jean has entered the dismal political reality of Haiti, a direct result of Bush administration policy in overthrowing a democratically elected government, by echoing the U.S.-installed government's position recently that ousted president Jean-Bertrand-Aristide is responsible for the latest round of violence. Wyclef is quoted in Reuters, "Those guys really believe in Jean-Bertrand Aristide. They are not going to stop unless Aristide says the word". TRANSLATED: Aristide is behind the violence and all he has to do is give the word and the violence would end tomorrow... Wyclef's uncle is Raymond Joseph, the highest-ranking official abroad representing the U.S.-installed government in Haiti. He is the un-elected government's representative in Washington. Wyclef's uncle, who he has often praised, is responsible for fomenting outrageous lies about Aristide and members the Lavalas political party that has contributed to the current climate of witch-hunts, arbitrary arrests and murders in Haiti today. Wyclef's uncle is also the co-publisher of Haiti Observateur, a right-wing rag that has been an apologist for the killers in the Haitian military going back as far as the brutal coup against Aristide in 1991."


Earthquake Information

Family News Network of the International Committee of the Red Cross

Jacmel, Haiti: Ciné Institute videos of disaster  1/17/2010 Vimeo: Students posting videos here.



Haiti in Cuba

Haiti: A Moment of Reckoning, 1/13/2010: "No where in the world could our investment achieve higher return, if the United Nations and every worldwide humanitarian organization in the world would open an honest, fair and respectful discussion with Cuba that would enable the relocation of thousands of the earthquake victims in Haiti to vacant school buildings in Cuba where they could receive all basic human needs, as every country, especially the developed ones, can contribute to the financial operation of this unprecedented humanitarian project.

Beyond the immediate needs, Haiti will need longtime help to get back on their feet. Tens of  thousands of fallow acreage in Cuba could be leased to provide jobs for these victims and food security for our region, under a similar international goodwill project."


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