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  Mala Lengua

Cuban Medical efforts in Haiti and collaborations with the Congo

CUBAN DOCTORS RETURN TO HAVANA FROM HAITI  Havana, December 2(RHC)-- The first contingent of Cuban doctors whoworked in Haiti for 11 months is back home. The group -- made up of71 doctors, nurses and technical personnel -- arrived in Santiago deCuba on Wednesday.The Cuban health personnel treated poor residents in areas severelydamaged by Hurricane Georges, which hit that Caribbean nation lastyear. Thanks to a cooperation agreement, Cuban doctors and nursesare working in several countries around the region, includingGuatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua.The Cuban government established the Latin American School ofMedicine, where Central American and Caribbean students are studyingfree-of-charge. After they graduate, the doctors will return to theirrespective countries.

COMENZO HOY LA PRIMERA REUNION DE LA COMISION MIXTA CUBA-CONGO La Habana, 2 de diciembre (RHC)--La primera reunion de la comision mixtacubano - congolesa para la colaboracion economica, tecnica, cientifica ysociocultural comenzo ayer en La Habana se extendera hasta el proximosabado. En el conclave se abordan aspectos relacionados con los sectores deeducacion, salud, transporte, y turismo.


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