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  Mala Lengua

The Georgia State University

CUBA TODAY - 4/19/01

A Symposium where Cuban and American scholars and artists will discuss the arts, culture and politics of contemporary Cuba:

. U.S.-Cuba Relations

Prof. Roberto Gonzalez Gomez - Instituto Superior Relaciones Internacionales, Havana

Dr. Terry McCoy - History Department, University of Florida 

. Afro-Cuban Culture

Dr. Miguel Barnet - Cuban ethnographer and author of Biography of a

Runaway Slave

Dr. Aline Helg - History Department, University of Texas

. The Arts in Cuba

Mr. Antonio Eligio Fernandez - Cuban artist

Prof. Mayra Vilasis - Filmmaker, Instituto Cubano del Cine (ICAIC), Havana

Dr. Arturo Lindsay - Art Department, Spelman College, Atlanta

. Cuban Literature

Prof. Aida Bahr - Cuban writer and publisher, Editorial Oriente, Santiago de Cuba

Mr. Alfredo Alonso Estenoz - Cuban writer and journalist

Also: Afro-Cuban filmmaker Gloria Rolando will present parts of her latest film Raices de mi corazon (about a massacre of Black political activists in 1912) and will discuss her work with the audience 

APRIL 19, 2001
1:00-6:00 pm

Urban Life Auditorium
(Georgia State University College of Law)
Decatur St. and Piedmont Ave.

Free and open to the public

Co-sponsored by Valdosta State University

For more information, contact Dr. Fernando Reati at (404) 651-2265 or



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