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  Mala Lengua


From Havana to Harlem:
Same Struggle, Same Fight
What does the Cuban Revolution have to do with
The Civil Rights Movement?
The Black Power struggle?
African Colonialism?

Panel discussion on March 3rd, 2003

We will be discussing the history of the relationship between Cuba, Africa, and African-Americans. What role have Cuba and Cubans played in African - American's fight for equality and justice in America? What role have they played in African wars for independance? The discussion will cover the connection between Cuba and the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s; Cuba and the Black Power Movement in the US; Cuba and African liberation struggles; Race in Cuba; African-Americans and Cuba's revolution; and more.

With special guests:
Bonnie Massey
NJ/NY Venceremos Brigade National Committe Rep.
Soffiyah Elijah
Harvard Law School Criminal Justice Institute

Panel Discussion to be followed by a Q&A session
Monday, March 3rd, 7 PM
Ticknor Lounge, Boylston Hall, Harvard Yard, next to Widener Library on Mass Ave, Cambridge. See map 

Co-Sponsored by the Black Men's Forum, The Association of Black Harvard
Women, Fuerza Latina and the Harvard Caribbean Club


Soffiyah Elijah's page on AfroCubaWeb



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