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Free Cuba Foundation

Co-founders: John Suarez, Augusto Monge

Mr. John Suarez
International Secretary of the Cuban Democratic Directorate organization, has been interviewed by TV, radio and print media on Cuba. Based in Miami, he holds degrees from Florida International University and Chile’s Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. He has testified before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva. Since 2009 he has maintained the blog Notes from the Cuban Exile Quarter. -- from founded by CIA man Frank Calzon and featuring serial murderer Elliot Abrams, Otto Reich and an all white panel of "experts."

The Cuban Democratic Directorate, heavily funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has supported both Jorge Luis García Pérez "Antúnez" and then now deceased Dr. Darsi Ferrer, two leading AfroCuban dissidents. In fact Ferrer was the subject of the petition that Carlos Moore orchestrated among African Americans and Afro-Latins. See Invoking MLK and Rosa Parks in Cuban Exile Politics, 5/30/09 and Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez: another manipulated dissident?, 12/20/09, both by Claude Betancourt,






Links/Enlacestop  FCF YouTube Channel

Twitter for founder John Suarez

Invoking MLK and Rosa Parks in Cuban Exile Politics
Claude Betancourt, 5/30/09

Dr. Darsi Ferrer Ramirez: another manipulated dissident? by Claude Betancourt, 12/20/09

Frank Calzon








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