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Falangists in Cuba

Some say that the Miami - Habana rift is a continuation of the Spanish Civil War, the war between the Republicans, including la Passionara, and the Falangist, including Franco, who kept relics of Santa Teresa at his side.  Here we track quotes relevant to the Falangist side and how that plays in Cuba

Ricardo Alarcon, The 6th Congress of the Federation of University Students, 3/00

The 6th Congress of the Federation of University Students was an appropriate setting for the presentation of the book Operación Peter Pan (Operation Peter Pan), by Cuban authors Ramón Torreira Crespo and José Buajasán Marrawi. "This book is the story of 14,000 Eliáns," states a publisher’s note accompanying the volume, in reference to the fact that before Elián, that number of Cuban children experienced the drama that this child is suffering today.

"This operation was based on an absolute lie that found fertile ground in minds shaped by a gross and stupid anti-communism, cultivated in certain private schools and preached from certain pulpits, both of a clearly Falangist inspiration. Its roots were profoundly annexationist, an expression of a parasitic, vulgar and crude annexationism that characterized the ideology of the dominant native classes, and which has always defined the counterrevolutionaries." - Ricardo Alarcon, The 6th Congress of the Federation of University Students, 3/00


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