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Third Encounter “Eugene Godfried in Memoriam”
British West Indian Welfare Centre
July 1st and 2nd of 2019
Guantánamo, Cuba.

 “In the 74th anniversary of the BWIWC British West Indian Welfare Center

Esteemed Colleagues and Friends,

It’s a pleasure to invite you to participate in the “Third Encounter of Eugene Godfried in Memoriam,” a program about the significant history and life of our great friend and comrade Eugene Godfried. The program will be celebrated at the British West Indian Welfare Centre located in the eastern province of Guantanamo, on the 1st and 2nd of July 2019. This will be our third celebration following one in July 2010, and another in July 2011, thereby giving continuity to the past celebrations. The idea of this third program is to respectfully remember the 10th anniversary of the death of our friend and brother Eugene Godfried.

In the “Third Encounter of Eugene Godfried in Memoriam,” the Organizing Committee and the British West Indian Welfare Centre continues to insist on emphasizing the life of Eugene Edward Godfried Presilia. As a journalist, social communicator, musicologist, writer, investigator, and revolutionary, Eugene, for us, was one of the most remarkable figures in the Caribbean.

Those of us who knew him and had the privilege to experienced his unconditional friendship, called him Eugenio. For many of us, we heard Eugenio use the phase, ¨the Caribbean which unites us, ¨ a description our untiring fighter used to make clear the need for the decolonization of the Caribbean Sea Islands. Eugenio emphasized the need for the unification of the Spanish, English, French, and Dutch Antilles as one Caribbean.

It’s a favorable moment in this time to host the Third Encounter. It is especially an important opportunity for friends in different places of the world to be able to give testimony of the internationalist humanitarian that Eugene Godfried was. Eugenio was a man with knowledge of customs, traditions, and culture of the Caribbean Islands, and a promoter of our Caribbean cultural identity.

This encounter of friends, family members, professionals, and intellectuals, along with some of the ordinary people throughout Cuba is designed to share our knowledge of Eugenio. It was the ordinary Cuban people with whom Eugene Godfried related to, learning from their lifestyle and wisdom, as well as helping us to learn and embrace each other more as brothers and sisters of the Caribbean. While Eugenio also recognized the difference, he emphasized our similarities and oneness as a Caribbean people. This is why it is an adequate moment to exchange ideas, future projects, and strategies to maintain the force of the proclamation of Latin America and the Caribbean as a Zone of Peace approved by all the Chiefs of States and Chief Executives of the Region who came together in Havana in January 2014.


The fee for the Third Encounter is $ 50.00 CUC for foreign participants, $ 20.00 CUC for students who desire to participate and $ 80.00 CUP for national persons and it will be paid at the British West Indian Welfare Centre on the 1st July beginning 8:30 a.m. during registration.

The fee includes:
For foreigners, nationals and students:
Participation in the sessions of the encounter, welcoming cocktail, coffee, tea, cultural entertainment closing activity, letter file with documents and credential.


* Eugene and the Caribbean Islands music.

* Eugene and the Caribbean feminism.

* Eugene knowledgeable and divulger of the Caribbean culture.

* Eugene and his love for Cuba and Cubans.

* Eugene and his great concept of friendship.


Conference sessions will be offered and/or panels about the themes of the encounter, such as readings, cultural activities, expositions of plastic arts and photographs of Cuban and foreign artists.

In order to facilitate your travel and stay in Cuba contact your Travel Agency.

Jorge A. Derrick Henry
President of B.W.I.W.C.
British West Indian Welfare Centre
Serafín Sánchez No. 665 % Paseo y Narciso López,
Guantánamo-Cuba, CP: 95100,
Phone: (21) 32-5297,
Mobile: 58705182 / 54258182

Contact: Luis Bennet Robinson, +53 58705182, [replace _AT_ with @]


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