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Contacting Dr. Makouke

Dr. Claude Makouke, Guadeloupe

Dr. Makouke is the General Secretary of the UPLG, the Union Patriotique pour la Liberation de la Guadeloupe.  Born in 1937, he went to primary and secondary school in his native Guadeloupe and then did his medical studies in Paris, where he was an activist in several movements for the liberation of his country, Guadeloupe, from French colonial domination.

He is participating in the collaboration platform for the "Change in Departmental Status" - Guadeloupe is presently a part of France, a "department d'outre-mer," or DOM.  The change being contemplated is towards an Autonomy Transition Status aiming at the national independance of Guadeloupe.  There is to be a transition period in which a "New Collectivity of the Autonomous Government" is to be put in place, facilitating an empowerment and more relations with the rest of the Caribbean.


My father was a mechanic and my mother had no profession. We were two children at the house, my sister was two years older.

My mother was contaminated by the BK and was very sick.  I was barely 9 years old. My sister was boarded with someone in Point a Pitre and persued her secondary schooling there. I went to my grandparents, farmers in the country at Grand Fonds. I completed my primary education there, then I went to the lycee at Point a Pitre, as a border. I passed my 2 baccalaureats (French high school diplomas) after 7 years there in 1956.

I then left Guadeloupe to go to France in 1956. I went to Paris and began my medical studies there.  I met fellow students from Guadeloupe there, as well as students from other French colonies who had begun or were continuing to struggle alongside their people for the independence of the countries.  I also met French students in their progressive organizations. My life as a militant started then and continues to this day.

I completed my medical studies in 1964

With other students from Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Guyana, we created the Front Antillo-Guyanais in 1962, which is dissolved by the French government. In 1964, we created the GONG (Groupe d'Organization National pour le Guadeloupe).  In 1964, the Front Guadeloupeen pour l'Autonomie.  In 1967, the repression: I am imprisonned for 9 months.  After leaving prison, I continued to organize and I returned to Guadeloupe in 1969

In 1978, we formed a new political party, the UPLG - Union Patriotique pour le Liberation de la Guadeloupe.

Contacting Dr. Claude Makouke

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