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  Mala Lengua

Dr. Miguel A. De La Torre

Dr. De la Torre is a Cuban, a professor of religion at Hope college, with specialization in Christian Social Ethics, Theologies of Liberation and Postmodern/Postcolonial Studies. He is the author of a seminal article on the denial of racism in Cuba.

"I am a recovering racist, a product of two race-constructed societies. Exilic Cubans see themselves as white and the Island's inhabitants as mostly black. A major issue which will arise in a post-Castro Cuba is intra-Cuban race relations, an issue mostly ignored because of the myth proclaiming Cubans as non-racists. I propose to debunk this myth. Any serious discourse on intra-Cuban reconciliation must unmask the hidden tension existing between seemingly white Exilic Cuba and black Resident Cuba."

For the rest of this fascinating article, see

Masking Hispanic Racism: A Cuban Case Study, Journal of Hispanic/Latino Theology, Vol. 6, No. 4 (May 1999): 57-73.


De La Torre Home Page




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