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  Mala Lengua

Debajo del Laurel: A Celebration for Changó

Debajo del Laurel is a performance art piece by Jadel that integrates AfroCuban palo, Arará, rumba and orisha into a musical, dancefilled show questioning silences in violence in the legacy and memory of Afrodescendants in our hemisphere. Traveling between a coffee plantation in Cuba's Oriente (East) and/or cotton plantation (Mississippi) a women finds reconcile and spiritual growth by traveling through the life of her grandmothers after a tragedy. She is guided by the force of (social) justice, morality, law, masculinity and the drum deity Shangó (Changó). This is an original theater piece with special invited AfroCuban guest artist Marisol Blanco (Miami, FL) founder and artistic director of Sikan AfroCuban Dance Project that explores contemporary questions of legacy, power and spirituality in AfroCuban, Caribbean and American AfroAtlantic communities interweaving live performance, movement and text. Our cast/ensemble features: Yomaira Mella, Ayelouwa Taylor, Marisol Blanco, Erin Washington, Debbie Garcia, Anese Jackson & Jadele McPherson. Directed by Maya James. Stage Manager, Stacy Tieles. LukumiArts has also launched our first 30 Day Kickstarter Campaign to raise $2500 for this event ending Dec.16th 2013.

 We will present the piece Saturday, December 14th, 2013 at TEATRO LATEA/Clemente Soto Velez Cultural Center, 107 Suffolk St. New York, NY 10002 at 7pm. Tickets are $12/in advance, $15/door on Eventbrite:

Lukumi Arts

Lukumi Arts is an interdisciplinary arts collective dedicated to creating innovative projects. Founded (January2008) as an open and growing collective of artists, orisha/palo priests and practitioners, singers, dancers, percussionists, MCs, and producers; we narrate stories that reflect the history, struggles, perserverance and beauty of our community. Amidst a negative array of stereotypes, images and misinformation about AfroCuban religions and culture, we communicate the positive, empowering nature of AfroCuban traditions through the arts.

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Debajo del Laurel: A Celebration for Changó by Jadele


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