Fiesta para danzoneros en Mayabeque 6/12/2015 Cubarte: "El IX Festival
Internacional de Danzón, dedicado al centenario del danzón Fefita, de José Urfé,
que organiza la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba (Uneac), tendrá por
subsede, del 24 al 28 de junio a Mayabeque. Así lo dio a conocer la comisión
organizadora del evento, que explicó que la sede principal del festival será la
capital del país. En Mayabeque el festival, al que se espera asistan orquestas
de Colombia, México y Estados Unidos, llegará a Madruga, Güines, Santa Cruz del
Norte, Bejucal y Jaruco; aunque podría llegar a otros municipios pues el género
posee fuerte arraigo en la provincia."
Para soñar en danzón 8/15/2013 Asociación Hermanos Saíz: "A Miguel Failde
Pérez, matancero y creador del danzón, lo separa casi un siglo de un joven
inquieto que anda por la ciudad de Matanzas soñando o reinventándose el género,
para que otros también jóvenes como él entiendan o disfruten lo que en sí mismo
hace único al baile nacional cubano."
Odilio Urfé: Eminente músico cubano 9/2/2011 Radio Cadena Habana: "El
eminente músico e investigador cubano también laboró como redactor de la sección
Musicales, publicada en el Boletín de la Comisión Cubana de la UNESCO; y en 1985
funda la Academia Urfé, adscrita al Conservatorio Borges. Vale también destacar
su desempeño como organizador del Primer Festival de Música Folclórica, del
Primer Concurso Nacional de Danzones, y su apoyo al Primer Congreso Abakúa y al
Primer Festival de Música Popular, todos sin precedentes en la historia musical
de Cuba."
BARBARITO DIEZ: THE VOICE OF DANZON 5/20/2008 Cuba Now: "On May 6, 2008 it
was 13 years of the demise of Barbarito Diez Junco, The Voice of Danzon, and we
are still waiting for a person who can sing this Cuban national genre as well as
he did. While there are some who seem to have the intention of doing away with
danzon because they consider “it is outdated” or “these are other times,” danzon
is still sung and danced in Cuba, Mexico, Venezuela, the Dominican Republic,
Puerto Rico and other countries. Barbarito was one of those sensational
performers who only emerge once in a while. At times their place can never be
taken by another, because they are of the sort of people who are born to be
great in what they do. And what he did was and is Danzon."
Mexico Invited to Danzon Festival in Cuba 3/17/2005 PL: "Mexico invited to
the II Havana Danzon Festival dedicated to this type of music created in the XIX
century by the Cuban musician Miguel Failde in Matanzas western Cuban city.
Sources from the Organizing Committee told Prensa Latina the musical event,
sponsored by the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists (UNEAC), will take place
from March 23 to 27 in Havana. Mexico will attend the festival with an important
delegation to this meeting dedicated to musicians, dancers, musical groups and
music lovers, added the organizers."
Festival of Danzon, Cuban National Dance, Starts in Havana 3/26/2004 Cubarte
Newsletter: "Artists such as Chucho Valdes, Ernan Lopez-Nussa and the Camerata
Romeu will also join the celebration of Danzon in Cuba, taking place for the
first time in Havana, sponsored by the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists and
Rumbos Travel Agency. The Danzon was created in the western province of Matanzas
from Cuban dances which had their antecedents in French contredanse."
Festival of Danzon, Cuban National Dance, to Start in Havana 3/22/2004 Prensa
Latina: "The First Festival of Danzon Havana, to start here March 25 in this
city, on the 125th anniversary of the dance that became Cuban national dance,
the organizers announced here. The festival, through March 28, will join groups
which are milestones in the history of the music genre in Cuba such as Aragon
Orchestra, América Orchestra and Melodias del 40 Orchestra, including other."
Century-old musical relationship with Mexico 1/31/2002 Granma: left out:
the danzon is an African genre invented by black Musicians in Matanzas. Mexicans
still come to danzon festivals in Matanzas.