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  Mala Lengua

Alberto JonesCuba - 500 Years of History
November 6-17, 2015 - Led by Alberto Jones
$2,395 per person

For about 50 years our perception of Cuba, a country politically isolated since 1962, has primarily been shaped by second hand information. Led by Alberto Jones, a passionate AfroCuban activist, this program offers participants the unique opportunity to experience Cuba first hand. Travel to both ends of Cuba on this 12 day journey, and uncover the history, culture and nature reserves of this untouched country.

• Gain on-site exposure to 500 years of America's history.
• Learn about Afro Cuban experiences from outstanding intellectuals.
• Enjoy Havana's majestic architecture without going to Barcelona.
• Eat in local paladares and sample authentic Cuban cuisine.
• Visit Las Terrazas, a beautiful nature reserve, and discover some of Cuba's unique flora and fauna. 

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