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China in the Americas

White supremacy in the US pretends to compete with the Chinese while they dumb down their schools, prevent history from being taught, and shut down the sciences in schools and colleges. As of 2022, there are 230 million whites in the US and the supremacists want to stand alone against the rest of the world. Meanwhile, 1.4 billion Chinese are respectful of education as they have been for thousands of years and produce record numbers of doctors, scientists, engineers, and technologists. Here we track Chinese progress in the Americas where they are supplanting the Americans at a record pace.

US has already lost AI fight to China, says ex-Pentagon software chief  10/10/2021 Financial Times: "We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” he said, adding there was “good reason to be angry”. Chaillan, 37, who spent three years on a Pentagon-wide effort to boost cyber security and as first chief software officer for the US Air Force, said Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities."


In Latin America, China steps in where US has stepped out  6/3/2022 CS Monitor: "Even the United States – first preoccupied with wars in the Middle East and then turning inward to the tune of “America First” – seemed to hardly notice over the past two decades as its chief economic competitor and geopolitical rival dethroned Uncle Sam as top trading partner and go-to investor in much of his own backyard. At least until recently."

China becomes top market for Cuba's legendary cigars  5/4/2022 Reuters: "Europe remains the top regional market for Habanos, accounting for 50% of sales, followed by the Asian-Pacific area, which accounts for 16.2%, according to the statement. The state-run Cuban News Agency cited Habanos officials at the event on Tuesday as saying that sales in Europe and Asia-Pacific had risen 2% and 10%, respectively. Revenue dropped 31% in Africa and the Middle East, however, and 21% in the Americas."

China’s Growing Influence in Latin America  4/12/2022 Council on Foreign Relations: Backgrounder

US has already lost AI fight to China, says ex-Pentagon software chief  10/10/2021 Financial Times: "We have no competing fighting chance against China in 15 to 20 years. Right now, it’s already a done deal; it is already over in my opinion,” he said, adding there was “good reason to be angry”. Chaillan, 37, who spent three years on a Pentagon-wide effort to boost cyber security and as first chief software officer for the US Air Force, said Beijing is heading for global dominance because of its advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and cyber capabilities."

How China Helps the Cuban Regime Stay Afloat and Shut Down Protests  8/16/2021 Dialogo Americas: "Chinese companies have played a key part in building Cuba’s telecommunications infrastructure, a system the regime uses to control its people, just as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) does within its own borders. When the protests began, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio tweeted: “Expect the regime in #Cuba to block internet & cell phone service soon to prevent videos about what is happening to get out to the world… By the way, they use a system made, sold & installed by #China to control and block access to the internet in #Cuba.” An article in Newsweek discussing Beijing’s possible links with the censoring of Cuba’s protests noted that the primary technology providers for Etecsa, Cuba’s sole internet access company, are all Chinese: Huawei, TP-Link, and ZTE. A 2017 report by the Open Observatory of Network Interference found traces of Chinese code in interfaces for Cuban Wi-Fi portals. The Swedish organization Qurium discovered that Cuba uses Huawei network management software eSight to help filter web searches. China’s role in helping the regime cut off communications during the protests has exposed one of the many ways Beijing helps keep the Cuban communist regime afloat."

China Extends Reach in the Caribbean, Unsettling the U.S.  11/8/2020 NYT: "But analysts who closely follow Chinese activity in the Caribbean say that while there is some concern about the sustainability of some of the debt assumed by regional governments, they have seen no evidence of a debt trap as in the case of the Sri Lankan port. “The loans are not only economic business but also a way of building good will,” said Mr. Bernal, the professor at the University of the West Indies. Jamaica, which has emerged as an anchor of Chinese activity in the Caribbean, has received more Chinese government loans than any other Caribbean island nation, according to the Inter-American Dialogue, which closely tracks Chinese government financing in the region."

China Is Stoking Racial Tensions in America  6/3/2020 Newsweek: "I can't breathe." That was the reply on Saturday of Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying to her American counterpart, Morgan Ortagus, who had criticized Beijing over its moves to end Hong Kong's autonomy."

China refutes reports of sending troops to Venezuela to help Maduro  4/3/2019 RT: " Beijing has dismissed reports that it sent a cohort of soldiers to Venezuela along with a shipment of humanitarian aid. A shipment of 65 tons of Chinese medicine reached Caracas on Friday. Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami welcomed the aid flight, and praised the “important and strategic level” of the partnership between Beijing and Caracas."

Russia and China will Participate in Military Exercises in Venezuela  2/10/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "The civic-military exercises for the Angostura Bicentenary, which will be held from February 10 to 15 in Venezuela, will have the cooperation of allied countries such as Russia and China, this Friday, February 8, said the head of the Operational Strategic Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Force (Ceofanb), Remigio Ceballos…"

China Joins Russia In Backing Venezuela Against U.S. Moves, Warns of ‘Serious Consequences’ to Donald Trump’s Plan  1/29/2019 Newsweek: ""We believe that Venezuela’s affairs must and can only be chosen and determined by its own people, and we oppose unilateral sanctions," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang told a press briefing."

China Is Challenging The US In Central America, And Washington Can’t Do Anything  10/27/2018 Oriental Review: "From the US’ perspective, China’s rising economic influence is clearly having political consequences that might one day manifest themselves in these countries gradually turning away from Washington like a few of them have recently done with Taipei, which could lead to the US losing its unipolar control over the region that it condescendingly regards as its “backyard”. Even Honduran President Juan Orlando Hernandez hinted at what he called the “opportunity” that China’s growing diplomatic role in the region could provide despite he himself having remained in power up until now after winning a disputed election late last year that was controversially endorsed by the US."

America’s Infowar against China’s Belt and Road Initiative (OBOR)  8/16/2018 Global Research: "The end result is that China might never receive a return on its investments in the regime-changed state if a new pro-American “Trumpist” government defaults because Beijing has no means to enforce payment compliance, and the cumulative effect of this could be macro-economically disastrous if it’s timed to coincide with other such happenings elsewhere in the world, especially the countries where China has invested the most. Not only that, but the “economic nationalism” component of “Trumpism” could lead to a situation where China loses its previous de-facto free trade privileges in the ports and other points of access that it helped finance, despite how mutually destructive of a policy this would be for its former “partner” to commence (though the EU’s US-influenced sanctions prove that vassals will enact self-inflicted damage in order to please the hegemon). It goes without saying that the aforementioned strategy could kill the Silk Road if it succeeds and possibly even cause domestic political problems in China, which is why the People’s Republic must urgently improve its perception management operations abroad in order to defend itself from this doomsday scenario."

Work Begins Soon to Bring Haiti into 'Silk Road' After China Invests US$30 billion to Develop Infrastructure  9/1/2017 teleSUR: "The People's Republic of China is preparing to carry through with plans to invest a massive US$30 billion in developing Haiti's infrastructure, including power plants, sanitation works, water systems, railways, affordable housing, and marketplaces, in an agreement that is expected to have a major social, economic, and developmental impact."

CHINA PILES INTO CUBA AS VENEZUELA FADES AND TRUMP LOOMS  2/14/2017 Cuban Economy: "China’s growing presence gives its companies a head start over U.S. competitors in Cuba’s opening market. It could leave the island less exposed to the chance U.S. President Donald Trump will clamp down on travel to Cuba and tighten trade restrictions loosened by his predecessor Barack Obama. A deterioration in U.S.-China relations under Trump could also lead Beijing to dig in deeper in Cuba, some analysts say."

China's Haier Group will manufacture low-end tablets and laptops in Cuba  12/28/2016 The Internet in Cuba: "However, there has been a major shift in manufacturing technology since "made in Japan" meant low-end products -- assembly work is now heavily automated and will be more so in the future. I wonder how many Cubans will be employed in this factory and what sorts of jobs they will have."

A U.S.-Cuba Breach Presents an Opportunity for China  11/29/2016 WSJ: "While U.S. remittances total more than all Cuban exports, Beijing’s trade with island is growing fast "

Castro’s Cuba and Mao’s China: Communist regimes that never saw eye to eye  11/26/2016 CNN: "Havana and Beijing established diplomatic relations in 1960, but their opposing positions in the Cold War resulted in little substantive interaction between the countries for more than two decades, according to Chinese state media. Relations didn’t fully resume until 1989, and Castro made his first and only state visit to China in 1995. By then the Soviet Union had fallen and Cuba, still under a US economic blockade, needed to strengthen ties with other Communist allies. China quickly became one of Cuba’s top trade partners and economics was the main focus of Castro’s visit to China. He spent two days outside the capital observing economic changes in China, taking note of the successes and weaknesses of economic reform."

Venezuela: "China's gateway into Mercosur"  7/18/2013 Venezuelanalysis: "Along with advocating closer strategic ties, during the Chavez era Venezuela undertook loans worth billions of dollars, much of which is being repaid in oil exports. Since 2008, Venezuela has borrowed over US$40 billion from China, including a recent US$4.02 billion loan from the CDB to Venezuela's state oil company, Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA)."

China califica al bloqueo contra Cuba como una violación a los derechos humanos  5/25/2012 Cubadebate 

Cuba and China strengthen economic relations  2/23/2012 Granma 

PRESECIA CHINA EN EL SINCRETISMO RELIGIOSO AFROCUBANO  9/20/2010 Ministerio Shango Eyeife: publicado en febrero, 2009 - "Hacia la segunda mitad del siglo XIX, Cuba fue escenario de una notable presencia de chinos que al ser incorporados a los campos de faenas junto a los negros africanos crearon entre sí un fuerte intercambio cultural-religioso que les permitió comparar y asociar los elementos comunes de sus creencias, dando lugar a un fenómeno antropológico conocido por sincretismo cultural. El culto espiritual que los chinos de la Cuba colonial rendían a sus antepasados los emparentaban a las creencias escatológicas que los negros africanos sustentaban sobre la “otra vida”. Desde los albores de IFA en el Nuevo Mundo, los chinos han tenido su propia tierra, la Filaní o tierra de los babalawos chinos, de donde proceden los famosos awoses el Chino El Tanke y el Chino Poey, que ineludiblemente son nombrados por los babaláwos cubanos, en un rápido pase de lista a sus muertos ancestrales o rito llamado moyugba. Uno de los grandes fundadores del sacerdocio adivinatorio de IFA en nuestra Isla, Remigio Herrera, sepultado en 1905, llevaba el curioso nombre religioso de Adechina."

In Havana's Chinatown, rare droplets of freedom  7/12/2010 AP: "After the Soviet economic lifeline died and officials turned to developing tourism, they sought to make Cuba's Chinese culture an attraction. The state began allowing Chinese associations and social clubs to operate freely, and that freedom is felt along Calle Cuchillo — Knife Street — a pedestrian alley in the heart of Chinatown lined with Chinese restaurants."

X edición del Festival de la Cultura China De las costas de Shenzen al Barrio Chino cubano  7/3/2010 Jiribilla 

Ecuador to Evict U.S., Offer Air Base to China  12/13/2007 Alternet: "Strategic Forecasting (STRATFOR) predicts that Correa's offer is "aimed partly at maintaining domestic support, partly at extracting preferential trade access to U.S. markets (something Washington probably will cave in to and deliver), and partly at securing Chinese capital for fulfilling Manta's future role as the largest Sino-Latin American trade trans-shipment hub on the South American west coast."

Venezuela to borrow $4 bln from China, pay in fuel  11/6/2007 Reuters 

Skull & Bones - The Bush's China Connection  9/15/2005 Illuminati News 

Latin America quick to dance to China's tune  11/10/2004 FT: "Last year commodity exports from Argentina and Brazil helped Latin America produce a $3.3bn (€2.6bn, £1.8bn) surplus in its trade with China, contributing to a 50 per cent increase to $28.8bn in overall bilateral trade."

China Again Spreading Largesse Throughout Caribbean  1/23/2003 Black World Today: "For the second time in two years, the Chinese Government has sent a high-level delegation on a swing through the English-speaking Caribbean, writing off unpaid loans, dishing out small grants and looking for investments, for both its state and growing private sector. The 39-person delegation is headed by Madame Wu Yi, one of the highest-ranking state councillors in Beijing and includes Vice-Minister for Trade and International Cooperation, Madame Ma Xiahong, and businessmen from private and public sector corporations. With the Cold War over and the United States distracted by its anti-terrorism war, Iraq and North Korea, China looks to be moving to increase its influence in the region. The month-long trip that started in Suriname on the South American mainland, is due to end in Jamaica this week and will include stops at the eight countries in the Caribbean Community that recognise mainland China, rather than the Republic of China (ROC) or Taiwan, a province that Beijing regards as a renegade state."

Cuba, China Sign Cooperation Accord  1/16/2003 People's Daily, China: "Chinese and Cuban firms also signed contracts on China's purchase of Cuban nickel and sugar, and a letter of intention on Chinese investment in Cuba."

Havana's Chinatown ushers in the new year  2/17/2002 Sun Sentinel: Barrio Chino - the Chinese Communist Party headquarters are in a restaurant.

Bill Gates Pledges Full Support for China's Software Industry  10/19/2001 People's Daily 


China’s Growing Influence in Latin America  4/12/2022 Council on Foreign Relations: Backgrounder


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