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Carl Gustav JungCarl Gustav Jung

Las ideas de Jung ofrecen una manera interesante de acercarse a las realidades psicológicas complejas de Cuba, con su extraordinaria riqueza en la vida espiritual. Muchas de las ideas de Jung han sido y están desarrollado alrededor del mundo clásico de hace mas de dos milenios atras. Cuba representa una oportunidad para desarrollar esas ideas en un contexto en que las relaciones con los dioses están vivas hoy en dia.

Vease su obra bajo forma electronica, gratis.

En Cuba, el poeta José Lezama Lima y los artistas Wilfredo Lam, Yoan Capote, y Gertrudis Rivalta  han sido influenciados por Jung. El psycólogo Mario Colli, anterioramente del Departamento de Psicología del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana, utilisó las ideas de Jung enfrentando la realidad cubana, y esta ahora en la Universidad del Valle, Guatemala, que tiene su CV.

Jung's ideas offer an interesting approach to the complex psychological realities in Cuba, with its extraordinary richness in spiritual life. Many Jungian ideas have been and are developed around the classical world of over two millenia ago. Cuba represents an opportunity to develop those ideas in a context where relations to the gods and the divine are alive today.

See below for his works in electronic format, free.

In Cuba, the poet José Lezama Lima and the artists Wilfredo Lam, Yoan Capote, and Gertrudis Rivalta have been influenced by Jung. Psychologist Mario Colli, formerly of the Department of Psychology at Havana Psychiatric Hospital, applied Jung's ideas to Cuban realities and is now at the Universidad del Valle, Guatemala, which has his CV.

Links/Enlaces top

Psicoterapia Intercultural con los espiritistas y practicantes de religiones de origen africano: los aportes de la Psicología Transpersonal, la Etnopsiquiatría, y la Antropología Cultural para su práctica, por Mario Colli

e-biblioteca de Carl Jung - hay dos paginas de libros aqui. Para descargar los libros, hay que andar un poco mas bajo en la pagina por cada libro y pulsar sobre el botón "descargar"

Recuerdos Sueños Pensamientos, la autobriografia de Jung: hay que andar un poco mas bajo en la pagina por cada libro y pulsar sobre el botón "descargar"

Memories, Dreams Reflections

Psychological Types (1946 translation) (click on PDF icon)


Culture Complex


Blinded by whiteness: Racism as a complex of European American cultural psyche

Africa & Diaspora

African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows

Sabina Spielrein

Sex, Lies and Letters: A Sample of Significant Deceptions in the Freud/Jung Relationship

Making of Soul: Sabina Spielrein and C. G. Jung



Jung Center trips to Cuba

Cuba: Myths, Music & Magic: trip organized through the New York Center for Jungian Studies, Jan 4-11, 2014.

This may be an annual event as it was also organized under the title Cuba January 2016: Myth, Music, and Spirit




YOAN CAPOTE Collective Unconscious  7/13/2015 The Brooklyn Rail: "The Cuban artist Yoan Capote is an embodiment of the archetypal Hephaestus, the Olympian god of the hammer and forge, so undervalued in today’s art making. Capote builds much of his work using classical sculptural techniques, and represents the best of a Communist worker tradition. Capote is part of the revolution’s second generation. His father, Jesús, is a mechanic who helped make Apertura (2014 – 2015), a pair of hand-filed scissors in the shape of Florida and Cuba. Jesús Capote was part of a generation that was sacrificed to the revolution, while Yoan’s free education has allowed him to learn techniques like lost-wax casting, clay modeling, and drawing, and to build on his father’s legacy of craftsmanship. Capote is a diarist of Cuba’s psychological condition and uses his sculptural skills to describe Cuba’s complex revolutionary history."

Exhibition Close-Up: Yoan Capote, Collective Unconscious  6/8/2015 Cuban Art News: "While his perspective is Cuban, Capote’s influences are international. He decided to title the show Collective Unconscious—a term coined by Carl Jung to describe a part of the mind shared by all human beings—as a tribute to the Swiss psychologist. “I was very influenced by Carl Jung, after I started to investigate his writings,” Capote told the group. “I found a lot of inspiration in his texts.”


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