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Contacting Hot Sugar

Azucar Caliente ~ "Hot Sugar"
Varadero, Cuba

The musical group Azucar Caliente, "Hot Sugar," was founded in 1994 and is made up of young musicians, graduates from the school of arts in Cuba. Hot Sugar is characterized by its professionalism, vistuosity, and talent.

The repertory is based on popular dance music of all types and all times, including salsa, rock and roll, reggae, soca, merengue, cha cha cha, boleros, funk, and a strong does of jazz and latin jazz for occasional concerts.

The group also has space in its repertory for its own creations, some of which are in a recent promotional video.

The group has developed its work in various nightclubs in Cuba and abroad such as:

the Sea King salsa club in Toronto, Canada
various clubs in Varadero, Cuba
the Super Club hotel chain, Jamaica
Sol Melia hotels, Spain and abroad

TV Appearances

Gilles Comeau show, St Gabriel de Brando, Quebec, Canada
Mi Salsa, Television Cubana

They have also appeared at various other clubs, radio shows, and television shows in Cuba and Canada and have put on concerts in Cuba and Canada.

The group is made up of the following musicians:

  1. Luis Alberto Ballestero Suarez Drum set
  2. Joel Ignacio Beltran Cantero Piano
  3. Edgar Haedo Portales Keyboard
  4. Misael Caballerto Albarado Guitarist
  5. Leonardo Lopez Espinosa Base
  6. Joel Granda Sanchez Lead singer
  7. Tomas Ricardo de la Portilla Sound engineer

Carlos "Charley" Augusto Torres Rivera is the group's representative

Contacting Azucar Caliente

Charley Torres: 53.5.69209

Within Cuba: 61.9209

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