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Anti-jewish trends in the US


Peter Beinart: The Israel Lobby Is Spending Millions to Defeat Progressive Democrats in Primary Races  7/19/2022 Democracy Now: "So, there’s a group called Mainstream Democrats. If you look at their website, it says nothing about Israel-Palestine whatsoever. It just says it doesn’t want the Democratic Party to be taken over by far-left groups. But Mainstream Democrats is actually run by Democratic Majority for Israel. So what you see is this very, very close alliance. They work out of the same offices with the same staff, so, essentially, this extremely close relationship between groups that want to defeat progressives because they support Palestinian rights, and groups that just want to defeat progressives because they essentially want the Democratic Party to be dominated by people like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who will do the bidding of the fossil fuel industry, the healthcare industry, the financial services industry."

Jewish community reacts to Neo-Nazi rallies across Central Florida  1/31/2022 Fox Orlando: "Members of the Jewish community are reacting to the Nazi demonstrators rallying across Central Florida over the weekend. These are photos of what Robyn Laub witnessed firsthand as she was driving near the Waterford Lakes Shopping Center Saturday. They show demonstrators, waving flags with swastikas and carrying signs that read, "The Jews are behind it all." "

De ‘Occupy’ a la ocupación: La israelización de la seguridad interior en EEUU  6/20/2020 Grey Zone: "Además de la JINSA, la Liga Antidifamación (ADL) se ha posicionado como un importante enlace entre las fuerzas policiales americanas y el aparato de seguridad-inteligencia israelí. Aunque la ADL se presenta como un grupo judío de derechos civiles, había provocado controversia al publicar una lista negra de organizaciones que apoyan los derechos de los palestinos, y por condenar una propuesta de construir un centro comunitario islámico en el centro de Nueva York, a varias cuadras de la Zona Cero, sobre la base de que algunos opositores al proyecto tenían derecho a “posiciones que otros calificarían de irracionales o intolerantes”. A través del curso de la Escuela de Capacitación Avanzada sobre Amenazas Extremistas y Terroristas de la ADL, más de 700 agentes del orden público de 220 organismos federales y locales, entre ellos el FBI y la CIA, han sido capacitados por la policía y los comandantes de los servicios de inteligencia israelíes. Este año, la ADL llevó a 15 oficiales de alto nivel de la policía estadounidense a Israel para recibir entrenamiento por parte del aparato de seguridad del país."

The police have a white nationalist problem — and have for at least 15 years  6/2/2020 Forward: "Amid the recent rise in anti-Semitism, Jewish community leaders have grown increasingly reliant on local police for protection and security consultation. Some in the Jewish community are calling to reexamine this relationship, citing racism in law enforcement and the discomfort Jews of color might feel around police as a result. Levin, who is Jewish, argued that Jews could leverage the historic relationships with both the police and with African-Americans for the betterment of society. “It gives us a unique opportunity to try to serve as a bridge with many others to address the horrible issue of racism which Jews in particular have a strong moral imperative to address,” he said."

Prepping for a race war: documents reveal inner workings of neo-Nazi group  1/25/2020 Guardian: "According to a recorded conversation provided to the Guardian, the goat had been acquired from a local farmer, christened Gar, and was dismembered and eaten by Base members in an improvised pagan ritual. Many neo-Nazis adhere to forms of pagan religion, some citing the Jewish origins of Christianity."

U.S. Police are Being Trained by Israel—And Communities of Color Are Paying the Price  10/7/2019 The Progressive: "This systematic repression of Palestinians by Israel warrants the U.S. public’s refusal to accept such training programs for their police departments. Racism and violence are endemic problems to police departments around the country, and the influence of Israeli military police trainings only threatens to exacerbates the problem."

America’s dark history of organized anti-Semitism re-emerges in today’s far-right groups  11/29/2018 The Conversation: "Strong demonstrated that both anti-Semitic sentiment and the number of explicitly anti-Semitic groups increased rapidly during the Depression. Organized anti-Semitism, Strong argued, appeared in the U.S. only after World War I. Previous forms of the prejudice, he claimed, “had expressed itself primarily in terms of social discrimination” rather than through the creation of specifically anti-Semitic groups. In other words, organized anti-Semitism in the United States was a purely 20th-century phenomenon. Strong claimed that between 1933 and 1941, a dozen new anti-Semitic organizations had been founded each year."

Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby  11/6/2018 The Electronic Intifada: "In the first two parts of the censored documentary The Lobby – USA, released by The Electronic Intifada this week, Al Jazeera’s undercover reporter “Tony” charmed his way into pro-Israel circles. He discovered a network of organizations acting as fronts for the Israeli state to spy on, disrupt and sabotage US supporters of Palestinian rights – especially BDS, the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement. In the final two parts of of the film, Tony gets a deeper look at Israel’s covert influence campaigns during his internship for The Israel Project."

Watch the film the Israel lobby didn’t want you to see  11/2/2018 The Electronic Intifada: "The Electronic Intifada has obtained a complete copy of The Lobby – USA, a four-part undercover investigation by Al Jazeera into Israel’s covert influence campaign in the United States. It is today publishing the first two episodes. The Paris-based Orient XXI has published the same episodes with French subtitles."

Out of Our Silos: To Defeat Anti-Semitism, Jews Must Unite With Others Targeted by White Supremacy  10/29/2018 In These Times: "Knowing and understanding how antisemitism works inside the ugly beast of white nationalism and rising fascism we face today helps me with my fear, with my anger, with my desire to hide. It helps me see how the struggles I face are bound up in the struggles of so many others. It helps me knock doors in this election. It helps me see echoes of my children’s faces in the faces of the little ones carried by their parents as they walk north in their caravan from Honduras. It allows me to reflect on the many times when Jews have found their liberation in the active solidarity of other oppressed communities."

Censored documentary exposes Israel’s attack on Black Lives Matter  9/18/2018 Monthly Review: "Exclusive footage from the censored Al Jazeera documentary, “The Lobby–USA,” shows Israeli government officials taking credit for attacks on Black Lives Matter and reveals an Israel lobbyist explaining how his organization shut down a BLM fundraiser When the Movement for Black Lives released a platform in August 2016 that supported the BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) movement and identified Israel as an apartheid state engaged in a project of genocide against Palestinians, the Israeli government snapped into action."

Anti-Semitic Incidents See Largest Single-Year Increase On Record, Audit Finds  2/27/2018 NPR: "The Anti-Defamation League has identified 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents in its 2017 Audit of Anti-Semitic Incidents. That's up from 1,267 in 2016, marking the highest single-year increase since the organization released its first audit in 1979. The annual audit tracks incidents of vandalism, harassment or assault reported to the ADL by law enforcement, media and victims. All reported incidents are assessed by ADL staff members for credibility by seeking independent verification."

Holocaust-Denying Former American Nazi Party Leader Running Unopposed in Illinois GOP Primary  2/4/2018 Alternet: "This is not hyperbole. Arthur Jones is, according to the Chicago Sun-Times, “an outspoken Holocaust denier, activist anti-Semite and white supremacist.” “Well first of all, I’m running for Congress not the chancellor of Germany. All right. To me the Holocaust is what I said it is: It’s an international extortion racket,” Jones said to the publication. The hateful candidate told press that his current America First Committee group's membership "is open to any white American citizen of European, non-Jewish descent.”"

A Convicted Domestic Terrorist Was at the Charlottesville Nazi March  8/15/2017 War is Boring: "At least one man who attended the Aug. 11, 2017 white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, is a convicted domestic terrorist. Michael Tubbs, currently the chairman of the Florida League of the South, spent four years in prison after stealing military equipment and plotting to bomb black- and Jewish-owned businesses in Jacksonville, Florida."

Skin in the Game: How Antisemitism Animates White Nationalism  6/29/2017 Political Research Associates: "Within social and economic justice movements committed to equality, we have not yet collectively come to terms with the centrality of antisemitism to White nationalist ideology, and until we do we will fail to understand this virulent form of racism rapidly growing in the U.S. today."

Keith Ellison’s supporters say Israel attacks helped sink his DNC bid  2/26/2017 Vox: "“Oh, absolutely it hurt him — it’s what they used against him,” said Jean Ross, of National Nurses United, when asked about the accusations that Ellison was anti-Israel or anti-Semitic. “Certainly, many states’ [DNC] voters heard rumors about him being anti-Semitic, even though he was solidly endorsed by the Jewish community.”

Dream Defenders Speak Out Against Pro-Israel Groups Who Condemned M4BL  8/9/2016 Davey D's: "On Monday, the Dream Defenders along with 50 other organizations, representing hundreds of Black people across the country launched A Vision for Black Lives, an agenda that clearly defines policies, organizing tactics and resources to advance Black liberation. The platform included a call for the US government to divest from military expenditures and US aid to the State of Israel and instead, invest this war-making money towards building infrastructure to support Black and Brown communities in the US. Since our launch, some Zionist organizations have condemned the platform and have announced that they will cut all ties with the Movement for Black Live, going so far as to label some in the BLM movement anti-semitic."

Matory To Join Duke Faculty  9/16/2008 Harvard Crimson: "Anthropology professor J. Lorand Matory ’82, a leading scholar on the African diaspora who is known for his strong criticisms of Israel and his opposition to former University President Lawrence H. Summers, will leave Harvard next fall to chair Duke’s African and African-American studies department. Matory said that Harvard did not respond to Duke’s offer with a comparable position or salary."

Freedom Rider: Congressional Black Caucus Target of Pro-Israel Lobby  12/18/2003 Black Commentator: "The Baltimore Sun reported that the Cummings endorsement was in jeopardy because leaders of Baltimore’s Jewish community were concerned about Dean’s commitment to Israel. Dean made headlines in September when he said that the United States should be “even handed” in dealing with Israel and the Palestinians. One would have thought from the response that Dean had expressed love for suicide bombers. It didn’t seem to help that Dean’s wife is Jewish and that his national campaign co-chairman, Steve Grossman, was formerly president of the American Israeli Political Action Committee (AIPAC). Anyone who steps outside of pro-Israeli orthodoxy gets the cold shoulder, even if his credentials are otherwise acceptable."

Christian Coalition Boosts Israel  10/24/2002 CounterPunch 

Toward Black-Jewish Relations Outside Of The AIPAC-ADL Construct  6/30/2002 Black Electorate: published 6/19 - "Black-Jewish relations will improve significantly once Black organizations, elected officials and spiritual leaders arrive at a consensus that the Anti-Defamation league (ADL) and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) do not represent all Jewish people. At that point the probability of a frank dialogue, between the two communities in America, free of pre-conditions or litmus tests, becomes higher than ever before."

Feature / U.S. Jews opposing Israel are increasingly vocal  5/17/2002 Haaretz, Israel: "On the fringes of the pro-Israel solidarity marches, the fund-raising events in support of Israel's military efforts, and American Jews' solidarity missions to Israel, several U.S.-Jewish groups have started to make their voices heard. Far from echoing the line that America's Jewish communities have been espousing, these new voices are critical of Israeli operations in the territories, and are calling for an end to the occupation and respect for Palestinian rights."

108 Rabbis-to-Be Sign in Sympathy With Palestinians  5/16/2002 NY Observer: "Ms. Weintraub said she felt physically threatened. Then one of the men surrounding her recognized the dynamics of the confrontation—which was being taped, after all—and said, "We’re empowering her." And the group backed away. For the rabbinical students, that was the revelation of the rally. Rather than being intimidated by displays of right-wing solidarity, they felt galvanized. They came back to New York with a strong sense that they had done the right thing, and that they have a voice in their community. There had been 50 rabbinical students at the Washington rally. Ten days later, they sent off their letter calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state, and a recognition of Palestinian suffering, to the heads of Jewish organizations, and it was signed by 108 people. That list includes a quarter of the rabbinical students at the Jewish Theological Seminary (though none from the Orthodox Yeshiva University). "

JEWISH EXTREMISTS THREATEN JEWS TOO  12/17/2001 Pacific News: "The editor of the Jewish bi-monthly Tikkun in San Francisco says he is not surprised at the Jewish Defense League's alleged plan to destroy a Los Angeles mosque. "Tikkun and I have received death threats from right-wing Jews because of our support of Palestinian rights," says Michael Lerner. "There are people who identify themselves as supporters of Israel who have a web site that lists my home address and phone number. It lists me with five, so-called 'leading, self-hating Jews,' including Noam Chomsky and Woody Allen." There is never just one point of view in "the Jewish world," according to Lerner, who adds that recent polls estimate from 25 to 45 percent of American Jews disagree with Israel's stance on the rights of Palestinians."




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