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  Mala Lengua

The Program in Comparative American Cultures presents:

Afrocuba Week, March 26th-29th
Johns Hopkin University
Baltimore, M

Schedule of Events:

Monday, March 26th:

Michael Chanan
Principal Lecturer in Cultural and Media Studies University of the West of England

5:15 PM  A lecture on "Cuba and Civil Society" 

5:30 PM  Panel discussion with Gloria Rolando and Pedro Pérez Sarduy
AMR1 Multipurpose Room

Tuesday, March 27th:

Gloria Rolando

6:00 p.m. A screening of her film: "Oggun: An Eternal Presence"
Krieger 304

7:00 p.m. AMR1 Multipurpose room
A presentation of her new film:
"Raíces de mi corazon" ("Roots of my Heart," on the 1912 genocide of the Independents of Color - in Spanish), followed by discussion of her films with Pedro Pérez Sarduy, Gilberto Martinez and Michael Chanan

Wednesday, March 28th

Pedro Pérez Sarduy

Writer and Poet
6:00 PM  A Multimedia Presentation on Afrocuban Culture "From the Bottom of my Roots"
Krieger 205

Thursday, March 29th

4:00 Poetry Reading by Pedro Pérez Sarduy
Room 162 Mattin Center

Listen to the Marc Steiner Show on Tuesday, March 27th at 1:00 p.m. for an interview with Gloria Rolando and Pedro Pérez Sarduy

All events are at Johns Hopkins University Homewood Campus: 3400 North  Charles St., Baltimore, MD. For directions and parking information visit or call the Program in Comparative American Cultures: (410) 516-3322. Further information on the participants can be found at

A poster for the events is accessible at

Generously co-sponsored by:

The Hewlett Foundation . Institute for Global Studies in Culture, Power, and History . Cuba Exchange Program . Program in Latin American Studies . Film and Media Studies


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