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  Mala Lengua
31st Annual Meeting

Association of Caribbean Historians

The ACH is holding their 31st annual meeting in Havana, 11-17 April 1999.


Tentative Program 31st Annual Conference ACH

The 31st conference of the Association of Caribbean Historians is scheduled for 11-17 April 1999 in Havana, Cuba. The venue of the conference will be the Hotel Habana Libre, where delegates will ba accommodated. Registration for the conference will be restricted to ACH members is good financial standing. There will be three broad themes for the 1999 conference as follows:

  • New directions in Caribbean historiography: theory, historiography, methods
  • Caribbean connections: ideologies and peoples
  • Caribbean identities

A tentative program follows:

Sunday, April 11

1:00 ­ 5:00 PM Registration

Monday, April 12

9:00 ­ 12:00 Registration

9:30 ­ 12:00 Opening (Aula Magna, Universidad de la Habana)

12:00 ­ 1:00 PM Lunch

Theme I: New directions in Caribbean Historiography

1:00 ­ 2:30 Panel 1 "Riots, Resistance and Rebellion in the Post-Emancipation Caribbean"
Chair: Woodville Marshall

Gad Heuman, "Riots and Resistance at the Moment of Full Freedom in the Anglophone Caribbean"

Mimi Sheller, "The Army of Sufferers: Black Publics and Peasant Rebellion in Post-revolutionary Haiti"

Juanita de Barros, "Festive Riots and the Battle over Discourse in Colonial Georgetown"

Lawrence C. Jennings, "Humanitarianism versus Slave Resistance: The Second French Slave Emancipation, 1848"

2:30 ­ 2:45 Break

2:45 ­ 4:15 Panel 2 "Women’s lives in the 18th and 19th Century Caribbean"
Chair: Bridget Brereton

Patricia Mohammed, "‘But most of all me like mi browning’: The Emergence in 18th and 19th Century Jamaica of the Mulatto Woman as Desired"

Linda Sturtz, "The Eighteenth Century ‘Bokcorah Woman’ in Jamaica"

Kimberly Hanger, "A Precarious Freedom in Spanish Trinidad: The Case of Margarita Marizo and Others Who Walked the Thin Line Between Slavery and Freedom"

Rosemary Brana-Shute, "Liberating Women in Late 18th and Early 19th Century Suriname"

Tuesday, April 13

9:00 ­ 10:30 Panel 3 "The Historiography of Marronage and Abolitionism in the French Caribbean"
Chair: Danielle Bégot

Gerard Lafleur, "Vie et conditions des esclaves de Basse-Terre et sa region vues par Max-Alexandre Fourniol"

Christian Bouchet, "Analyses de l’esclavage antique dans les années 1840"

Silvie Meslien, "Historiographie de l’étude comparative de l’esclavage dans les Petites Antilles Anglaises et Françaises du XVIIe siècle"

Jocelyn Jacquot, "Historiographie du Marronage a la Martinique: de l’objet de polemique au sujet d’étude"

10:30 ­ 11:00 Coffee Break

Theme II: Caribbean Connections: Ideologies and Peoples

11:00 ­ 12:30 Panel 4 "Catholicism and Colonization in the Caribbean: Race, Class and Gender in the French West Indies, Louisiana and Cuba"
Chair: Jerome Handler

Emily Clark and Ginger Gould, "The Feminine Face of Afro-Catholicism in Louisiana, 1727-1862"

Liliane Chaleau, "The Evangelization of Slaves in the French West Indies"

Jay Clune, "Nuestra Señora de Santa Clara: The Influence of Racism and Sexism on Eighteenth Century Reform in Havana"

LeGrace Benson, "History in Haiti: Religious Fervor/Illuminations of the Stories They Tell"

Ann Twinam, "The Church, the State, and the Abandoned: Expósitos in 18th-century Havana"

12:30 ­ 1:30 Lunch

1:30 ­ 3:00 Panel 5 "Cigar Connections: Commodity, Mobility and Ideology"
Chair: Jacques Adelaïde

Jean Stubbs, "Sovereignty and Identity: Struggle and Reconciliation in Havana Cigar History, 1868-1998"

Juan J. Baldrich, "El desarrollo de los sindicatos y la burocratización de las huelgas en la manufactura de tabaco en Puerto Rico, 1892-1927"

Robert Ingalls, "Conflictive Narratives of Bolshevism in Tampa’s Clear Havana Industry, 1917-1937"

Pedro San Miguel, "Tabaco y nación en el Caribe hispano"

3:00 ­ 3:15 Break

3:15 ­ 4:45 Panel 6 "Forty Years of Revolution and Social Change in the Caribbean"
Chair: Tiffany Patterson

William Riviere, "The 1979 Mass Rebellion in Dominica"

Victoria Paisley, "The Social and Cultural Record of the Granadian Revolution"

Cecilia McAlmot, "Reciprocity or What? The Story of Two Decades of Guyana-Cuba Relations"

Kenneth Parmasad, "Marchers on the Margins: Indians and the Black Revolution in Trinidad"

Wednesday, April 14

9:00 ­ 10:30 Panel 7 "Historia social cubana"
Chair: Alejandro García,

Ohilda Hevia, (title pending)

Marial Iglesias, (title pending)

Jeannette Alfonso, (title pending)

Julio César González, (title pending)

10:30 ­ 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 ­ 12:30 Panel 8 "La Habana: formación de una ciudad en el Caribe colonial"
Chair: Fe Iglesias

Carlos Venegas, (title pending)

Arturo Sorhegui, (title pending)

Mercedes García, (title pending)

Pablo Fornet, (title pending)

12:30 ­ 1:30 Lunch

1:30 ­ 3:30 Presentation "The Garifuna Journey" a documentary by Andrea E. Leland and Kathy Berger. Announcement of Elsa Goveia Prize winner

3:30 City tour

Thursday, April 15

9:00 ­ 10:30 Panel 9 "Garveysm in the Spanish Caribbean"
Chair: Robert Hill

Humberto García Muñiz, "Garveysm in the Dominican Republic during the U. S. Occupation (1916-1924): Migration, Black Identity, Repression and Accommodation"

Marc McLeod, "Garveysm in Cuba during the 1920s: Between Racial Ideology and Ethnic Practice"

Reinaldo Román, "On How the Bomba Defeated Garvey: Race, Color and the State of Civilization in Puerto Rico, (ca. 1922)"

Abraham Smith, "Garveysm in Cuba: Marcus Garvey and the UNIA’s Impact on Afro-Cuban Consciousness"

10:30 ­ 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 ­ 12:30 Panel 10 "Race and Class: the Caribbean in Comparative Perspective"
Chair: Gail Saunders

Aline Helg, "Class, Race and Color in the Making of Early Independent Caribbean Colombia"

Colin Clarke, "Decolonising the Colonial Capital: Kingston, Jamaica, 1940-1991"

David Howard, "Colouring Class: Race and Ethnicity in the Dominican Republic, 1844-1900"

Kelvin Singh, "Race, Class and Ideology in Post-Colonial Trinidad"

12:30 ­ 1:30 Lunch

Theme III: Caribbean Identities

1:30 ­ 3:00 Panel 11 "National Identities, Intellectuals and Culture in Pre-Revolutionary Cuba"
Chair: Roland Ely

Christopher Abel, "Writing History in Cuba, 1898-1958"

Nicola Miller, "‘No puede ser cubano sin ser anti-imperialista’: The Evolution of Anti-Imperialist Thought in Cuba 1898-1958"

Laurie Johnston, "Education, Nationalism and Citizenship in Pre Revolutionary Cuba"

Jorge Ibarra, "Literature and National Identity"

3:00 ­ 3:15 Break

3:15 ­ 4:45 Panel 12 "Cuba 1898-1940: Popular Participation, State-Formation and National Identities"
Chair: Verene Shepherd

Michele Reid, "The Role of Immigration Policy in the Shaping of Cuban Identity, 1900-1940"

Curtis Martin, "The Cuban Peasantry and Nationalist Discourse, 1920 ­ 1930s"

Barry Carr, "Forms of Worker Resistance and the Labor Process in Cuban Sugar, 1915-1935"

Gillian McGillivray "Popular Participation in the Cuban machadato, 1927 ­ 1934"

Friday, April 16

9:00 ­ 10:30 Panel 13 "Marriage Strategies and the Forging of Identities in the Latin Caribbean"

Chair: Digna Castañeda

Sherry Johnson, "Legislation, Love, and Lechery in the Caribbean: A Tale of Three Cities, 1763-1808"

Anne Meyering, "Planter’s Daughters, Noble’s Sons: Marriage and Social Ambitions in Guadeloupe in 1790"

Paul Lachance, "Marriage and Property in Antebellum New Orleans, 1800-1860"

Luis Martínez-Fernández, "Marriage and Religious Conflict in Nineteenth-Century Cuba and Puerto Rico"

10:30 ­ 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 ­ 12:30 Panel 14 "Workers and the State: Pre- and Post-Emancipation Relations"
Chair: Richard Blackett

Mary Turner, "Modernizing Slavery: Labour Bargaining and the Law"

Diana Paton, "Planters, Magistrates, and Apprentices: State Formation and Labour Discipline during Apprenticeship Jamaica"

Julie Greene, "Race, Empire, and State Formation: Workers’ Agency in the Construction of the Panama Canal, 1904-1914"

Glen Richards, "Labor Organizations and Colonial States: The Leeward Islands, 1897 ­ 1922"

12:30 ­ 2:00 Lunch

2:00 ­ 3:30 Annual General Meeting of the ACH

3:30 ­ 4:30 Meeting of new Executive Committee

7:00 Closing Reception


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Registration for the conference will be restricted to dues-paying ACH members. The registration fee will be US$60.00. Members who have not yet paid their registration fee, must do so in Cuba. NOTE: Only US$ cash will be accepted, no travelers’ checks, personal checks or credit cards. Payment of the registration fee will entitle participants to a set of conference papers and invitations to all official conference activities. ACH dues (in US cash or travelers’ checks) will also be collected at the registration venue. Paper-givers should ensure that they are not in arrears.


Delegates attending the 31st annual ACH conference are encouraged to lodge at the Habana Libre. This will ensure a better rate for the use of the hotel’s conference facilities. Rates for the Habana Libre (per night) follow:

Single room with breakfast $US 68.00

Single room with breakfast and dinner $US 89.00

Double room with breakfast $US 96.00

Double room with breakfast and dinner $US 138.00

Delegates must make arrangements directly to the hotel on or before March 1st, 1999. Make reference to "Conferencia Historiadores del Caribe" on the reservation request. The reservation request should be directed to Sr. Juan Carlos González and specify type of room desired and CP (breakfast) or MAP (breakfast and dinner) and length of stay. If two parties are to occupy one room, please include both names in the reservation request. Reservation requests should be sent to the following FAX: (537) 33-3804.


The Local Organizing Committee has made arrangements with MERCADU-UH for those delegates that wish to stay in other nearby three star hotels: the Vedado, St. John and Colina Hotels. Rates for seven nights in these hotels are as follows:

Single room with breakfast $US 304.00

Single room with breakfast and dinner $US 386.00

Double room with breakfast $US 231.00 (per person)

Double room with breakfast and dinner $US 311.00 (per person)

Please contact Sra. Isabel Milán at MERCADU-UH for reservations. The reservation request should include the name of the hotel, the type of room requested and CP (breakfast) or MAP (breakfast and dinner), length of stay and reference "Conferencia Historiadores del Caribe". If two parties are to occupy one room, please include both names in the reservation request.

Reservation requests should be sent to the following FAX on or before March 1st: (537) 33-5842 or 33-5774.

Delegates may also choose the Villa Universitaria. This is somewhat distant from the conference venue:

Single room with breakfast $US 290.00
Single room with breakfast and dinner $US 327.00
Double room with breakfast $US 215.00 (per person)
Double room with breakfast and dinner $US 253.00 (per person)

For reservations at the Villa Universitaria contact Oscar Zanetti at: FAX (537) 61-3545 or e-mail

Hotel rates are subject to change and include transportation to and from the airport, except in the case of the Habana Libre and the Villa Universitaria.

Delagates staying in the Habana Libre or the Villa Universitaria will have to use the taxi service from the airport. Please take note that payment is exclusively in $US cash, no credit cards or travelers’ checks accepted, excepting Visa and Master cards or travelers’ checks from NON-USA banks .

For the benefit of the Local Organizing Committee, a pre-registration form is attached to the Bulletin. It should be completed by all who intend to attend the conference and be sent to Oscar Zanetti NO LATER THAN 1ST March 1999 at FAX (537) 61-3545 or e-mail You should send in the pre-registration form even if you are making your own local arrangements for the conference; for the LOC needs a complete list of all conference participants.


Delegates staying at the Habana Libre or the Villa Universitaria will have to secure taxi service at the airport to reach the hotel. Delegates staying at the other three star hotels will be picked-up at the airport.


You must have a valid passport, a return ticket, and a visa where applicable. Members who are US citizens or residents living in the US or its territories must obtain a license from the US Treasury Department for travel to Cuba. A tourist visa may be purchased at the airport. The conference is in the official list of scientific activities so there should be no mayor problems in entering Cuba. However, the LOC highly recommends that ACH members living in countries with a Cuban embassy consult with the embassy about visa requirements.


Delegates coming from the USA will have to pay your hotel bill in $US cash, since no travelers’ checks or credit cards can be accepted. Delegates coming from other countries may use credit cards (VISA, Mastercard) or travelers’ checks just as long as they are not from US banks.


Travel with comfortable summer clothes. Casual dress will be appropriate for day sessions and casually elegant dress for social events or official receptions. Bring appropriate clothing for at least two official receptions. The conference room will be air-conditioned so participants may wish to bring along a sweater or jacket.


A tour of the city of Havana has been organized by the LOC (see Tentative Program). More information about the tour and its cost will be available at the conference.


You will receive further information about conference arrangements and program from the local secretariat on registration.

I hope this is of some use.

Best regards,

Juan R. González Mendoza
ACH Secretary-Treasurer
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico
Department of Social Sciences
BOX 5100
San German PR 00683
FAX (787) 892-6350



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