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  Mala Lengua


Igbo and Abakua

The Abakwa societies of the Cross River Delta are sometimes thought of as being ethically related to Efik and Efo only. In fact, the men's and the women's societies there included many people from other ethnicities, such as the Igbo.


Nigerian Census: Igbo group protests exclusion of religion, ethnicity, 5/29/05

Vanguard, Nigeria

THE anticipated exclusion of ethnicity and religion from the National Population Census has continued to draw the ire of Ndigbo. As the report remains unrefuted by the National Census Commission, Ndigbo living in Nigeria and in diaspora, have opposed the exercise while condemning the intention in its entirety.

The media has alleged that the issues of ethnicity and religion would be downplayed in the population census data.

Deploring the move, a group operating under the aegis of Igbo Canadian Association, Canada, Toronto branch, views this as further marginalisation of the South-East in the scheme of things in Nigeria.

In a protest against the plan of the NPC, the group stormed the Nigerian High Commission in Ottawa, capital of Canada last Monday, chanting war songs. According to a press statement signed by the scribe of the group, Mr. Chris Nsoedo, the protest began at about 11 a.m. Nigerian time, and caught the High Commission by surprise. The High Commission and his staff were said to have perched on windows and watched the event unfold with utter shock. The protesters carried placards with emotional messages some of which read: “Nigerian Government has started genocide against the Igbos”.

“FG of Nigeria is intent on the intellectual extermination of the Igbo nation”, “Non-Inclusion of Ethnic group of origin and religion in the up-coming population census is aimed against the Igbos and an assault on Christians.

''The Igbos, the most populated ethnic group in Nigeria are now forced by FG’s marginalisation to flee to all parts of the world”.The group warned that the exclusion of ethnicity and religion is a threat to the unity of Nigeria and provocative.

The High Commissioner pleaded with them , stating that he would carry their message to the Federal Government. Policemen were on hand to ensure that the protest was peaceful,the statement read.




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