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  Mala Lengua
Alexis Esquivel

Curriculum Vitae

The Threshold: a proposal

The Threshold: a Gallery

ObsessionThe Threshold
Alexis Esquivel

The Threshold is a proposed one person show with Alexis Esquivel.



Artist: Alexis Esquivel, 2000.

From outside, uneasy souls observe the threshold. Inside, anxious souls stand watch. Only the damned side penetrates the door. Only the damned side challenges the threshold.

The exhibit consists of three installations:

thresholdx.jpg (11877 bytes)THE THRESHOLD, 1990-2000, consists of a large quantity of white disposable plastic plates in which crecidos de Maíz (grains of corn) have been planted. They are spread about the floor of the selected space so as to form, in perspective, a carpet of plates of maíz crecido (corn shoots), at the far end of which there is a TV monitor on the floor as well. The monitor is connected to a video camera aimed at the feet of visitors to the exhibit, who, when they pass through the threshold, invited by the circumstances, crush the religious offerings under their feet.

2000, is a wooden construction in the form of a miniature house, scaled to the size of its supposed inhabitant, but lying on its side on the floor so that it more resembles a tomb. The single window allows us to see, on a small television screen, the soap-filled mouth of the inhabitant of the house lying on its side. From this position of confinement, the inhabitant is blowing bubbles and attempting to smile while doing so.

obsessionx.jpg (8022 bytes)OBSESSED WITH GOING BACK, 1999-2000. An old-fashioned wooden shoe last, the memory/memento of those who walked before, is destroyed in the present by a shoemaker with the knife that is the tool of his trade. While an omniscient camera films this moment, someone meticulously collects the slivers of wood and places them in a glass shoe, a woman’s dress shoe which rests upon the monitor displaying the image previously recorded. The monitor serves as lamp and as pedestal in the shadowy site in which all this occurs; its glow is reflected in the surfaces of the glass shoe which sometimes appears to give off its own light.


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