Alexis Esquivel - La Soga Maravillosa

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Soga Soga 2 Alexis by the Soga Lifting the Soga Soga 3

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Alexis Esquivel creats images around the theme of the soga, a kind of rope once used to separate whites from blacks in dances.  He has presented this performance at several exhibits, including Queloides. He describes it as follows:

- "La Soga Maravillosa"  performance

In the begining there was the rope
in the center of the ballroom
a line of hemp
between the dancers
a temporary solution architectural
It limits the body in space
a welers barrier of instinct
barbed of hate
frontier of fear
in the end,an invicible fortification
of mutual ignorance
.....later the cord became so subtle,so magical,
so invisible like the nudity
of the king.

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