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  Mala Lengua

Pionero and Guerrero
Photo: Christine Alonzo, Marseille, courtesy of
Pionero and Guerrero




Amenaza (Menace) was Cuba's leading rap group. A trio, they hail from Havana and were founded in 1995.  They played a big role in the First Havana Rap Festival in 1996.  In '97, they won 1st prize in Cuban rap.  Havana's Pablo Herrera managed them to the point of their signing with a major label. The group, historically important, is now defunct as that record contract, engaged in without Herrera's help, turned out disastrously. The group reformed under the name Orishas.

Their songs talked of racism, identity issues for mulattos, every-day hardships in Cuba today, love between Cubans in the face of a massive influx of tourists and mixed marriages with foreigners, jineteros, money, and other topics.

The style of Amenaza was a mix of traditional AfroCuban rhythms and influences from Reggae, Ragga, Hip-Hop and ... Cuban classical music.

Group members included El Pionero, El Guerrero, and El Ruzzo.

El Pionero is Joel Pando-Heredia
El Guerrero is Yotuel Omar Romero-Manzanare
El Ruzzo is Hiram Riveri-Medina


1999: Band broke up due to bad record contract, reformed as Orisha


[as of 5/25, we have received word this tour may not be happening]

AMENAZA est en dehors de Cuba pour la première fois au travers d’un échange culturel avec Association A.D.H.E.S.I.F. , qui a pour but le développement , la promotion et la production de la musique contemporaine cubaine. AMENAZA sont en France pour rencontrer les groupes Hip-Hop et la scène du Rap Français ... et pour montrer une autre image de Cuba,  entre cigares, rhum et sexe. Voyez

Amenaza is out of Cuba for the first time in a cultural exchange program with ADHESIF, a French association whose goal is the development, promotion, and production of contemporary Cuban music... to show another image of Cuba, other than cigars, rum, and sex. See


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