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  Mala Lengua

Update, 6/3/04

See IFCO News for routes, cities, and other info


15th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba
June - July 2004

Wonder why George W. doesn't want you to know the truth about Cuba?

Find out this summer!

Just ninety miles from our shore, the world watches as the Cuban people persevere despite the food and medicine denied to them in YOUR name. Cuban doctors continue to provide free, quality health care to their own people and to the poor of other nations. The US government says you cant go to Cuba and see things for yourself. We say you should.

Take back your rights!

While intensifying threats against Cuba, the Bush administration has also tried to shut down travel to and from the island, including educational and cultural exchanges. Now is the time to stand up and challenge these immoral and unjust policies.

Stand Up Against Business as Usual !

We live in a climate of unprecedented military aggression. During this election year, politicians seeking votes in Florida will make backroom deals with local powerbrokers in Miami to destablize Cuba and reinstate themselves and their corrupt business interests.

Make your voice heard! Stand in solidarity!

There has never been a more important time to challenge US foreign policy. Join us for the 15th US/Cuba Friendshipment Caravan to challenge the U.S. governments immoral blockade against Cuba. Be a host or a caravanista, sponsor a vehicle or donate aid. Discover what George W. doesn't want you to see. 

For more information please contact us at or call 212-926-5757.

JOIN US for the 15th Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba!!

June 20th- Caravan routes begin in Canada and travel through the US

July 4th-8th - Orientation in Texas and border crossing

July 9th-18th - Program in Cuba and return to US border

July 19th - Reverse challenge crossing 9th

"Let us not love in word: but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:18

IFCO/Pastors for Peace
402 W 145th Street, New York, NY 10031
212-926-5757; fax: 212-926-5842; 


Update, 6/3/04

It's not too late!! IFCO/Pastors for Peace is still taking applications to go to Cuba with the 15th US-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan.

Hop on the Caravan leaving from one of 120 cities during the end of June -- or join us in Texas on July 4 for "Reclaim your Independence Day". From there, come across the border into Mexico and onto Cuba for nine glorious and event filled days seeing Cuba! Return to your home, with your own stories -- and be able to understand and explain the truth George Bush doesn't want you to know!

for more info about the caravan:

This week, the Bush administration announced new restrictions on US citizens in traveling to Cuba (including Cuban Americans who want to visit their families). IFCO/Pastors says -- we WILL respond, and CLAIM THE FREEDOM TO TRAVEL and DELIVER humanitarian aid. Check our web site to get more information on why we refuse to even request a license.

reply to this email and we'll send you an application and all the details!

"Let us not love in word: but in deed and in truth." 1 John 3:18

IFCO/Pastors for Peace

402 W 145th Street, New York, NY 10031

212-926-5757; fax: 212-926-5842; web:



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