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Benediccion de instrumentos de repression y muerte
Cura bendice armas asesinas en Bolivia, 12/2019
La supremacia blanca es un motor principal de muchos conflictos sociales, como el de Bolivia, un hecho que a veces provoca negaciones. Ver El odio al indio / Álvaro García Linera  11/17/2019.  La población de Bolivia es de 33% blanca y de 66% indigena y mestiza. Este motor de la supremacia blanca ya funciono cuando los EEUU apoyaron al movimiento separatista anterioramente: El nueve jefe de la embajada habanera Goldberg expulsado de Bolivia por apoyar a un movimiento separatista de supremacistas blancos, 9/2/2018

White supremacy is a major driver of many social conflicts, such as in Bolivia, a fact that some deny. The population of Bolivia is 33% white, 66% indigenous and mestizo. This white supremacy driver was already engaged when the US previously supported the separatist movement: New Havana Embassy chief Goldberg expelled from Bolivia for supporting a white separatist movement, 2/9/18

2019 Elections/Las elecciones de 2019

Más de 68 000 cuentas falsas en Twitter apoyan Golpe de Estado en Bolivia  11/17/2019 Cuba Debate: "Cuando está en pleno desarrollo la violación masiva de la libertad de expresión, tras la censura a los medios bolivianos y la persecución de comunicadores nacionales y extranjeros, el estudio aporta evidencias contundentes sobre el despliegue de tácticas militares a gran escala para inundar de propaganda las redes digitales, que obedecen a una operación estratégica previa al golpe de Estado y que se encuentra en acción."

¿Hubo fraude electoral en Bolivia? Las estadísticas que desmienten a la OEA  11/14/2019 Sputnik: "Un análisis estadístico desmiente la auditoría electoral de la OEA en Bolivia y el supuesto 'salto' en favor de Evo Morales sobre el final del conteo. Elaborado por un centro de estudios con sede en Washington, el informe cuestiona la actuación de la Organización de los Estados Americanos y la existencia de fraude en las elecciones bolivianas."

No Evidence That Bolivian Election Results Were Affected by Irregularities or Fraud, Statistical Analysis Shows  11/8/2019 CEPR: "Statistical analysis of election returns and tally sheets from Bolivia’s October 20 elections shows no evidence that irregularities or fraud affected the official result that gave President Evo Morales a first-round victory, researchers and analysts at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) say. Contrary to a postelection narrative that was supported, without evidence, by the OAS Electoral Observation Mission, statistical analysis shows that it was predictable that Morales would obtain a first-round win, based on the results of the first 83.85 percent of votes in a rapid count that showed Morales leading runner-up Carlos Mesa by less than 10 points."

What Happened in Bolivia’s 2019 Vote Count? The Role of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission  11/6/2019 CEPR: "Clearly, the exact procedure for translating the results at a representative precinct to imputing votes on actual tally sheets has little effect on the simulations. Far more critical to the simulation results is selecting geographies that are as representative as possible to the uncounted tally sheets. By contrast, an assumption that in their entirety the counted votes at the time the quick count paused would be representative of the total vote introduces a bias as soon as we recognize that the counted votes came on average from areas relatively friendly to Mesa. Accounting for geography, it is no surprise that Morales’s margin increased beyond the necessary 10 percentage points."

Análisis de Integridad Electoral - Elecciones Generales en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia  10/20/2019 OAS: "De 176 actas analizadas de la muestra que habían sido escrutadas en Argentina, el 38,07% presentan inconsistencias con el número de ciudadanos que sufragaron. Es decir, las actas reflejan un número mayor de votos que el total en las listas índice. Teniendo en cuenta las proyecciones estadísticas, resulta posible que el candidato Morales haya quedado en primer lugar y el candidato Mesa en segundo. Sin embargo, resulta improbable estadísticamente que Morales haya obtenido el 10% de diferencia para evitar una segunda vuelta. Los técnicos de la OEA contaron con la necesaria información y accesos para poder realizar su trabajo."

US backing for the 2019 Coup/Apoyo EEUU por los golpistas de 2019top

‘Cyber Rambo’: US Army vet used Twitter bot to aid Bolivian coup  1/24/2020 Alternet: "As news of the coup spread around the world, thousands of brand new Twitter accounts popped up, purportedly created by Bolivians, to reassure the Anglophone world that there was “no coup.” Though some of the accounts may have been real, researchers quickly discovered that many of these accounts were fake. Thousands of accounts posted identical messages reading, in English, “Friends from everywhere, in Bolivia there was no coup.” The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reported last month that thousands of fake Twitter accounts were set up in the days surrounding Morales’ resignation. “The data would show about 68 thousand accounts created, which shared 14 hashtags that would have been shared by 252,090 different accounts, which made 1,048,575 tweets from November 9 to 17,” the agency said, according to a translation of the report. The hashtags were all either anti-Morales or in support of support of Luis Fernando Camacho, the right-wing president of the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz, and Añez’s interim government."

US and OAS help overthrow another government: Behind the coup against Bolivia’s Evo Morales  11/14/2019 Gray Zone: "The United States first began targeting Evo Morales in 2001 — five years before being elected president — when the US embassy in La Paz warned that his political base needed to be weakened. Afterwards, USAID began funding right-wing political parties and “civil society” organizations that would feature heavily in attempts to overthrow President Morales. The first such attempt came in 2008, two years after Morales was first elected president and days after he survived a recall referendum with 67.4% of the vote. On that occasion, coup plotters in eastern Bolivia, a region rich in minerals where the white minority population is concentrated, attempted to secede from the country."

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs  11/13/2019 Grey Zone: "The leaked audio recordings show that former Cochabamba mayor and former presidential candidate Manfred Reyes Villa played a central role in the plot. Reyes happens to be an alumnus of WHINSEC (formerly known as the School of the Americas), who currently resides in the United States. The other four who are introduced or introduce themselves by name in the leaked audio are General Remberto Siles Vasquez (audio 12); Colonel Julio César Maldonado Leoni (audio 8 and 9); Colonel Oscar Pacello Aguirre (audio 14), and Colonel Teobaldo Cardozo Guevara (audio 10). All four of these ex-military officials attended the SOA. Cardozo Guevara, in particular, boasts about his connections amongst active officers. The identities of these individuals are confirmed by cross-checking the data of the School of Americas Watch lists of alumni with Facebook and local Bolivian news articles and the leaked audio recordings."

Bolivia: audios leaked from opposition leaders calling for a coup against Evo Morales  11/10/2019 EN 24: "A series of 16 audios in which opposition leaders call for a coup against the newly re-elected president Evo Morales were leaked through various social platforms. Local media point out that the destabilizing plan would have been coordinated by the United States Embassy in Bolivia prior to the elections and cites US senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who are said to have direct contact with the Bolivian opposition in the strategy to overthrow Morales. The plan focuses on the fact that if Evo Morales won the elections on October 20, a civil-military transition government would be established. The new government would allege fraud in the electoral process and would not recognize Morales' electoral victory."

Bolivia: filtran audios de líderes opositores llamando a un golpe de estado contra Evo Morales  11/9/2019 El Periodico, Costa Rica: "Una serie de 16 audios en los cuales líderes de oposición llaman a un golpe de estado contra el recién reelecto presidente Evo Morales fueron filtrados a través de varias plataformas. Los audios, enviados también a El el pasado 9 de octubre dan fe de varias reuniones sostenidas por líderes opositores para llevar a cabo un plan de desestabilización en Bolivia. Una fuente que prefirió mantenerse en el anonimato indicó a este medio que el plan se habría coordinado con el apoyo de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Bolivia y en varias reuniones previo a los comicios. En los audios se cita a los senadores norteamericanos Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio, a quienes se señala de tener contacto directo con la oposición boliviana en la estrategia para derrocar a Morales."

USAID’s Silent Invasion in Bolivia  5/18/2009 Upside Down World: "USAID’s work in Bolivia is not just oriented towards strengthening the opposition to Evo Morales and promoting separatism, but also involves attempts to penetrate and infiltrate indigenous communities, seeking out new actors to promote Washington’s agenda that have an image more representative of the Bolivian indigenous majority. One declassified document clearly outlines the necessity to give “more support to USAID and Embassy indigenous interns to build and consolidate a network of graduates who advocate for the US Government in key areas.” The document further discusses the need to “strengthen democratic citizenship and local economic development for Bolivia’s most vulnerable indigenous groups.” Per USAID, “this program shows that no one country or government has a monopoly on helping the indigenous. The program shows that the US is a friend to Bolivia and the indigenous"


8 Killed, Dozens Injured As Bolivian Police Open Fire
On Evo Morales Supporters, 11/18/2019

‘We Will Coup Whoever We Want’: Elon Musk and the Overthrow of Democracy in Bolivia  7/29/2020 Counterpunch: "On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second U.S. “government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people.” Someone responded to Musk soon after, “You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.” Musk then wrote: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”"

The U.S.-Supported Coup in Bolivia Continues to Produce Repression and Tyranny, While Revealing How U.S. Media Propaganda Works  7/23/2020 The Intercept: "What makes the coup in Bolivia and its aftermath so worthwhile to explore is not just the inherent importance of Bolivia itself: a country of 11 million people with a rich and unique ethnic, cultural and religious diversity, as well as an ample supply of the now-vital resource of lithium. It is also instructive because of how U.S. discourse evolved in support of the coup, with supposed “foreign policy experts” across the political spectrum — The Atlantic’s Yascha Mounk, Mother Jones’ Editor-in-Chief Clara Jeffery, former Obama official and Stanford Professor Michael McFaul, along with the Economist, the New York Times, and the Washington Post — spouting outright falsehoods to depict the destruction of Bolivian democracy as the salvation of it."

Bolivia Uses Traditional Medicine to Combat Covid-19  4/24/2020 Bloomberg: "Enter a steam room with mixed herbs."

Bolivia on the Verge of a Social Explosion Against the Pandemic and the Government  4/5/2020 Orinoco Tribune: "Beni is the department where Jeanine Áñez was born and where she had important political support in the past, but it had begun to break down some time ago and with the arrival of the pandemic, it became more pronounced with no turning back. Another woman said “I have my son who is three years old and he tells me that he wants to eat but I cannot go outside because I am afraid that they will arrest me and if I am arrested who will look after him? I demand that they let me go out and get food for my children because if not they are going to die of hunger, not from the disease.”"

Honoring Pachamama Central to Bolivian Culture  2/8/2020 VOA: "In Bolivia, at least 60 percent of people trace their ancestors to native tribes that lived in the area when Spanish colonizers arrived. Many ethnicities, in both major cities and small villages, believe in Pachamama. Parents teach their children that gratitude for Mother Earth must be a central part of their lives. Many are practicing Catholics who join the customs together."

Rare trees are disappearing as ‘wood pirates’ log Bolivian national parks  1/29/2020 Monga Bay: "Lured by profit, gangs of armed loggers routine infiltrate Madidi and Amboro national parks and harvest mara trees from deep within their forests. They transport the timber down waterways to cities in Bolivia and across the border to Peru. After mara and other trees are cut down, coca crops – from which cocaine is made – are often planted illegally in the new clearings. Spread too thin and threatened with violence, park authorities say they’re powerless to stop the onslaught."

Interim Bolivian Government Taps the Same Lobby Firm Hired to Sell the Coup in Honduras  1/26/2020 the Intercept: "As many critics have noted, the cycle bears a striking similarity to the coup d’etat that ousted Honduran President Manuel “Mel” Zelaya a decade ago. The left-wing leader was whisked out of office by the military, only to be replaced with an interim government led by right-wing opposition forces that swiftly consolidated power through a controversial election process. The parallels were apparently not lost on the Bolivia’s new rulers. The Áñez government has retained the services of the same Washington, D.C., consultants hired by the Honduran interim government to build American support."

Bolivia religious debate: The Bible vs Andean earth deity  1/24/2020 AP: "Hoisting a large leather Bible above her head, Bolivia’s new interim president delivered an emphatic message hours after Evo Morales fled under pressure, the end of a nearly 14-year presidency that celebrated the country’s indigenous religious beliefs like never before. “The Bible has returned to the palace,” bellowed Jeanine Añez as she walked amid a horde of allies and news media cameras into the presidential palace where Morales had jettisoned the Bible from official government ceremonies and replaced it with acts honoring the Andean earth deity called the Pachamama. The conservative evangelical senator, from a region where people often scoff at Pachamama beliefs, thrust the Bible above her head and flashed a beaming smile."

‘Cyber Rambo’: US Army vet used Twitter bot to aid Bolivian coup  1/24/2020 Alternet: "As news of the coup spread around the world, thousands of brand new Twitter accounts popped up, purportedly created by Bolivians, to reassure the Anglophone world that there was “no coup.” Though some of the accounts may have been real, researchers quickly discovered that many of these accounts were fake. Thousands of accounts posted identical messages reading, in English, “Friends from everywhere, in Bolivia there was no coup.” The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights reported last month that thousands of fake Twitter accounts were set up in the days surrounding Morales’ resignation. “The data would show about 68 thousand accounts created, which shared 14 hashtags that would have been shared by 252,090 different accounts, which made 1,048,575 tweets from November 9 to 17,” the agency said, according to a translation of the report. The hashtags were all either anti-Morales or in support of support of Luis Fernando Camacho, the right-wing president of the Civic Committee of Santa Cruz, and Añez’s interim government."

Bolivia exiled ex-president Morales calls on radio for armed militias  1/12/2020 Reuters: "He said people have a right to defend themselves if the new government was attacking them. He said he had not meant armed with guns and was referring to citizen defense groups that had always loosely existed. “In Bolivia, if the armed forces are shooting the people, killing the people, the people have the right to organize their security,” he said in the interview with Reuters. “We´re not talking arms, more like slingshots,” he said."

Israeli genocide technicians back in action in Latin America  12/15/2019 Wayne Madsen Report: "One of the first actions of the right-wing Bolivian junta that overthrew democratically-elected President Evo Morales was to resume diplomatic relations with Israel and ask that nation to provide "counter-terrorism" assistance to the regime. In junta parlance, "counter-terrorism" means genocide directed against indigenous peoples and no country does better in that arena than Israel, which has provided "genocide technicians" to a number of past and present right-wing governments in Latin America, including Colombia, Honduras, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Paraguay, Chile, Panama, and Guatemala. In the 1980s, Israeli advisers and equipment, including special surveillance aircraft, helped Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt to carry out the elimination of entire Mayan Indian villages. One million Mayan Indians were affected by the Israeli inspired and supported genocide."

Abstract Leftism Leaves Bolivia and the Global South in Imperialist Crosshairs  12/11/2019 Black Agenda Report: "One has to wonder about the naivete of the US liberal left. Do they really think after centuries of US and Western European domination that the global ruling elite would leave things over to the "agency" of the people? As if they would just stop their own agenda of covert sabotage operations. And what sort of inferiority and superiority complexes are entailed in suggesting that once left in power formerly colonized just do themselves in?"

CURA BENDICE ARMAS ASESINAS EN BOLIVIA  12/8/2019 Juan Antonio Mejia Guerra: "Maldito el pastor que bendice las armas destinadas a matar indígenas, a los pobres, a los negros, a las mujeres, a los jóvenes. Malditos sean cuando se acuestan y cuando se levantan. Malditas sean sus vidas y sus actos. Malditos todos ellos, malditos."

Evo Morales viaja a Cuba y ultima su salida definitiva de México para instalarse en Argentina  12/7/2019 El Pais: "El expresidente de Bolivia Evo Morales estudia su salida definitiva de México, donde ha permanecido como asilado político desde hace casi un mes, después de renunciar a la presidencia de su país tras las presiones populares y de los militares. Morales ha salido este viernes del país con dirección a Cuba y tiene pensado instalarse después en Argentina, una vez que Alberto Fernández tome posesión del cargo, el próximo martes."

Evo Morales heads to Cuba amid talk of an eventual comeback  12/6/2019 Guardian: "López Obrador’s administration had welcomed Morales to Mexico and offered him political asylum. However, García Soto, the Mexican commentator, argued that a lengthy stay in Mexico would have damaged already fragile US-Mexico ties. Advertisement Donald Trump’s White House would not have appreciated seeing Mexico’s government “support, and much less finance, a campaign by the deposed president to retake power in Bolivia”, he argued. “That is why Evo’s presence cannot last too long ... because the more time that passes the more likely it is to become a source of tension between Mexico and the US.” On Friday, Spain’s El País reported that Morales was also unlikely to spend much time in Cuba and instead planned to relocate to Argentina once that country’s new leftist leader, Alberto Fernández, took office next week."

Indians Shall Not Govern  12/4/2019 Counterpunch: "Peru and Bolivia, two of the countries of the Americas with the largest indigenous populations share the same racist attitude among much of their ruling white/mestizo middle classes. The “Indian” is apart, but lower, less worthy, ignorant, too backward to be able to really participate in politics, let alone, rule. This attitude is long standing, strengthend by European positivism in the 18th century and a vile distortion of Darwin’s scientific theory[1] . It is demonstrably prevalent in many works of Latin American literature, such as Facundo, Doña Barbara, La Voragine, in authors from Argentina, Bolivia, Venezuela, Colombia, Chile or Peru. [2] The Argentinian president Sarmiento, rabid anti-Indian put it quite clearly: “Nothing can compare to the extinction of the savage tribes or else to keep them weakened until they stop being a social danger.” Domingo Faustino Sarmiento (President of Argentina, 1868-74)"

Bolivia’s Five Hundred-Year Rebellion  12/4/2019 Counterpunch: "The Five Hundred Year Rebellion: Indigenous Movements and the Decolonization of History in Bolivia, by Benjamin Dangl (AK Press, 2019), is the story of decades of work by organizers, activists, intellectuals, and politicians to turn this story of indigenous resistance to oppression into the symbol of national liberation. It follows the way social movements have related to the question of indigenous identity, and their efforts to organize and focus its power, up to the point of electing an indigenous president. It is a story of decolonization, of people freeing themselves from the mental and political structures that were imposed upon them by imperial powers."

Bolivia’s Coup Government Is a Far-Right Horror Show  12/3/2019 Jacobin: "As for the OAS, it has yet to deliver a final election report, much less produce concrete evidence demonstrating that Morales and his party committed electoral fraud in the October 20 election. And yet after negotiating with the MAS-controlled Congress, Añez passed a new electoral law that prohibits Morales and his former vice-president, Álvaro García Linera, from participating as candidates in the upcoming election (the date for which has not been set). Shortly after blocking Morales’s candidacy, Añez reopened diplomatic relations with the US, signaling the imminent return of the Drug Enforcement Agency — and with it, counter-insurgency and the consequent deaths of innocents in the coca fields of the Chapare and Yungas."

Members of Argentine Delegation in Bolivia Tell the Horror They Recorded  12/2/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "According to the commission, it is not only the security forces who are attacking the population, but there are numerous institutions that are also reproducing the racist hatred that goes through the de facto government violence. “Public hospitals do not want to treat the wounded and the public defenders do not want to defend the victims. There is a deep racial hatred that is directed especially against the most vulnerable sectors and women, ” said Arias. The commission also identified that there is a deep cruelty against “women with polleras” (traditional indigenous skirt). There have been numerous cases of rapes and sexual assaults against indigenous women and girls, attacked while alive and after their death. At the same time, there have been complaints that claim to have seen mutilated and dismembered bodies."

This is the Cocalero Leader Who Could Replace Evo Morales in Bolivia (Interview)  11/30/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "– You say it is necessary to identify errors. What do you think they have been?" "There have been many mistakes. We want to concentrate all these actors from the nine departments so that many proposals and errors come out. One of our big problems is that candidates have been imposed, ignoring the bases. We have overlooked the the bases choice and been more interested in being a friend of the minister or the influential leader."

Bolivia: Police Demand to be Paid for Their Support for Coup  11/29/2019 Orinoco Tribune: "Bolivia’s former President Evo Morales on Monday revealed an official document in which the commander of the police requires Jeanine Añez administration to meet the wage increase commitments that would have been acquired at the time of the police mutiny on November 8, an action which facilitated the consolidation of the coup d’etat. The leaked document, which is a copy of an official note sent by Colonel Rodolfo Montero to the Interior Minister Arturo Murillo on November 25, refers to the “wage leveling proposal for police officers” who aspire to have their salaries and benefits equated to those that the military are entitled to."

“Esta dictadura busca un revanchismo contra los pueblos originarios.”  11/22/2019 Matria: "Sandra Cossio, comunicadora indígena e integrante de la Confederación Nacional de Mujeres Campesinas Indígenas Originarias Bartolina Sisa, denuncia que “se nos están violando todos los derechos, el derecho a la protesta y el derecho a la vida”. Califica el golpe como una “masacre blanca” que busca “destrozar al indio”."

"They're Killing Us Like Dogs"—A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help  11/22/2019 Common Dreams: by Medea Benjamin.

Rita Segato: respuesta a una polémica distorsionada  11/21/2019 Lavaca: "Compartimos parte de tu audio. Más allá del recorte la polémica que se generó es por un fragmentito que quiero leer en el que te manifestás con respecto a lo tremendo que ocurre en Bolivia. “En mi comprensión de los sucesos Evo cayó por su propio peso, el incurrió en inacciones a lo largo del tiempo que le causaron un quiebre en la credibilidad y luego un quiebre en la gobernabilidad. Para mí no ha sido la víctima de un golpe sino la víctima de un descrédito general en que se encontró en razón de varios …… “ después decís que lo que ocurrió en Bolivia fue un golpe de Estado pero que no fue Evo la víctima. -Segato: Claro, la víctima es la gente, la whipala, los pueblos, ellos son la víctima. Yo creo que le debemos poner el nombre a las cosas. Es un golpe ahora. Lo digo al final de mi entrevista."

Rita Segato sobre Bolivia: «Es el momento oportuno para pensar a Bolivia críticamente»  11/20/2019 Lavaca: " Lo que tengo para decir es lo siguiente: es una gran lección histórica lo que estamos recibiendo y es una oportunidad para entender un gran equívoco, sobre todo, en la lectura que existe aquí sobre lo que les está pasando a ustedes. El problema es que la visión desde acá es totalmente binaria. Si Camacho es una figura inaceptable, malvada, no por eso Evo es una figura perfecta. Y eso es lo que me resulta muy difícil de hacerle entender a la gente aquí en mi país. Hay, de repente, más de lo que había antes, un endiosamiento de la figura de Evo, y ser contraria a eso es difícil."

Sobre los dichos de Rita Segato -y otres más  11/20/2019 Marco Terrugi: "Varias cosas me llaman la atención de las recientes palabras de Segato. En primer lugar, la operación de reducción de quienes defendemos a Evo Morales y nos oponemos al golpe de Estado: tenemos una posición binaria, lo endiosamos, somos Boca-River, lógica de guerra fría, sin ninguna capacidad crítica para el análisis y hasta cerrados para escuchar. Es un llamado a la complejidad -que podría estar bien- pero parte de caricaturizar y reducir a todos quienes, según ella, no lo estaríamos haciendo. Según su análisis no tenemos capacidad de mirada crítica, de reflexionar sobre los errores cometidos, sobre el referéndum del 2016, los límites del proceso, las divisiones en movimientos del proceso de cambio, las dirigencias, los flancos que le dejamos abierto al enemigo que avanzó violentamente."

Mujeres indígenas responden a Rita Segato  11/20/2019 Matria: "La gestión Trump y su artefacto hegemónico pretende recuperar Latinoamérica con el brazo evangélico mesiánico, con los poderes mediáticos que construyen relatos mentirosos y claramente con las fuerzas represivas policiales y militares que fueron oradadas a fuerza de inyección de dineros pocos sanctos en las almas turbias de la indianidad. Están saliendo a luz, cada día, las pruebas que surgen respecto de la planificación extrema que tuvo este golpe."

Rita Segato, durísima con Evo Morales: dijo que "no fue víctima de un golpe” y recordó su machismo y autoritarismo  11/19/2019 Infobae: "“En mi comprensión de los sucesos, Evo cayó por su propio peso —explicó la académica de origen argentino pero que reside en Brasil—. Él incurrió en acciones a lo largo del tiempo que le causaron un quiebre de la credibilidad y luego un quiebre de la gobernabilidad. Para mí no ha sido la víctima de un golpe, sino la víctima del descrédito general en que se encontró en razón de varias de sus acciones”."

Más de 68 mil cuentas falsas en Twitter apoyan golpe en Bolivia  11/18/2019 Granma: "Para respaldar el golpe de Estado en Bolivia fueron creadas más de 68.000 cuentas falsas en Twitter, reveló un reciente estudio realizado por Julián Macías Tovar, responsable de redes sociales del partido español Unidas Podemos. El especialista comprobó que a partir del 10 de noviembre estas cuentas falsas usaron varias etiquetas para intentar legitimar la salida del poder de Evo Morales y justificar la violencia y la represión contra los manifestantes que rechazan el golpe de Estado. Las cuentas en esta red social han servido, además, para aumentar el número de seguidores de los principales actores que participaron en la afrenta antidemocrática, como el jefe del Comité Cívico de Santa Cruz, Luis Fernando Camacho, y la senadora Jeanine Áñez, autoproclamada presidenta interina."

Bolivia: Contra el fascismo, el Parlamento de las Mujeres, por María Galindo  11/18/2019 Lavaca: "Durante dos jornadas, y en medio de la militarización de las calles, sesionó en La Paz el Parlamento de las Mujeres, convocado por Mujeres Creando. En esta nota María Galindo detalla qué significó, por qué lo hicieron y cómo lo diseñaron. La presencia de mujeres de los más variados universos, incluyendo al MAS. Una herramienta para conjurar el miedo en medio del terror, pero también un método para luchar contra la falsa simplificación de la violenta actualidad boliviana: “Los matices son los que los fascismos quieren borrar”, señala. “No queremos con este espacio solamente responder a la emergencia de un momento donde necesitamos procesar miedos, sino también activar sueños, esperanzas y utopías”."

Más de 68 000 cuentas falsas en Twitter apoyan Golpe de Estado en Bolivia  11/17/2019 Cuba Debate: "Cuando está en pleno desarrollo la violación masiva de la libertad de expresión, tras la censura a los medios bolivianos y la persecución de comunicadores nacionales y extranjeros, el estudio aporta evidencias contundentes sobre el despliegue de tácticas militares a gran escala para inundar de propaganda las redes digitales, que obedecen a una operación estratégica previa al golpe de Estado y que se encuentra en acción."

El odio al indio / Álvaro García Linera  11/17/2019 La Jornada, Mexico: "En el caso de Santa Cruz, organizan hordas motorizadas 4x4 con garrote en mano para escarmentar a los indios, que los llaman collas y que viven en los barrios marginales y en los mercados. Cantan consignas de que hay que "matar collas", y si en el camino se les cruza alguna mujer de pollera, la golpean, la amenazan y la conminan a irse de su territorio. En Cochabamba organizan convoyes para imponer la supremacía racial en la zona sur, donde viven las clases menesterosas, y cargar como si fuera un destacamento de caballería sobre miles de mujeres campesinas indefensas que marchan pidiendo paz. Llevan en la mano bates de beisbol, cadenas, granadas de gas, algunos exhiben armas de fuego. La mujer es su víctima preferida, agarran a una alcaldesa de una población campesina, la humillan, la arrastran por la calle, le pegan, la orinan cuando cae al suelo, le cortan el cabello, la amenazan con lincharla y cuando se dan cuenta que son filmados deciden echarle pintura roja simbolizando lo que harán con su sangre."

Bolivia: un golpe de Estado contra las mujeres nativas  11/17/2019 El Diario, España: "La violencia política en Bolivia se ha anclado en discursos propios del fundamentalismo religioso y en un fanatismo misógino militante que promete "devolver a Dios al Palacio del Gobierno" y recuperar el control sobre las mujeres a través de la preservación de la familia y de la nación. Resulta espeluznante que el nuevo ministro de la Presidencia sea el abogado de la "manada boliviana", que drogó y violó a una chica de 15 años hace apenas unos meses provocando una ola de indignación ciudadana. Un prohombre conocido por sus arremetidas contra el movimiento feminista o la despenalización del aborto en un contexto internacional de guerra femicida."

Top Bolivian Plotters Trained by U.S. Military’s School of the Americas  11/16/2019 Deep State Blog: "The leader of the Bolivian armed forces who “requested” the resignation of President Evo Morales, is representative of Washington’s military education programs. [Williams] Kaliman sat at the top of a military and police command structure that has been substantially cultivated by the US through WHINSEC, the military training school in Fort Benning, Georgia known in the past as the School of the Americas. Kaliman himself attended a course called “Comando y Estado Mayor” at the SOA in 2003. At least six of the key coup plotters are alumni of the infamous School of the Americas, while Kaliman and another figure served in the past as Bolivia’s military and police attachés in Wash."

En vivo: Embajada de EE. UU. en Bolivia participa en instigación a la violencia contra los médicos cubanos  11/16/2019 Granma: "Explicó Eugenio Martínez que se vio un auto con matrícula de Estados Unidos estacionado fuera de la vivienda de la Jefa de la Brigada. El Canciller cubano, Bruno Rodríguez, denunció específicamente que un vehículo de la Embajada de EE. UU. con placa 28-CD-17 participó en el operativo de la policía de Bolivia que detuvo a los médicos cubanos. Se han producido incidentes similares en casa de otros colaboradores en diversos estados de Bolivia."

At least five killed by security forces in massacre in Cochabamba, Bolivia  11/16/2019 People's Dispatch: "Bolivian security forces killed as many as five protesters on November 15 near the Huayllani bridge in Sacaba, Cochabamba and gravely injured hundreds. The Indigenous and peasant protesters, who hail from six coca-farmer federations, were attempting to march from the small city of Sacaba to the department’s capital, Cochabamba when they were met with a military and police cordon. As the peaceful march attempted to advance, soldiers and police officers fired at the protesters with tear gas canisters and live bullets."

Cuba demands the immediate release of four Cuban health workers detained in Bolivia  11/15/2019 Granma: The Spanish version of this article appears to have been updated and contains this section not in the English article below: "Eugenio Martínez explained that a car with a US license plate was seen parked outside the home of the Chief of the Brigade. Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez specifically denounced that a vehicle from the US Embassy with plate 28-CD-17 participated in the operation of the Bolivian police that arrested Cuban doctors. Similar incidents have occurred at the home of other collaborators in various states of Bolivia."

Western Media Whitewash Bolivia’s Far-Right Coup  11/15/2019 FAIR: "Áñez has another scandal brewing, which has yet to be reported in the English-speaking press: Her nephew was arrested for drug trafficking in 2017. According to EFE (10/20/17), Carlos Andrés Áñez Dorado was arrested in Brazil on October 15, 2017, in possession of 480 kilograms of cocaine—more than half a ton."

El contragolpe desde El Alto forzó la autoproclamación de Jeanine Áñez  11/15/2019 Mision Verdad: "Desde el inicio del cambio de régimen, El Alto se ha manifestado en contra de las acciones de Luis Fernando Camacho y en respaldo a Evo, configurando una situación de contragolpe que ha sido repremida con contundencia por militares y policías. El 5 de noviembre, en el Aeropuerto Internacional los alteños obligaron el regreso de Camacho a Santa Cruz, bloqueando su intención de aproximarse al Palacio Quemado para llevarle una carta de renuncia a Evo. En sincronía con estos hechos, las movilizaciones antigolpe agarraron mayor fuerza por la iniciativa de Federación de Juntas Vecinales de El Alto (FEJUVE), que daba un plazo de 48 horas para que Camacho dejara sus espacios, mostrando un rechazo a la desestabilización y la violencia perpetrada por grupos armados de corte fascista."

¿Hubo fraude electoral en Bolivia? Las estadísticas que desmienten a la OEA  11/14/2019 Sputnik: "Un análisis estadístico desmiente la auditoría electoral de la OEA en Bolivia y el supuesto 'salto' en favor de Evo Morales sobre el final del conteo. Elaborado por un centro de estudios con sede en Washington, el informe cuestiona la actuación de la Organización de los Estados Americanos y la existencia de fraude en las elecciones bolivianas."

Evo's Bolivia is not over  11/14/2019 Fight Back!: "The immediate base of resistance was El Alto, the twin city of the capital La Paz and the largest majority-indigenous city in the Western Hemisphere. There, the leadership of the Rural Workers Union (CSUTCB) called on all of its affiliates to "encircle La Paz" and gave Camacho and his thugs a 48-hour ultimatum to leave the country. If they do not, "they will be responsible for whatever occurs." One by one, columns of rural workers marched into El Alto, waving the indigenous wiphala flag and chanting, "Camacho, Mesa [the opposition's presidential candidate], we want your head" and "Now, civil war!" They were soon joined by other organizations from the countryside, and now they have done what they said they would. The capital is completely encircled by roadblocks and demonstrators, demanding the racists be cast from office and democracy restored to Bolivia. The country's largest trade union federation, the revolutionary-led Bolivian Workers Central (COB), has launched an indefinite general strike, shutting down every major economic sector in the country until Morales is returned to power. These are unions that defended themselves with the gun only a few decades prior, during the darkest days of the Cold War in South America."

Fundamentalista, paramilitar, fascista y millonario: Luis Fernando Camacho, líder del golpe  11/14/2019 Mision Verdad: "Camacho hizo un llamado a la huelga el 9 de julio, publicando videos en Twitter que no superaban las 20 vistas. La meta de la huelga era el intentar forzar la renuncia del órgano electoral del gobierno boliviano, el Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE). Dicho de otra forma, Camacho presionaba a las autoridades electorales del gobierno para que dimitieran más de tres meses antes de las elecciones presidenciales. No fue hasta después de las elecciones que Camacho fue empujado hacia el foco y se transformó en una celebridad por los conglomerados mediáticos corporativos como el canal local Unitel, Telemundo y CNN en Español. De repente, los tuits de Camacho emplazando a Morales a renunciar se encendían con miles de retuits. Se activó la maquinaria del golpe."

Bolivia's interim president's indigenous-free cabinet heightens polarization  11/14/2019 Guardian: "“We want to be a democratic tool of inclusion and unity,” said the 52-year-old religious conservative, sitting at a table bearing a huge open Bible and crucifix. Clashes in Bolivia as Morales supporters challenge interim president's legitimacy Read more But the transitional cabinet sworn into office on Wednesday night did not include a single indigenous person, in a country where at least 40% of the population belongs to one of 36 indigenous groups."

US and OAS help overthrow another government: Behind the coup against Bolivia’s Evo Morales  11/14/2019 Gray Zone: "The United States first began targeting Evo Morales in 2001 — five years before being elected president — when the US embassy in La Paz warned that his political base needed to be weakened. Afterwards, USAID began funding right-wing political parties and “civil society” organizations that would feature heavily in attempts to overthrow President Morales. The first such attempt came in 2008, two years after Morales was first elected president and days after he survived a recall referendum with 67.4% of the vote. On that occasion, coup plotters in eastern Bolivia, a region rich in minerals where the white minority population is concentrated, attempted to secede from the country."

Top Bolivian coup plotters trained by US military’s School of the Americas, served as attachés in FBI police programs  11/13/2019 Gray Zone: "The leaked audio recordings show that former Cochabamba mayor and former presidential candidate Manfred Reyes Villa played a central role in the plot. Reyes happens to be an alumnus of WHINSEC (formerly known as the School of the Americas), who currently resides in the United States. The other four who are introduced or introduce themselves by name in the leaked audio are General Remberto Siles Vasquez (audio 12); Colonel Julio César Maldonado Leoni (audio 8 and 9); Colonel Oscar Pacello Aguirre (audio 14), and Colonel Teobaldo Cardozo Guevara (audio 10). All four of these ex-military officials attended the SOA. Cardozo Guevara, in particular, boasts about his connections amongst active officers. The identities of these individuals are confirmed by cross-checking the data of the School of Americas Watch lists of alumni with Facebook and local Bolivian news articles and the leaked audio recordings."

Photo illustration: Elise Swain/The Intercept; Photo: Getty Images (2) Bolivia and Brazil at the Crossroads  11/13/2019 The Intercept: "Bolivian social movements are some of the most organized, disciplined and fearless on the continent. So whatever government emerges out of this, if it takes some, “neoliberal position,” or attempts to restore the kind of racist model of rule that characterized the country for centuries, the social movements in Bolivia are going to give them a really hard time. So I am not foreseeing disaster and apocalypse. I certainly foresee some instability and conflict but I have a lot of faith in Bolivian social movements."

Evo Morales: “El racismo es un instrumento de dominación del capitalismo”  11/11/2019 Motor Economico: "Este martes, el presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, participó de la V Sesión de la Red Iberoamericana contra la Discriminación, realizada en Santa Cruz de la Sierra. El principal eje que abordó en su discurso fue la importancia de la lucha contra el racismo. Morales calificó al racismo como un “instrumento de dominación” frente al cual la respuesta mundial debe ser la construcción de un “planeta plurinacional”, de forma similar a cómo Bolivia, país de mayoría indígena, avanzó en la consolidación de un Estado plurinacional."

The OAS election audit that triggered Morales' fall in Bolivia  11/11/2019 Reuters: "The OAS audit, which Morales had said would be binding, found severe irregularities, "clear manipulation" of the fast-count system and "serious security flaws", which it said meant that the election result should not stand."

What happened in Bolivia? Was there a coup?  11/11/2019 Systemic Alternatives: This site endorses Emmanuel Wallerstein. - "Evo Morales could have finished his third electoral mandate on the 22 January 2020 as a very popular president and the possibility of running for – and even winning – the 2024 elections, if he had not forced through his re-election for a fourth term. As the President of Bolivia, he a) did not recognise the 2016 referendum which voted NO to his re-election [1], b) pushed in 2017 for the Constitutional Tribunal to suspend the articles of the constitution that said that a person could only be re-elected one time, c) committed fraud in the elections on 20 October to avoid a second round and to impose a party majority in parliament."

¿Qué pasa en Bolivia? ¿Hubo golpe de estado?  11/11/2019 Systemic Alternatives: Este sitio apoya a Emmanuel Wallerstein. - "Evo Morales hubiera terminado su tercer mandato el 22 de enero del 2020 con gran popularidad y con la posibilidad de presentarse, e incluso ganar, las elecciones del 2024 si no hubiera forzado su reelección para un cuarto mandato. Siendo presidente de Bolivia: a) desconoció el referéndum del 2016 que dijo NO a su reelección[1], b) promovió en 2017 que el Tribunal Constitucional deje en suspenso los artículos de la Constitución que establecen que una persona sólo puede ser reelegida una sola vez, c) realizó fraude en las elecciones del 20 de octubre para evitar una segunda vuelta e imponer una mayoría de su partido en el parlamento."

Bolivia coup led by Christian fascist paramilitary leader and multi-millionaire – with foreign support  11/11/2019 Gray Zone: "With a Bible in one hand and a national flag in the other, Camacho bowed his head in prayer above the presidential seal, fulfilling his vow to purge his country’s Native heritage from government and “return God to the burned palace.” “Pachamama will never return to the palace,” he said, referring to the Andean Mother Earth spirit. “Bolivia belongs to Christ.”"

Behind the Racist Coup in Bolivia  11/11/2019 COHA: "While 66.2% of Bolivians are of Indigenous or mestizo (mixed Native and European with the indigenous component higher than the European) ancestry, the violence is concentrated in Santa Cruz and other areas where the largely lighter-skinned, Spanish-descendent, wealthier sectors have no interest in Bolivian unity and democracy.[14] The concentration of wealth in these sectors is the result of unequal development, a direct product of centuries of colonialism. Santa Cruz tried to secede from Bolivia in 2008. The secessionist forces trampled on the red, yellow and green flag of the Plurinational State of Bolivia, the Wiphala, electing instead to fly the green and white regional flag. The call for “autonomy” and the latest burning of homes and violent attacks seek to steal back the direction of the Bolivian state. Driven by racism and a thirst for the unconstrained power they have been accustomed to since the inception of Bolivia’s history, these class forces believe they have won this round, forcing Morales and García from power."

The Bolivian Coup Is Not a Coup—Because US Wanted It to Happen  11/11/2019 FAIR: "In contrast, there was no coverage at all in US corporate media of the detailed new report from the independent Washington-based think tank CEPR, which claimed that the election results were “consistent” with the win totals announced. There was also scant mention of the kidnapping and torture of elected officials, the ransacking of Morales’ house, the burning of public buildings and of the indigenous Wiphala flag, all of which were widely shared on social media and would have suggested a very different interpretation of events."

THE LATEST COUP IN BOLIVIA & “OPERATION CONDOR”  11/11/2019 Mad Cow: "“Do you think Bolivia’s government—or any government in South America—can be changed without your government and mine being aware of it?” When Levine asked why that affected the planned DEA investigation, the Argentine answered, “Because the same people being named as drug dealers are the people who we are helping to rid Bolivia of leftists.” Three weeks later, Levine met with a Bolivian drug trafficker who outlined plans for the new government in which his niece, Sonia Atala, a major cocaine supplier, would “be in a very strong position.” (Barry Seal worked with Sonia Atala.)"

Trump honors Native American Heritage Month with coup against Bolivia's first Native American president  11/11/2019 Wayne Madsen Report: "Morales’s home was reported to have been ransacked and burned. A few days earlier, mobs kidnapped Patricia Arce, the MAS mayor of the town of Vinto, and cut her hair and doused her in red paint, forced her to sign a resignation letter, and marched her barefoot through the streets. This and other forms of right-wing street actions against Morales and the Venezuelan embassy in La Paz was led by domestic and foreign elements employed by the CIA and Brazilian neo-fascist President Jair Bolsonaro’s intelligence service – “Agência Brasileira de Inteligência” -- ABIN."

Frente al Golpe de Estado en Bolivia  11/11/2019 Asamblea de Mujeres Luchadoras de Honduras: "Alzamos nuestro grito contra los crímenes golpistas, ese mismo grito salvaje y aguerrido que cinco siglos atrás aterrorizo a los invasores, es el grito de las ancestras que ya vencieron y están con nosotras. La fuerza, rebeldía, esperanza y sabiduría de Berta están con ustedes. Sus hermanas de la Asamblea de Mujeres Luchadoras de Honduras."

Bolivia: audios leaked from opposition leaders calling for a coup against Evo Morales  11/10/2019 EN 24: "A series of 16 audios in which opposition leaders call for a coup against the newly re-elected president Evo Morales were leaked through various social platforms. Local media point out that the destabilizing plan would have been coordinated by the United States Embassy in Bolivia prior to the elections and cites US senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who are said to have direct contact with the Bolivian opposition in the strategy to overthrow Morales. The plan focuses on the fact that if Evo Morales won the elections on October 20, a civil-military transition government would be established. The new government would allege fraud in the electoral process and would not recognize Morales' electoral victory."

Bolivia: filtran audios de líderes opositores llamando a un golpe de estado contra Evo Morales  11/9/2019 El Periodico, Costa Rica: "Una serie de 16 audios en los cuales líderes de oposición llaman a un golpe de estado contra el recién reelecto presidente Evo Morales fueron filtrados a través de varias plataformas. Los audios, enviados también a El el pasado 9 de octubre dan fe de varias reuniones sostenidas por líderes opositores para llevar a cabo un plan de desestabilización en Bolivia. Una fuente que prefirió mantenerse en el anonimato indicó a este medio que el plan se habría coordinado con el apoyo de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Bolivia y en varias reuniones previo a los comicios. En los audios se cita a los senadores norteamericanos Ted Cruz y Marco Rubio, a quienes se señala de tener contacto directo con la oposición boliviana en la estrategia para derrocar a Morales."

La CSUTCB anuncia un cerco a La Paz y da plazo de 48 horas a Camacho para que abandone la ciudad  11/9/2019 Resumen Latinamericano: "“La CSUTCB instruye a las nueve federaciones departamental y 26 regionales, realizar el cerco a la ciudad de La Paz, dando un ultimátum de 48 horas al señor Fernando Camacho para que se repliegue junto a su gente contratada y violenta de la Unión Juvenil Cruceñista, caso contrario, serán responsable de todos los actos que se registre”, señala el documento que fue leído por uno de los dirigentes de esta organización en una transmisión directa del canal estatal Bolivia TV."

Bolivian Opposition Carries Out Racist, Misogynist Attacks Against Government Supporters  11/8/2019 News Click: "Violent opposition groups kidnapped and humiliated the mayor of Vinto, physically assaulted women during a march and forced a peasant leader to kneel down and beg for his life."

No Evidence That Bolivian Election Results Were Affected by Irregularities or Fraud, Statistical Analysis Shows  11/8/2019 CEPR: "Statistical analysis of election returns and tally sheets from Bolivia’s October 20 elections shows no evidence that irregularities or fraud affected the official result that gave President Evo Morales a first-round victory, researchers and analysts at the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) say. Contrary to a postelection narrative that was supported, without evidence, by the OAS Electoral Observation Mission, statistical analysis shows that it was predictable that Morales would obtain a first-round win, based on the results of the first 83.85 percent of votes in a rapid count that showed Morales leading runner-up Carlos Mesa by less than 10 points."

What Happened in Bolivia’s 2019 Vote Count? The Role of the OAS Electoral Observation Mission  11/6/2019 CEPR: "Clearly, the exact procedure for translating the results at a representative precinct to imputing votes on actual tally sheets has little effect on the simulations. Far more critical to the simulation results is selecting geographies that are as representative as possible to the uncounted tally sheets. By contrast, an assumption that in their entirety the counted votes at the time the quick count paused would be representative of the total vote introduces a bias as soon as we recognize that the counted votes came on average from areas relatively friendly to Mesa. Accounting for geography, it is no surprise that Morales’s margin increased beyond the necessary 10 percentage points."

La crisis política magnifica las actitudes racistas en Bolivia  11/1/2019 El Pais: "Para Sergio de la Zerda, diputado electo por el MAS, el llamamiento a movilizarse de Carlos Mesa, el principal líder opositor, por un supuesto fraude ha reactivado posiciones extremas que se creían superadas en el país. “He visto cómo estos agreden verbal y físicamente a personas de barrios alejados que se identifican con el MAS y a indígenas, sin incluso distinguir entre mujeres, niños o ancianos. Estos grupos han llegado a intimidarnos a los candidatos electos, quemando y saqueando nuestras casas de campaña y, lo peor, sacando fotografías a nuestros domicilios particulares y hasta a nuestros hijos. Esas son acciones claramente fascistas”, afirma el diputado."

Activista: conflicto saca a la luz un racismo que estaba "adormecido" en Bolivia  10/30/2019 Sputnik News: ""Observamos que los atavismos y epítetos raciales y discriminatorios solo estaban adormecidos para nuevamente resurgir con renovados bríos en el contexto de las elecciones del 20 de octubre", dijo a Sputnik Gutiérrez, quien dirige el Comité Nacional de Lucha Contra el Racismo y Toda Forma de Discriminación. Hizo la declaración después de anunciar que ese comité, integrado por representantes del Gobierno y de entidades de la sociedad civil, denunciará ante organismos internacionales varios hechos de discriminación observados durante las manifestaciones opositoras contra la reelección del presidente Evo Morales."

RACISMO EN BOLIVIA "Opositores contra EVO y los Indígenas"  10/28/2019 Topete GLZ: "Estas imágenes corresponden al año 2008 y por desgracia hoy en día nada cambió en las mentalidades de esta gente, de hecho lo podemos ver en vídeos actuales por la Red como atacan a EVO."

“Exporting Democracy” to Bolivia  10/25/2019 Global Research: “A coup is underway, carried out by the right-wing with foreign support…what are the methods of this coup attempt? They’re not recognizing or waiting for election results, they’re burning down electoral courts, they want to proclaim the second-place candidate as the winner.”

Análisis de Integridad Electoral - Elecciones Generales en el Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia  10/20/2019 OAS: "De 176 actas analizadas de la muestra que habían sido escrutadas en Argentina, el 38,07% presentan inconsistencias con el número de ciudadanos que sufragaron. Es decir, las actas reflejan un número mayor de votos que el total en las listas índice. Teniendo en cuenta las proyecciones estadísticas, resulta posible que el candidato Morales haya quedado en primer lugar y el candidato Mesa en segundo. Sin embargo, resulta improbable estadísticamente que Morales haya obtenido el 10% de diferencia para evitar una segunda vuelta. Los técnicos de la OEA contaron con la necesaria información y accesos para poder realizar su trabajo."

The US EMBASSY in La Paz continues carrying out covert actions in Bolivia to support the coup d’état against the bolivian President Evo Morales.  10/19/2019 Behind Back Doors: "Parallelly the CIVIC COMMITTEE are already recruiting bolivian citizens to buy votes in favor of the candidate for the opposition CARLOS MESA, for the value of 50 USD per voter. The payment would by carried out after the voting takes place and the voters would have a picture taken of a marked ballot."

Plan Cóndor II: impulsan en Congreso de EEUU intervención en Bolivia  7/25/2018 KontrInfo, YouTube: "En el video se puede ver la congresista norteamericana Ileana Ros-Lehtinen pidiendo una intervención de los EEUU para derrocar al legítimo presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales."

Evo Morales intercede por los afrodescendientes en Mercosur  12/22/2017 Fundacion AfroAmerica: "Para el exdiputado y representante del pueblo afroboliviano, Jorge Medina, las declaraciones del Presidente Morales son una prueba del respaldo, apoyo y reconocimiento que hay en Bolivia hacia la comunidad negra y destacó que se impulse desde Bolivia la aplicación del plan de acción del decenio de los afrodescendientes."

Presentacion saberes y conocimientos  11/3/2016 Slideshare: "Cuando hablamos de descolonizar la ciencia se parte de un distanciamiento crítico de: a) Su Eurocentrismo; b) su Cosmovisión Mono cultural y c) La Ideología Cientificista. 1.3.1 El Eurocentrismo .- ? A muchos pueblos y culturas se los considera antecedentes de la ciencia moderna como: "Pre- científicos” , quiere decir que hay una teología historial de conocimiento de las culturas. se entiende a la ciencia y a la tecnología basada en una clasificación ,donde por un lado muchas formas de conocer se consideran inferiores a la ciencia que al mismo tiempo servía para leer el proceso histórico."

Los candidatos de EE.UU. y sus alianzas en América Latina  9/6/2016 teleSUR: "Los partidos políticos extienden también sus vínculos a través de su relación con fundaciones. El mencionado evento de la ODCA contó con el apoyo de la Konrad Adenauer y su programa “Partidos políticos y democracia en América Latina”. Además de la Konrad, encontramos a FAES (Fundación para el Análisis y los Estudios Sociales) liderada por el español José María Aznar, como otra de las fundaciones asociadas. Un dato relevante es que ambas fundaciones destinaron recursos y tiempo a promover una imagen absolutamente negativa de los gobiernos de Evo Morales en Bolivia (donde la Konrad tiene enorme protagonismo) y del gobierno de Venezuela en España."

Medina: “En Bolivia aún hay un racismo estructural"  12/21/2015 Opinion: "Casi un año después de haber dejado su actividad legislativa, el exdiputado afroboliviano Jorge Medina volvió a las bases y dirige una institución destinada al apoyo de la comunidad negra en el país. Recientemente visitó la universidad de Harvard en Estados Unidos donde se reunió con varios dirigentes y representantes afrodescendientes y expuso la necesidad de acabar con el racismo estructural que aún perdura en Bolivia. El simposio "Afrodescendientes: quince años después de Santiago. Logros y desafíos" llevado adelante en la universidad con sede en Massachusetts a inicios de diciembre permitió hacer una evaluación sobre los avances en materia de la lucha contra el racismo y la discriminación, entre otras demandas y necesidades de los afros en la región latinoamericana."

Medina: “En Bolivia aún hay un racismo estructural que debemos eliminar en 10 años”  12/20/2015 Agencia de Noticias Fides: "El exdiputado representó a Bolivia en un simposio de afrodescendientes de América Latina y el Caribe realizado en la universidad de Harvard en Estados Unidos."

Exponen en EEUU hitos de la lucha antirracista  12/6/2015 La Razon, Bolivia: "El director del Centro Afroboliviano para el Desarrollo Integral y Comunitario (Cadic), Jorge Medina, socializó los avances en inclusión y lucha contra el racismo en Bolivia, en el Simposio Afrodescendientes que se realizó entre el viernes y sábado en Estados Unidos."

Director Cadic socializa en EUUU avances en inclusión y lucha contra el racismo  12/5/2015 El Pais: "El director del Centro Afroboliviano para el Desarrollo Integral y Comunitario (Cadic), Jorge Medina, socializó los avances en inclusión y lucha contra el racismo en Bolivia, en el Simposio "Afrodescendientes", que se realizó entre el viernes y sábado en Estados Unidos. "En este simposio internacional participaron líderes y lideresas descendientes de africanos de América Latina y el Caribe para dar a conocer, en el caso de Bolivia, las virtudes de la Ley 045 contra el racismo que promoví en mi calidad de diputado el 2010", apuntó Medina."

Bolivia, presente en un simposio en Harvard  11/26/2015 El Deber: "Hace 15 años se realizó en Santiago, Chile, donde se debatió las necesidades que en ese entonces tenían los afrodescendientes y que pasaban, sobre todo, por la invisibilización y la lucha contra el racismo”, manifestó el director del Centro Afroboliviano para el Desarrollo Integral y Comunitario (Cadic), Jorge Medina."

Destabilization: Made in USA  10/20/2015 Rebelión: "Estados Unidos impulsa un conflicto étnico con fines separatistas, luego financia a grupos armados para atizar el conflicto; posteriormente negocia la paz y finalmente organiza a un grupo de jóvenes bajo la estrategia de desobediencia civil para desacreditar a un gobernante que no responde a sus intereses y logra removerlo del cargo. Le llamaron la Revolución de Terciopelo. En todo este proceso uno de sus principales operadores fue Philip Goldberg."

Opposing the Policy of the Twenty-First Century Socialism in Bolivia -- The Political Activities of Branko Marinkovic  9/1/2015 Südosteuropäische Hefte: "The Marinkovic family, which originated from the island of Brac, immigrated to the eastern Bolivian province of Santa Cruz in the mid-1950s. Thanks to a successful agricultural business, among other things, the family has become one of the richest and most influential families in Bolivia. Some analysts link Branko Marinkovic's origins with his oppositional activities in Bolivia. This is due to the fact that Marinkovic compares the contemporary “Twenty-first century socialism” policies of Bolivian president Evo Morales with the communist policies of Tito in Yugoslavia. With that in mind, the aim of this paper is to analyze to what extent the immigrant origin of Marinkovic’s family has influenced his political activities. This analysis can be carried out by relating his political activities to the Ustaša immigrants who came to Latin America after the Second World War and also within the context of the narrative of Bolivian authorities who believed Marinkovic was trying to Balkanize Bolivia."

Bolivia expels US ambassador Philip Goldberg  10/24/2014 VNN: "In 2009, under the country’s first indigenous president a new constitution declared Bolivia a plurinational state – ending centuries of undeclared apartheid. Opponents in the oil-rich eastern region launched a civil disobedience movement, confronting the east against the poorer, indigenous majority who support President Evo Morales. Critics denounced the president’s fiery socialist rhetoric and the nationalisation of Bolivia’s oil and gas industry in the poorest and most undeveloped nation in South America. Five years later, from the World Bank to the IMF, Evo Morales is getting full marks for overseeing an unprecedented transformation of Bolivia. Spurred by high commodity prices, economic growth is now the highest in the region."

La racionalidad del racismo: Reflexiones sobre la ausencia de un debate  6/1/2013 SCIELO: "Este artículo, voluntariamente polémico, cuestiona la aplicación del concepto de 'racismo' en los estudios sociales sobre la estratificación, la desigualdad y los conflictos sociales recientes en Bolivia, y la reciente consagración del racismo como delito penal en la Ley 045. Destaca la variabilidad histórica en las categorías aplicadas en sucesivos censos, desde el esquema de tres 'razas' en 1950, bajo calificación del empadronador, pasando por el idioma en 1976 y 1992, hasta la autoi-dentificación a partir de 2001. Asimismo, critica la obsesión con analizar datos tomando la etiqueta de 'raza' o 'etnia' como criterio fundamental, que equivale a suponer de antemano que ésta es determinante de los otras variables consideradas, desde el nivel educativo hasta el acceso a servicios básicos, mientras comentarios de tipo cualitativo asumen que 'el color de la piel' determina el acceso al empleo y otras oportunidades sociales sin presentar datos concretos que lo demuestren."

Quintana identifica tres etapas de la injerencia política de Usaid  5/6/2013 Contrainjerencia: "El ministro de la Presidencia, Juan Ramón Quintana, destacó que las exportaciones de Bolivia a Estados Unidos mejoraron tras la suspensión de la Ley de Promoción Comercial Andina y Erradicación de la Droga (ATPDEA, por su sigla en inglés), que beneficiaba con bajos aranceles a la producción textil del país."

Bolivia Expels USAID: Not Why, but Why Not Sooner  5/1/2013 CEPR: "Documents obtained by investigative journalist Jeremy Bigwood show that as early as 2002, USAID funded a “Political Party Reform Project,” which sought to “serve as a counterweight to the radical MAS [Morales’ political party] or its successors.” Later USAID began a program “to provide support to fledgling regional governments,” some of which were pushing for regional autonomy and were involved in the September 2008 destabilization campaign that left some 20 indigenous Bolivians dead. Meanwhile, the U.S. has continually refused to disclose the recipients of aid funds. As a recent CEPR report on USAID activities in Haiti concluded, U.S. aid often goes into a “black box” where it becomes impossible to determine who the ultimate recipients actually are."

On Branko Marinkovic  2/13/2013 WikiLeaks: "On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations."

Continúan las conversaciones entre Evo Morales y delegación indígena  10/22/2011 CubaDebate: "El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales continúa este sábado la reunión con una delegación de indígenas sobre la paralización de la construcción de una carretera que atravesaría el parque natural Tipnis. El encuentro se realiza desde temprano en la mañana en el Palacio de Gobierno con el objetivo de hallar soluciones a las demandas de los nativos."

Bolivia confrontada a globalización del narcotráfico y aumento de extranjeros en esta actividad criminal  7/17/2011 Contrainjerencia: "El gobierno de Evo Morales expresó hoy su preocupación por la “globalización del narcotráfico” y el aumento de extranjeros en esta actividad ilícita, luego de desarticularse a una banda de “narcosicarios”, compuesta en su mayoría por peruanos, y la destrucción de 70 pequeñas fábricas de droga en el departamento de Santa Cruz."

Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonisation and Gender Politics in Andean Bolivia  2/15/2011 JSTOR: "This article addresses the 'coloniality of gender' in relation to rearticulated indigenous Aymara gender notions in contemporary Bolivia. While female indigenous activists tend to relate the subordination of women to colonialism and to see an emancipatory potential in the current process of decolonisation, there are middle-class advocates for gender equality and feminist activists who seem to fear that the 'decolonising politics' of the Evo Morales administration would abandon indigenous women to their 'traditional' silenced subordination within maledominated structures. From the dynamics of indigenous decolonial projections, feminist critiques, middle-class misgivings and state politics, the article explores the implications of these different discourses on colonialism, decolonisation and women's subordination."

Bolivia terror plot: The Rózsa-Marinkovic “Ustasha Connection”  9/5/2009 News of the Restless: "The investigation opened with testimonies by two of the Rózsa cell’s mercenaries who had been captured alive, the Hungarian Elöd Tóásó, and the Bolivian-Hungarian Mario Tadic, as well as a local contact, Ignacio Villa Vargas, “The Old Man”. Local analysts deduced that this group of veterans of the Yugoslav, Croatian and African wars, were contacted in Bolivia by “fascist Croats, connected with the fascist right-wing in Santa Cruz.”

Scaremongering About Bolivia and Islam  9/4/2009 CounterPunch: "The head of the Islamic Center, Mahmud Amer Abusharar, an elderly grey haired Palestinian refugee sitting in his front office appeared humorously bewildered when presented with recent US intelligence and media reports detailing him among others in a study of “extremist threats” in Bolivia. “The Islamic center is a Bolivian institution, which has no discrimination, whatsoever, against anyone… white like the Europeans, or brown like the Bolivians… Thank God we call on the people to be good to be universal and honest, not to be aggressive,” Abusharar told me. “I never thought that the Islamic Center forms danger to the United States, but who is introducing this idea to the United States public; he must be the one looking to harm the North American people.”

Newly declassified documents reveal More than $97 million from USAID to separatist projects in Bolivia  5/22/2009 Bolivia Rising: by Eva Golinger - "Recently declassified documents obtained by investigators Jeremy Bigwood and Eva Golinger reveal that the US Agency for International Development (USAID) has invested more than $97 million in “decentralization” and “regional autonomy” projects and opposition political parties in Bolivia since 2002. The documents, requested under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), evidence that USAID in Bolivia was the “first donor to support departmental governments” and “decentralization programs” in the country, proving that the US agency has been one of the principal funders and fomenters of the separatist projects promoted by regional governments in Eastern Bolivia."

USAID’s Silent Invasion in Bolivia  5/18/2009 Upside Down World: "USAID’s work in Bolivia is not just oriented towards strengthening the opposition to Evo Morales and promoting separatism, but also involves attempts to penetrate and infiltrate indigenous communities, seeking out new actors to promote Washington’s agenda that have an image more representative of the Bolivian indigenous majority. One declassified document clearly outlines the necessity to give “more support to USAID and Embassy indigenous interns to build and consolidate a network of graduates who advocate for the US Government in key areas.” The document further discusses the need to “strengthen democratic citizenship and local economic development for Bolivia’s most vulnerable indigenous groups.” Per USAID, “this program shows that no one country or government has a monopoly on helping the indigenous. The program shows that the US is a friend to Bolivia and the indigenous"

Bolivia: implican a líderes de Santa Cruz  5/5/2009 BBC Mundo: "El fiscal que investiga el caso, Marcelo Sosa, ofreció una conferencia de prensa en La Paz, en la que dijo que, según las declaraciones de los testigos, los líderes de Santa Cruz financiaron las actividades de la supuesta banda separatista. El fiscal aseguró que, además de Costas, estarían involucrados el ex presidente del Comité Pro Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic; el presidente de la Federación de Ganaderos de Santa Cruz, Guido Nayar; el presidente de los empresarios, Pedro Llovió y el ex presidente de la Cámara Agropecuaria del Oriente, Mauricio Roca, además de otros líderes."

Gunned down Irishman ‘linked to neo-Nazi group’  5/4/2009 Teelgraph, Belfast 

Morales assassins: Bolivia gang "fought in Balkans"  4/25/2009 Deep Politics Forum 

Bolivian leader doesn't regret expelling U.S. ambassador  4/22/2009 CNN: ""I don't regret having expelled the ambassador, Mr. Goldberg," Morales said in an exclusive interview Wednesday with CNN en Español. "And now, with the events we are seeing and we are finding, it is confirmed that he was conspiring against the government, conspiring against the national territory. He is an expert in dividing countries, with external groups and in Bolivia.""

Croatia: Morales murder plot suspect 'wanted to form separatist army'  4/22/2009 ADN Kronos: "Morales said they were members of a gang planning to kill him and several other officials. The Bolivian press linked the plotters to an opposition leader in Santa Cruz, Branko Marinkovic, who is also of Croatian descent."

Croats in Bolivia face accusations of extremism  4/20/2009 Earth Times 

Bolivia “Assassins” ‘Fought in Balkan Wars’  4/20/2009 Balkan Insight: "Tadik Astorga, 58, a Bolivian-Croatian who apparently fought in the Balkans, and Toazo, a Hungarian computer science expert, were being transferred to a jail in La Paz. Bolivia launched an investigation on Friday into a suspected militant group that police say was plotting to kill President Evo Morales, but the opposition slammed the probe as an "international show." Three suspected mercenaries were killed in a shootout on Thursday in the anti-Morales stronghold of Santa Cruz after police moved to arrest a gang that officials say traveled from Ireland or Croatia to kill leading public figures in the Andean nation."

Bolivia's Morales: Army, police have CIA contacts  3/14/2009 AP: "This time, Morales says a midlevel military official and Bolivian police officers are in contact with the U.S. spy agency."

DEA complicit in drug trade, says Morales  11/6/2008 AFP: ""The worst thing is, it did not fight drug trafficking; It encouraged it," the Bolivian leader said, adding that he had "quite a bit of evidence" backing up his charges. Presidential Minister Juan Ramon Quintana presented a series of documents and press clippings at a news conference, which he described as "object data" that had influenced Morales' decision to suspend DEA activities last week."

Hallazgo de drogas en buque petrolero podría ser parte de un plan contra Venezuela  10/3/2008 ABN: "El elemento que resulta más sospechoso para las autoridades venezolanas, agregó Reverol, es que los dos ciudadanos de nacionalidad colombiana, que fueron detenidos mientras trataban de ocultar la droga en el buque, obtuvieron sus respectivos pasaportes en el consulado neogranadino de Houston, Texas, Estados Unidos. “No descartamos la posibilidad de que todo esto se trate de un plan orquestado para decir que Venezuela sí es cómplice del narcotráfico como lo han manifestado ellos (EEUU); que incluso estamos usando el transporte petrolero para llevar droga a ese país. No nos extrañaría, pero queremos enfatizar que investigaremos este caso hasta los últimos detalles”, dijo."

Social and Indigenous Movements March on Santa Cruz - Bolivia's Popular Upheaval  9/23/2008 CounterPunch 

Afro-Bolivian language today: the oldest surviving Afro-Hispanic speech community  9/21/2008 Penn State: "Until the second half of the 20th century, black Bolivians in the Yungas still worked as virtual slaves on the haciendas. All adults were required to work (without compensation) three days a week for the benefit of the landowner; the remaining four days produced food for the family. There were no rest periods built into this system. Children began working on the hacienda from around the age of 12-15 years. When their parents were temporarily incapacitated, children could work to partially offset the debt created the adults’ inability to work."

The Destabilization of Bolivia and the "Kosovo Option"  9/21/2008 Global Research: "The secession of Bolivia's Eastern provinces is part of a US sponsored covert operation, coordinated out of the US State Department, in liaison with US intelligence. The death squads armed with automatic weapons responsible for killing supporters of Evo Morales in El Porvenir are supported covertly by the US. According to one report, "USAID has an "Office of Transition Initiatives" operating in Bolivia, funneling millions of dollars of training and support to right-wing opposition regional governments and movements."(The Center for Economic and Policy Research, September 2008). The US also provides support to various opposition groups through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The expelled US Ambassador Philip S. Goldberg worked under the helm of Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, who directly oversees the various "activities" of US embassies around the World. In this regard Negroponte plays a far more important role, acting behind the scenes, than Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice. He is also known as one of the main architects of regime change and covert support to paramilitary death squads both in Central America and Iraq."

U.S. Diplomat Tells Why He Was Ousted From Bolivia  9/19/2008 Newsweek: "What happened was that one of our security officers went to brief Peace Corps workers on security [measures] in Bolivia. During the course of that briefing he started going into areas that are ordinarily reserved for direct American employees—which the Peace Corps are not—basically telling them to be careful about third country people who might want to take advantage of them. He should not have gone over that ground, but it was not a request for them to do anything. And this has been blown up way out of proportion."

U.S. envoy: I didn't incite Bolivian violence  9/18/2008 CNN: "Goldberg maintained that he held similar meetings with European diplomats that generated no controversy and that Morales' attack on the United States is part of his political strategy." [Presumably, these European diplomats were not in open rebellion against their government.]

Bolivia Versus the Empire - Morales Sí, Secession No  9/16/2008 CounterPunch: "The autonomy plan, AKA the secession plan, went into action. The prefects of the lowland departments turned loose their hired thugs, who torched a building containing the offices of an indigenous-rights group, seized airports and government buildings, and murdered at least 16 people. This was only a fraction of the damage done. At first, President Morales sent only civil and military police to confront these criminals. He told the police to avoid using force. Morales is a patient man, but he soon learned that patience had lost its efficacy. He sent in regular army troops, and an uneasy peace quickly returned. Next, he told Phil Goldberg to pack his bags and never come back. He then immediately recalled Bolivia’s ambassador to the U.S."

Opposition Leader Call Morales a "Macaca" - Racist Rhetoric in Bolivia  9/15/2008 CounterPunch 

Bolivia imposes martial law on northern province  9/13/2008 LA Times: "Outnumbered troops and police officers have generally stayed out of the way of violent groups such as those who sacked government buildings in the eastern city of Santa Cruz, a center of opposition to the central government in La Paz."

BOLIVIA: Deaths in the Amazon  9/13/2008 IPS: "The Bolivian government declared martial law in the northern province of Pando after as many as 15 indigenous supporters of President Evo Morales were killed by rightwing protesters near the town of Cobija."

Bolivia expels US ambassador Philip Goldberg  9/12/2008 Telegraph, UK: "Mr Goldberg last week infuriated President Morales when he met with Ruben Costas, the governor of Bolivia's richest province, that of Santa Cruz, which wants autonomy and has threatened secession. Santa Cruz is predominantly white, whilst the capital La Paz, set in the highlands, is more indigenous."

Brazil full support for Morales and warns Bolivian “terrorists”  9/12/2008 MercoPress: "We won't tolerate a rupture in the constitutional order of Bolivia" Marco Aurelio Garcia, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva foreign policy advisor told a news conference. "Brazil will not recognize any attempt at a government that would substitute a constitutional government in Bolivia" Garcia said when asked whether this meant Brazil would send troops to aid the Bolivian government of President Evo Morales."

Official: Bolivia-Brazil gas flow largely restored  9/11/2008 AP: "Munoz says half of Bolivia's gas flow to Brazil was interrupted for seven hours on Thursday, until a valve closed by government opponents could be reopened."

Bolivia: A Coup in the Making?  9/11/2008 NACLA: "One indication of the seriousness of the situation is that Morales just announced that US ambassador Philip Goldberg is no longer welcome in Bolivia and will be asked officially to leave the country in the coming hours. Morales accused Goldberg of meeting with the oppositional prefects (governors) of the five departments in rebellion, to help coordinate what has become a full-scale destabilization campaign."

Evo declara "persona no grata" al embajador de EE.UU. y le pide que se vaya del país  9/10/2008 Bolpress: "A pesar de la advertencia, Goldberg visitó luego a la prefecta de Chuquisaca Savina Cuellar, aliada del movimiento cívico empresarial autonomista, y se supo que también se reunió con los prefectos opositores de Beni, Pando y Tarija. Legisladores del MAS acusaron al embajador de Estados Unidos de financiar el golpe de estado cívico prefectural que amenaza con fracturar la integridad territorial de Bolivia."

In pursuit of Bolivia's secret Nazi  9/10/2008 Guardian: "At this point I said to him: "Yes, you are going back there. Do you remember the French adage which says that a criminal always returns to the scene of the crime? Don't you remember sending 600,000 Jews to concentration camps and gas chambers? As you personally killed so many in Lyon, you are going back there." "But," he said, "in war there are winners and losers." "So you lost," I said. "It is time to pay.""

Coup? What coup?  9/10/2008 Machetera: "The Bolivian government informs the national and international community that in the capital city of the Department of Santa Cruz, a civil coup d’etat headed by Civic Committee President Branco Marinkovic, with the blessing of Prefect Rubén Costas, has begun.  The Executive Branch will not respond to “provocations by fascist groups” and will defend democracy and national unity, without declaring a state of siege in the troubled areas."

Anti-Morales protests hit Bolivia  9/10/2008 BBC: "Hundreds of people raided the state-run telecommunications company, the tax agency, the local state TV network and the land reform institute in the city of Santa Cruz. Clashes broke out between the protesters and riot police, who were forced to take cover. Trouble also flared in the provinces of Beni, Pando, and Tarija as opposition activists raided public buildings."

Comenzó el golpe fascista en Santa Cruz, denuncia el gobierno boliviano  9/10/2008 Bolpress: "Estudiantes, activistas de la Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UCJ) y lumpen de los grupos de choque del movimiento cívico empresarial de Santa Cruz asaltaron este martes las oficinas de Impuestos Internos, Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (INRA) y la Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (ENTEL). Los delincuentes robaron computadoras, televisores, equipos telefónicos y otros bienes públicos, y quemaron muebles y documentación. Apalearon a conscriptos y policías que custodiaban los bienes del Estado. Luego de destruir entidades públicas estatizadas hace poco; los unionistas incendiaron las oficinas del Centro de Estudios Jurídicos y Sociales (CEJIS). Además, activistas de la UJC quemaron las instalaciones de Radio Patria Nueva y asaltaron las oficinas de Televisión Boliviana Canal 7 en Santa Cruz y robaron equipos. Obligaron a Radio Alternativa a suspender emisiones e intimidaron a otros medios no alineados con el autonomismo patronal, tal y como ocurrió la semana pasada en Cobija, donde cuatro radioemisoras tuvieron que interrumpir su trabajo en resguardo de la integridad física de sus periodistas."

Errores por desesperación  8/31/2008 Rebelión: "Marincovic siempre exigió la expulsión del Instituto Nacional de Reforma Agraria (INRA), alentó a la Unión Juvenil Cruceñista (UCJ) e impulsó estatutos autonómicos que buscan la fractura del país. Su apoyo hoy se reduce al de otros oligarcas, como los Monasterios, Dabdou, Céspedes y Kuljis, varios de los cuales controlan los medios de comunicación más influyente del país. Antes del referéndum revocatorio del 10 de agosto, los cívicos convocaron a una huelga de hambre, cuyo fracaso, agrandado por los resultados de esa consulta, fue encubierto con el llamado a un bloqueo de caminos, que Marincovic pretendió que sea acatado en cinco departamentos. Tuvieron que recordarle que estaba confundiendo a Chuquisaca y Tarija con la mencionada laguna. De manera simultánea, los matones de la UCJ agredían a policías y golpeaban a gente de tez morena, en tanto el prefecto Rubén Costa, autocalificado de “gobernador”, quiso tomar el control de la policía departamental, a fin de reclutar a esos violentos."

Bolivian Referendum Results Analysis  8/12/2008 Indypendent: "It is extremely likely that, as he announced in his victory speech, Evo will use this as a mandate to push more aggressively for his project of social transformation – a new, indigenous-centered constitution, nationalization of formerly-privatized industries, and a pursuit of land reform in Eastern Bolivia. He would be correct in doing so – with his achievement of such a clear mandate, it may be now or never for his government to act decisively. However, he needs to be conscious of numerous pitfalls along the way."

Bolivia: Is Evo in Danger after the August 10 referendum ? The US prepares a civil war  8/10/2008 Global Research 

Bolivia Racked by Political Divisions on the Eve of a Recall Vote  8/8/2008 Common Dreams: by Medea Benjamin - "While the president and vice-president are expected to survive the recall, perhaps even overturning a few opposition governors (seven out of nine governors are in the opposition), the tensions tearing at this divided nation’s social fabric will persist. On one side of this struggle is the impoverished indigenous majority in the western highlands who, along with Bolivia’s first indigenous president Evo Morales, are trying to redistribute power and wealth towards poor communities. Pitted against them is a mostly white elite based in the eastern part of the country who want to keep tight control over the nation’s wealth and are using their money and control of the media to foment widespread discontent. Sadly, the U.S. government, instead of embracing social transformation in Latin America’s poorest nation, is aiding and abetting the opposition."

Autonomy Vote Threatens to Pull Bolivia Apart  5/5/2008 Democracy Now: "JIM SHULTZ: Well, Santa Cruz is a region of the country that’s — you know, it’s much whiter, it’s much less indigenous, it’s more affluent, and there is this network of wealthy landowners that really drive the politics of the region. A number of them come from the families of Croatian immigrants that came here during the period and afterwards of World War II, and there is a real power base. And so, you have a very small number of families. You know, it looks like Central America. It looks like Salvador, where you have a very small number of families controlling a vast tract of land. And they really were the driving force."

The Ambassador of Ethnic Cleansing  5/3/2008 Machetera: "When he arrived in Bolivia, the Croatian businessmen (his friends) settled in Santa Cruz, had already put together the movement “Nación Camba,” one of whose main leaders – with business ties in Chile and other countries – Branco Marinkovic, ended up leading the local Civic Committee, the foremost promoter of destabilization, with a strong influence throughout the rest of the Media Luna, where the country’s greatest natural resources are concentrated. The ambassador did not hide his support for the businessmen who sought an unusual governmental autonomy for Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Beni, Pando and Tarija, in the country’s eastern portion."

Bolivia: Mal momento para errores inocentes  5/3/2008 Rebelión: "Cuando llegó a Bolivia, en Santa Cruz los empresarios croatas allí afincados (sus amigos) ya tenían conformado el movimiento "Nación Camba", uno de cuyos principales dirigentes- con lazos empresariales en Chile y otros países- Branco Marinkovic, terminó dirigiendo el Comité Cívico del lugar, el mayor promotor de la desestabilización, con fuerte influencia en el resto de la Media Luna donde se concentran las mayores riquezas del país. El embajador no oculta su apoyo a los empresarios que pretenden la insólita autonomía gubernamental de Santa Cruz de la Sierra , Beni, Pando y Tarija, al oriente del país."

Bolivia Government Freezes Separatist Santa Cruz Province Accounts  4/25/2008 AFP: "The government also accused the U.S. ambassador to Bolivia, Philip Goldberg, of siding with the rebel provinces. "Ambassador Philip Goldberg has unveiled an agenda more political than diplomatic in Bolivia, and this agenda is linked to opponents of the current government," Interior Minister Alfredo Rada said."

Comunidad afroboliviana destaca su inclusión en nuevo texto constitucional  3/16/2008 ABI 

Bush Spending U.S. Tax Dollars to Foment Unrest in Bolivia  3/10/2008 The Progressive 

Bolivia: Morales is Checked  3/8/2008 CounterPunch 

Top Bolivian official plans Washington visit to complain of U.S. interference  2/26/2008 AP 

Undermining Bolivia  2/17/2008 Global Research: "Morales won the presidency in December 2005 with 54 percent of the vote, but five regional governments went to rightwing politicians. After Morales's victory, USAID, through its Office of Transition Initiatives, decided "to provide support to fledgling regional governments," USAID documents reveal. Throughout 2006, four of these five resource-rich lowland departments pushed for greater autonomy from the Morales-led central government, often threatening to secede from the nation. U.S. funds have emboldened them, with the Office of Transition Initiatives funneling "116 grants for $4,451,249 to help departmental governments operate more strategically," the documents state."

Bolivia: Las once restricciones  12/16/2007 TeleSur: published 2006

Philip Goldberg apoya el separatismo de Reyes  1/19/2007 Rebelión: "El 13 de julio del 2006, el periodista de El Deber de Santa Cruz Leopoldo Vegas publicó un reportaje indicando que “en criterio de tres politólogos consultados después de conocer la decisión de la Casa Blanca, la experiencia que adquirió Goldberg en la región del este europeo donde se produjeron luchas étnicas después de la separación de la ex Yugoslavia puede ser utilizada en Bolivia, en ocasión de los cambios que pretende introducir el actual Gobierno”."

From Pristina to La Paz: Expelled US Ambassador to Bolivia had been in charge of Kosovo Secession  1/17/2007 Global Research: "On July 13, 2006, the journalist for El Deber of Santa Cruz, Leopoldo Vegas, published a report indicating that “in the view of three political scientists interviewed after learning about the White House’s decision, the experience acquired by Goldberg in eastern Europe which produced ethnic conflict after the separation of the former Yugoslavia can be used in Bolivia, using as an opportunity the changes that the government itself is trying to introduce.”"

Threat to scrap Bolivian constitutional body  1/11/2007 FT: "Bolivia’s leftwing government is threatening to scupper an assembly to rewrite the country’s constitution and has lent its support to violent street protests aimed at forcing out an elected opposition regional leader, renewing concerns over President Evo Morales’s reform programme."

U.S. faults Bolivia anti-drug efforts  9/18/2006 AP 

The indigenous rise up in Latin America  4/18/2006 Sun Sentinel, FL 

Bolivia's Morales irks U.S. with bombing remarks  3/23/2006 Reuters: "The U.S. Embassy in La Paz expressed its concern on Thursday over a suggestion by Bolivian President Evo Morales that Washington was involved in hotel bombings that killed two people earlier this week. Hours after a California man was arrested on Wednesday in connection with the bombings in La Paz on the previous day, the leftist president said the attacks seemed politically motivated and questioned the U.S. commitment to fighting terrorism. "There is a war against terrorism by the government of the United States and they send us North Americans to do terrorism in Bolivia," Morales, who regularly criticizes Washington, was quoted as saying by official news agency ABI."

Bolivia's Morales accuses US of blackmail  3/7/2006 Reuters: "Because we don't accept vetoes or the change of a commander, blackmail comes from the U.S. armed forces," Morales was quoted as saying, referring to perceived U.S. interference in the Bolivian military. In a speech to mark the 21st anniversary of the rebellious left-wing city of El Alto, Morales said the U.S. decision to "declassify" Bolivia as an anti-terrorism partner would lead to the withdrawal of U.S. military equipment deployed for the countries' joint anti-terrorism force, as well as the discontinuation of grants and training courses. In total, the U.S.-sponsored programs were worth more than $300,000, Morales said. "It's peanuts. These resources are only there to control Bolivia, to have intelligence agents. We don't want intelligence agents serving the U.S. government," he was quoted as saying.

Bolivia's "Death to Yankees" senator loses US visa  2/24/2006 Reuters: "The congresswoman is one of the most prominent advocates of expanding coca production, which has alarmed Washington as it struggles to control flow of its derivative cocaine into the United States. She said recently: "We need, and we can, develop markets for our coca ... China is particularly important. The Chinese like herbs and they'll like our coca tea." "

Afrobolivianos piden igualdad  2/19/2006 La Prensa, Bolivia: publicado el Abril 16, 2005 - "Por primera vez en la historia, el Palacio de Gobierno retumbó ayer con la música de los tambores de los afrobolivianos. Un grupo de esta comunidad llegó al edificio sin previo aviso para hablar con el ministro de la Presidencia, José Galindo, quien los recibió y escuchó sus demandas. “A nombre de la comunidad afroboliviana, queremos agradecer y compartir (...) Al pueblo de Bolivia quiero agradecer por acogernos y por primera vez la comunidad entra con los tambores al Palacio de Gobierno y eso será historico”, dijo uno de los representantes de los afrobolivianos del país. El grupo solicitó al ministro Galindo que el Estado reconozca a los afrobolivianos como pueblo y los mencione como tal en todas las actividades."

U.S. State Dept. Steps Up Support of Bolivian Counterdrug Ops, Despite Morales' Rise to Power  1/25/2006 NarcoNews: "The Narcotics Affairs Section (NAS) of the U.S. State Dept. is taking action to “allow for an expansion of NAS support to counternarcotics operations in Bolivia,” according to a department planning document that was obtained, and had just begun circulating, today. This otherwise unannounced escalation of U.S.-backed counterdrug missions comes four days after Evo Morales – a vociferous advocate of the rights of coca-crop farmers – took office as Bolivia’s first Indian president. The first step toward expanding NAS-backed activities is the planned purchase of up to 90 heavy duty pick-up trucks, which will be delivered to “the Government of Bolivia pursuant to an agreement with the U.S. Department of State,” according to a Jan. 25 procurement notice found through a routine search of the FedBizOpps contracting database. Although the U.S. Embassy in La Paz will buy the trucks to replace old ones, a closer look at the planning document reveals that the planned acquisition is not just a routine matter. Rather than simply replacing an aging fleet of off-highway 4x4s, the new fleet of vehicles will heighten the capability of counterdrug forces to transport personnel and supplies during these expanded operations, many of which will take place in rural regions of the country where President Morales spent most of his life living and working among coca growers."

Bolivia strongly rejects Chávez' remarks  1/12/2006 El Universal: "President Hugo Chávez' remarks on an alleged plot against the administration of Bolivian president-elect Evo Morales were strongly rejected in Bolivia by incumbent President Eduardo Rodríguez, the Army commander and several media… "As government representatives, we could meet with Hugo Chávez or George W. Bush. We are open to dialogue. But in the case of the United States, first they have to explain the accusations they made that I am a 'narco-terrorist', a member of the 'coca mafia' and a 'drug trafficker'," Morales said."

Bolivia's drug crisis worsening  1/5/2004 Chicago Sun Times: "The problem with the program, begun by the Clinton administration, is focusing South America entirely on counter-drug objectives rather than counter-insurgency concerns. The result in Bolivia has been deepening political turmoil after pro-coca forces helped oust a pro-American president."

Bolivian Leader's Ouster Seen as Warning on U.S. Drug Policy  10/23/2003 NYT 

Journalist Alex Contreras Detained Illegally by Bolivian Authorities US-Imposed Repression, Military Dictatorship, and Persecution of the Press, Return to Bolivia  10/15/2003 NarcoNews 

New Viceroy Threatens Bolivian Democracy  4/5/2003 NarcoNews: "According to a report published in the biweekly Bolivian magazine, El Juguete Rabioso ("The Rabid Toy"), Greenlee's relation to this country dates back to 1965, when the new ambassador served as a Peace Corps volunteer. Later, he left for Vietnam, and became an expert in undercover operations in the US "diplomatic" schools… where he shared experiences with the ex "Southern Command chief Gary Speer, and with Otto Reich." "

Seria denuncia de EE.UU. en Bolivia  3/28/2003 BBC Mundo: "El embajador de Estados Unidos en Bolivia, David Greenlee, entregó al vicepresidente de Bolivia, Carlos Mesa, un informe en el que se dice que los diputados Morales y Antonio Peredo, del partido Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), son "los principales responsables" del planeado golpe de estado planeado para abril próximo."

Drug Warriors Shoot Children in Bolivia  3/13/2003 NarcoNews: "Three children from the Bolivian coca-growing region of Chapare were rushed urgently to medical centers in the city of Cochabamba. All three suffered bullet wounds from shots fired by officers of the Combined Task Force (FTC in its Spanish acronym), in the town of San Isidro, 175 kilometers from the city. “A soldier was hitting a woman on the ground and I called him a faggot; for that, he shot me,” Miguel Medrano Moya, 16, said between sobs. Medrano had been hit by a bullet in the stomach, and was fighting for his life in Viedma Hospital."

The IMF Fiddles While La Paz Burns - The New Opium Wars in Bolivia  2/20/2003 CounterPunch: "On the first day of the riots CBS, NBC, and Fox published stories. Colorful riots and footage of historical buildings aflame will always attract the attention of a corporate media addicted to sensationalism. They mentioned the tax increase but said nothing about the IMF or its austerity plans." IMF, again.

Las dos Bolivias se enfrentan…  2/13/2003 NarcoNews: “Esta es una lucha del pueblo boliviano pobre y desposeído, de los hombres, mujeres, ancianos y niños que siempre hemos sido ignorados por la denominada clase política manejada por el imperio norteamericano, las transnacionales y los políticos corruptos del país”, afirma el líder cocalero y diputado Evo Morales Ayma a propósito de la convulsión social por la que atraviesa Bolivia."

Arde Bolivia. Saquean la Coca-Cola y queman sedes de partidos y canal Bolivisión  2/13/2003 Aporrea: links to coverage of Bolivia revolt.

In Defense of Life and Democracy  2/12/2003 NarcoNews: "A comuniqué from el Mallku, speaking for the Bolivian people in revolt"

Bechtel Strikes Back at Bolivia  11/11/2002 Alternet: "Sometime in the next few weeks, behind closed doors at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., panelists in a secret trade court will decide if the people of South America's poorest country will have to pay $25 million to one of the world's most wealthy corporations. The stakes in this case -- Bechtel Corporation vs. Bolivia -- are high, and not just for the poor families who may ultimately pay the bill. The principle of local control in an era of unchecked economic globalization is at risk."

Críticas por visita de Reich a Bolivia  10/16/2002 BBC Mundo: Otto Reich at it again.

Three Hundred Citizen Groups Call on Secret World Bank to Open Up Bechtel Case Against Bolivia  8/29/2002 Earth Justice: Bechtel is a heavy CIA contractor.

The New Face of Bolivia Appears  8/9/2002 NarcoNews: "Felipe Quispe, before beginning his speech, made a gift of coca leaves to the leaders of the Senate and House "so that you can begin the job with best wishes." It was a good idea, because chewing coca leaf helps one not to fall asleep. At three a.m. the president of the Senate, Mirtha Quevedo of the MNR, and the Speaker of the House, Guido Añez of MIR, reached for the coca and started chewing just like any other peasant farmer. But that was not all that El Mallku did: He also told them that he and his five compañeros of the MIP party were here representing the Aymara people and that they were going to fight to defend their interests: "And if you don't pay attention to us here, I will take a stone out from below my poncho and leave fight alongside my people in the streets."

Bolivian Congress' vote ends presidential tie  8/4/2002 USA Today\: the fix was in - "Bolivia's Congress ended a presidential tie on Sunday, picking U.S.-educated millionaire Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada to lead the South American nation as it confronts economic malaise and growing social unrest. Sanchez de Lozada, a centrist mining executive who was president from 1993 to 1997, won a congressional vote by a 84-43 margin over Evo Morales, a radical Indian leader of Bolivia's coca growers."

Taking the Side of The Coca Farmer  7/31/2002 Time Magazine: "To understand why Evo Morales has come within a llama's hair of being President of Bolivia — and why his formidable political power is giving U.S. officials fits — pay attention when he and his top advisers open their mouths. That is, see what they're chewing: coca leaves, treasured by Andean Indians like Morales as a sacred tonic and as their most lucrative cash crop but better known to Americans as the raw material of cocaine."

The Ambassador's Tango and Other Stories  7/15/2002 NarcoNews: "Each and every one of the candidates of the traditional parties of Bolivia went at one moment or another to see the Viceroy and ask for his support. Manfred Reyes Villa, of the New Republican Force, even traveled to Miami to see the Cuban Republicans and to Washington to speak with Otto Reich in the State Department. None of the other candidates wanted, in the beginning, to participate in debate with Evo Morales ("It's a minor political party," the organizers of forums and debates were accustomed to saying). Then the things got hot. On Jun 17, during a campaign swing in the Eastern part of the country, Evo told the media that he wasn't interested in debating anymore with the neoliberal parties: "The one who I want to debate is Ambassador Rocha… I prefer to argue with the owner of the circus, not the clowns."

Bolivia's leftwing upstart alarms US  7/15/2002 Guardian, UK: as in Venezuela and Palestine, the US seeks to promote democracy, aided by noble men such as Otto, who helped get terrorist Orlando Bosch out of jail - "Otto Reich, the Cuban-American appointed by President George Bush as his assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, warned that American aid to the country would be in danger if Mr Morales was chosen on August.Mr Morales is leader of the country's coca-growers and is opposed to the coca eradication programme sponsored by the US as part of the "war on drugs" on the continent." Could it be that Reich is against removing price support for his narcoterrorist friends?

Bolivia's leftwing upstart alarms US  7/15/2002 Guardian, UK: as in Venezuela and Palestine, the US seeks to promote democracy, aided by noble men such as Otto, who helped get terrorist Orlando Bosch out of jail - "Otto Reich, the Cuban-American appointed by President George Bush as his assistant secretary of state for western hemisphere affairs, warned that American aid to the country would be in danger if Mr Morales was chosen on August.Mr Morales is leader of the country's coca-growers and is opposed to the coca eradication programme sponsored by the US as part of the "war on drugs" on the continent." Could it be that Reich is against removing price support for his narcoterrorist friends?

U.S. Envoy Criticized in Messy Aftermath of Bolivian Vote  7/6/2002 LA Times: part of Bush's endearing commitment to democracy - "Quispe has suggested that Bolivia's impoverished Indian population might soon launch an insurrection against a government that continues to be dominated by descendants of Europeans."

Bolivian vote puts dent in U.S. clout  7/2/2002 Bay Area Mercury News: the Company will have to put in extra hours…

Global Eye -- Jungle Fever  6/28/2002 Moscow Times: article is followed by a good set of links on Bolivia's perilous situation at the hands of the Yanqui mercenaries - "And now the "war on drugs" is merging with the "war on terror," with a corresponding growth in scale and firepower, offering excellent potential for long-term profits for the "defense"-related industries that hold such a disproportionate sway in international \politics. This merging also accelerates the moral corrosion that flourishes under the acidic metaphor of "war" -- as we can see in Bolivia."

Bolivian candidates blast U.S. "interference"  6/28/2002 The News, Mexico: "The usually at-odds presidential candidates in Bolivia's upcoming elections united Thursday to denounce as interference in their country's affairs a recommendation by the U.S. ambassador not to vote for the leader of peasant coca-leaf growers. Just three days before the Bolivian presidential elections, the candidates criticized U.S. Ambassador Manuel Rocha for urging the voting public not to cast their ballots for peasant leader Evo Morales. Without directly naming Morales, Rocha said that if Bolivians elect "those who want Bolivia again to be a cocaine exporter (they) are endangering future U.S. aid." Another US attempt to subvert democracy. What do we call people who consistently attempts to control every other nation on the planet through force and intimidation?

Hugo Banzer Was Narco-Connected  5/5/2002 Narco News: "The Narco News Andean Bureau recently interviewed Catholic Priest Gregorio Iriarte in Cochabamba, Bolivia during the discussions by representatives of Civil Society to forge a new path in the war on drugs. Iriarte is the man the bishop put in charge of studying narco-trafficking issues years ago and one of the most informed experts on the theme…"

Be With Them: Bolivian Civil Society Resists the War on Drugs  5/3/2002 Narco News: "during the last five years at least 200 farmers have lost their lives in conflicts with the different repressive corps of State. Last November, soldiers armed by Washington moved to close the coca markets. And the farmers, supported passionately by the rest of the people, resisted in the Sacaba War. They were shot and gassed, they were jailed, but they could not be defeated."

US Embassy Knew of Assassination  4/3/2002 Narco News: "Documents Reveal Details of Casimiro's Murder Embassy Called Him a "Die-Hard," & Worried Over Political Fallout"

Return of Bolivia's Drug-Stained Dictator  2/28/2002 Consortium News: by Jerry Meldon, 1997

INTERPOL Seeks Bolivia's Banzer, General Cancels Washington Trip  12/29/2001 Narco News: "The complicity of United States media correspondents in Latin America in the silence that protects those war criminals supported by Washington has never been clearer than this week. Buenos Aires, Argentina, is crawling with U.S. correspondents, due to the recent upheavals caused by the failure of the dollarization of the Argentine economy that had been imposed by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and led Argentine president Fernando de la Rua to resign and flee. This week, right under the noses of this overpopulation of North American reporters, a Federal Judge in Argentina ordered the arrest and capture of former Bolivian dictator-turned-"president" Hugo Banzer, for his participation in the brutal alliance of South American dictators in the 1970s known as Operation Condor. But has a single United States newspaper or North American wire service reported this inconvenient news in English? No, and through its silence, the North American media -- and its inauthentic journalists, as individuals -- make themselves complicit in crimes against humanity."

Bechtel Lawsuit Puts Squeeze on Bolivia's Poor  12/19/2001 Pacific News: Bechtel is heavily CIA related, built Cam Ran Bay and other installations, and gave us many cabinet members in Reagan's administration: "Two years ago, Bolivians rioted when a subsidiary of corporate giant Bechtel tripled water rates in the country's third-largest city. Protests eventually ousted the local water utility. Now, Bechtel is suing the Bolivian government for $25 million in damages and lost future profits."

the Assassination of Union Leader Casimiro Huanca Double Czech  12/19/2001 NarcoNews: Bolivian state terrorists kill peaceful union leader.

Israeli genocide technicians back in action in Latin America. La Paz, Wayne Madsen Report, 12/15/2019

One of the first actions of the right-wing Bolivian junta that overthrew democratically-elected President Evo Morales was to resume diplomatic relations with Israel and ask that nation to provide "counter-terrorism" assistance to the regime. In junta parlance, "counter-terrorism" means genocide directed against indigenous peoples and no country does better in that arena than Israel, which has provided "genocide technicians" to a number of past and present right-wing governments in Latin America, including Colombia, Honduras, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Paraguay, Chile, Panama, and Guatemala. In the 1980s, Israeli advisers and equipment, including special surveillance aircraft, helped Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt to carry out the elimination of entire Mayan Indian villages. One million Mayan Indians were affected by the Israeli inspired and supported genocide. In 1982, Rios Montt, a favorite of then-President Ronald Reagan, infamously said, "The guerrilla is the fish. The people are the sea. If you cannot catch the fish, you have to drain the sea." The passage could have been lifted, with minor paraphrasing, right out of the Talmud.

The same situation is now playing out in Bolivia, with smug vengeance from the Israelis. Morales's government severed relations with Israel in 2009 over Israel's Operation CAST LEAD military attack on Gaza. After the November 2019 coup against Morales by elements of the military and far-right politicians affiliated with fundamentalist Christian denominations who placed Bolivian senator Jeanine Anez in the presidency, Israel issued diplomatic feelers through Brazil's neo-Nazi president, Jair Bolosonaro, and Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo seeking to re-establish diplomatic ties with Bolivia. Among Bolivian junta Foreign Minister Karen Longaric's first acts was to seek a resumption in ties with Israel.

Just as with Israel's outreach to a number of far-right European politicians with neo-Nazi sympathies, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and Foreign Minister Israel Katz have no problem with neo-Nazis, as long as they toe the Israeli line on Palestine, Muslims, and expansion. Netanyahu and his government cravenly use the genocide of Jews during World War II as a political weapon to achieve their short- and long-term political objectives, as has been seen with Israeli assistance to Latin American regimes in carrying out genocide of native peoples. An example of such hypocrisy is Israel's close ties with Brazilian far-right Foreign Minister Araújo. Araújo's father, Henrique Fonseca de Araújo, while serving as Attorney General during Brazil's last military dictatorship, prevented the extradition to Germany of Gustav Franz Wagner, the deputy commander of the Sobibor concentration camp in occupied Poland. Foreign Minister Araújo, a supporter, like Bolsonaro, of Donald John Trump, inanely claims that Nazism is a "leftist" movement and that Adolf Hitler was a left-winger.

Bolivian junta Interior Minister Arturo Murillo claimed that the regime was seeking Israeli assistance because, he told Reuters, "They’re used to dealing with terrorists. They know how to handle them." Murillo was obviously referencing Palestinians in his description of "terrorists." Murillo also announced that the junta would petition the International Criminal Court to open a case against ousted President Morales for what Murillo described as "crimes against humanity." He did not specify the nature of the alleged "crimes." Murillo has opened up a criminal case in Bolivia against Morales, who, after being granted initial political asylum in Mexico following the coup, recently flew to Argentina after receiving medical care in Cuba. Morales has requested asylum in Argentina, where he is closer to Bolivia and is able to better monitor the Bolivian junta's human rights abuses against his fellow Aymara people, as well as the Quechua, Chiquitano, Guaraní, and Moxeño.

Murillo has warned representatives from Argentina's new left-of-center Peronista government not to interfere in Bolivia's affairs. He recently warned a group of Argentine human rights officials who visited Bolivia, stating, "We recommend these foreigners who are arriving to be careful. We are looking at you. We are following you. There is no tolerance for terrorism, sedition or armed movements. Zero tolerance."

Murillo and other junta officials have concocted a ludicrous conspiracy theory, which Murillo pitched to the Israelis in asking for their security assistance, that the leftist Venezuelan government of President Nicolas Maduro was working with two former officials of the defunct Peruvian Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement (MRTA) and Colombia's former Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) to "destabilize" a group of right-wing governments in Latin America, including Bolivia's. Murillo named the MRTA former official as Martín Serna Ponce and the former FARC operative as Facundo Morales Schoenfeld. In response, Murillo ordered the formation of the "Anti-Terrorist Group" (GAT), a special paramilitary unit designed to eliminate all "terrorist cells" in Bolivia. Murillo said that he has asked the Israelis to provide technical assistance to GAT and other units of the National Police and Armed Forces.

Junta officials have accused Ponce of funding Alpacino Mojica, a Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) candidate in Santa Cruz for the Chamber of Deputies in the upcoming election. MAS is the party of former President Morales and it largely represents the interests of Bolivia's indigenous peoples. What makes Murilla's charges so ludicrous is that Ponce was imprisoned in 2012 by Bolivia on a kidnapping conviction and reportedly remains incarcerated. Schoenfeld was arrested during protests in Santa Cruz and remains in detention. Neither have the capability of launching a series of rebellions against right-wing regimes with the aid of Venezuela from Bolivian prisons.

From his exile in Argentina, Morales is expected to name another MAS official as his choice to contest the upcoming Bolivian presidential election. Morales is unable to run since the junta has placed a price on his head.


November 11-12, 2019 -- Trump honors Native American Heritage Month with coup against Bolivia's first Native American presidenttop

Wayne Madsen Report, La Paz

Donald Trump, who has a schoolboy’s view of Native Americans as having been “savages” who besieged wagon trains of “peaceful” European settlers, has chalked up on his record of seedy deeds the military overthrow of Bolivia’s first Native American president, Evo Morales, an ethnic Aymara. Trump has been eyeing Morales, the leader of Bolivia’s Movement toward Socialism (MAS) party, for some form of retribution ever since Morales scolded Trump in person during a meeting of the United Nations Security Council on September 26, 2018.

Morales, as president of the Security Council, lectured Trump on America’s past abuses. The Bolivian president cited the United States as having “financed coups d’etat and supported dictators,” and having instituted a border policy that “separated migrant children from their families and put them in cages.” Trump kept his head down during the tongue-lashing, only raising it periodically to glower at Morales, who was wearing the formal garb of his native Aymara people.

On November 10th, Morales received his belated response from Trump in the form of an old-style military coup. After having already fallen prey to the U.S.-owned and operated Organization of American States (OAS), which deemed Bolivia’s October 20th first-round presidential election fraudulent, Morales was faced with nationwide street protests, some extremely violent in nature. Morales had a 10-point plurality over his U.S.- and Brazilian-backed right-wing challenger, former President Carlos Mesa, a margin that the OAS and Washington called contrived.

Even though Morales agreed to a new election, he and his entire MAS government, including Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera, Chamber of Deputies President Victor Borda, and Senate President Adriana Salvatierra -- all in the line of succession to the president -- were forced to resign by the Bolivian military and national police. Without a constitutional successor to Morales, the military and national police commanders took over in a classic Central Intelligence Agency textbook coup from the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. The new de facto head of state appeared to be Bolivian armed forces commander, General Williams Kaliman. However, Jeanine Añez Chavez, the Senate’s second vice-president, someone akin to the U.S. Senate’s minority Minority Leader, stated that she would assume the role of acting president.

Añez, a member of the right-wing opposition Democratic Union alliance, bears all the markings of a CIA asset. She is married to Colombian Conservative Party politician Héctor Hernando Hincapié Carvajal, an ally of the far-right Colombian president, Ivan Duque. The rise of Añez as the post-coup interim president of Bolivia appears to have been agreed upon in advance by the cabal of right-wing Latin American interlocutors who surround such Republican Cuban-American politicos as Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX). It is more than likely that the Bolivian coup operation had heavy input from anti-socialist Latin American millionaires and billionaires who make their home in south Florida. The fact that the Bolivian National Police was among the first to mobilize against Morales is also suspicious. The Bolivian coup was very similar to the CIA-backed Ecuadorian National Police failed coup against Ecuador’s leftist President Rafael Correa in 2010.

Morales and his MAS colleagues saw their homes attacked by mobs. Morales’s home was reported to have been ransacked and burned. A few days earlier, mobs kidnapped Patricia Arce, the MAS mayor of the town of Vinto, and cut her hair and doused her in red paint, forced her to sign a resignation letter, and marched her barefoot through the streets. This and other forms of right-wing street actions against Morales and the Venezuelan embassy in La Paz was led by domestic and foreign elements employed by the CIA and Brazilian neo-fascist President Jair Bolsonaro’s intelligence service – “Agência Brasileira de Inteligência” -- ABIN.

The governments of Mexico, Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Cuba denounced the coup against Morales. Argentina’s president-elect Alberto Fernández also condemned the coup, as did former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, who was recently released from prison after he was convicted by right-wing judicial authorities on cooked up bribery charges. Lula said, “it’s unfortunate that Latin America has a financial elite that does not know how to abide by democracy and the social inclusion of the poorest people.” Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro, who has been fighting off CIA attempts to overthrow him, expressed his full support for Morales, declaring, “We have to take care of our brother Evo Morales.” Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel said from Havana, “The world must be mobilized for the life and freedom of Evo.” Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard condemned the coup and said that Mexico was offering Morales political asylum. From London, the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn of the Labor Party, tweeted, “I condemn this coup against the Bolivian people and stand with them for democracy, social justice and independence.” The Spanish government expressed displeasure with the role of the Bolivian military in Morales's ouster. From the United States, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) condemned the coup in Bolivia. Omar was one of very few U.S. political leaders who called the removal of Morales a coup.

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and the right-wing governments of Brazil, Peru, and Colombia welcomed the putsch. Brazil’s neo-Nazi President Bolsonaro expressed personal pleasure in Morales’s ouster.

If the Bolivian coup continues along the typical template seen in other countries, the first to feel the effects of right-wing rule will be Bolivia’s poor, the Aymara, and mestizo population. Morales provided the poor with quality-of-life improvements as basic as longer life spans; modern housing; new schools; mass transit systems, including a cable car network in La Paz; paved roads in the rural regions; and even toilets.

Other developments will be the re-opening of an Israeli embassy in La Paz, a souring of relations with Cuba and Venezuela, the reintroduction of U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) paramilitary units in the country, and joint U.S.-Bolivian military exercises. Bolivian military officers will, once again, be among the student classes in such U.S. military indoctrination schools as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) in Fort Benning, Georgia, the former “School of the Americas” that trained some of Latin America’s worst dictators and “death squad” commanders.


Links/Enlacestop  -  Suspendido el 11/11/2019 cuando miramos, copia de mayo, 2019 aqui:*/ - Bolivia

Feminismo Comunitario Antipatriarcal, Bolivia coresponsal de teleSUR

White Supremacy

What motivates Trump voters? a clue as to what is driving US Bolivia policy 

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