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Festival announcement (Eng)

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Contacting the Festival Organizers

Traveling to Cuba

Haiti in Cuba

Kiba Kreyol '99 International Festival
7/31 to 8/3, 1999, Havana

NOTE: THIS HAS BEEN CANCELLED!  Bannzil Kreyol Kiba did not manage to get registered and recognized as an NGO by the Cuban government, which they need to do before having an international event.

Bannzil Kreyol Kiba, a cultural institution sponsored by the Caribbean Association of Cuba, invites you to the "KIBA KREYOL 99 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL". The objective of the festival is to promote a cultural exchange among those countries which speak Creole as part of their cultural and spiritual richness.

The meeting will take place from 7/31 to 8/3, 1999 in the Caribbean Association of Cuba in the city of Havana.   Participants will include all those interested in Creole theatre, dance, music, plastic arts and literature. This event will be the second year for the festival in Cuba (see details of the First Kiba Kreyol Festival) and will include round tables, magistral classes and commissions. Participants will include specialists and students who will discuss and debate the influence of Creole in socio-cultural relations in the Caribbean area.


Foreign Delegates US $50
Foreign Students US 40


• Participants can include all persons resident in Cuba or in other countries who are interested in promoting Creole as part of the cultural patrimony of the world.

• Participants can also include all academics, artists, researchers, journalists, historians, international organizations and other persons who advocate respect for and development of linguistic diversity.

BANNZIL KREYOL KIBA is an institution whose main objective is to promote the study and conservation of Creole in Cuba and in other Caribbean countries. To be a member of Bannzil Kreyol is not only to be interested in learning the language, but to have the interest to participate in all activities for its conservation and promotion.

Among those countries which speak Creole are Martinique, the Seychelles Islands, Reunion, Rodrigues, Santa Lucia, French Guyana, Haiti, Guadeloupe and Cuba.



El rescate y conservacion de la cultura de nuestros pueblos caribenos forma parte del objetivo esencial del Bannzil Kreyol Kiba, institucion patrocinadora por la Asociacion Caribena y auspiciada por el Centro de la Investigacion y el Desarrollo de la Cultura Cubana Juan Marinello.

Los interesados en esta labor concentramos actualmente nuestros esfuerzos en la gran fiesta caribena Kiba Kreyol 99, que se desarrollara del 31 de julio al 3 de agosto proximos en la Asociacion Caribena de Cuba y en otras instalaciones culturales de la capital.


Delegados extranjeros        $50.00 USD
Estudiantes extranjeros        $40 USD
Fecha limite de confirmacion de participacion: 30 de junio de 1999


Dias                        Horario                        Actividades
Sabado 31/7          9 a 10am                 Acreditacion
                              10 a 12m                Inauguracion del Festival
                              12 a 1pm                Almuerzo y merienda
                              1 a 4pm                  Conferencias y debates
                               8 a 12pm               Ceremonia Vodou

Domingo 1/8        9 a 12m                    Fiesta del Kreyol para los ninos
                          12 a 1pm                   Almuerzo y merienda
                            1 a 3pm                   Conferencias, debates y encuentro con la
                                                                            Biblio y el Kreyol
                                 6pm                    Carnaval del Kreyol y paises invitados (en La Piragua)

Lunes 2/8                9 a 12m                  Homenaje del Kreyol a Martha Jean Claude,
                                                            Benny More y la nina Nathalie Batista Puente
                             12 a 1pm                 Almuerzo y merienda
                             1 a 9pm                   Recorrido por La Habana Colonial
                              8 a 12pm                Bailables con agrupaciones que interpretan Kreyol

Martes 3/8                 9 a 12m               Clausura de las jornadas de conferencias
                                                           El Kreyol y sus perspectivas ante el tercer milenio
                                12 a 1pm             Almuerzo y merienda
                                        5pm             Gala de Clausura del Festival

Durante el Festival Kiba Kreyol 99 se mantendran las exposiciones de Literatura en Kreyol, pintura y escultura.


Precio unico por persona: $240.00 USD
Este precio incluye: recibimiento en el aeropuerto, traslados aeropuerto-hotel-aeropuerto, alojamiento durante 7 noches y 8 dias en habitaciones dobles en la Villa Panamericana, con desayuno y cena diarios en mesa buffet, traslado a las actividades oficiales del Festival, recorrido panoramico de ciudad, excursion a las playas del este de La Habana y servicio de quia.

Para mayor informacion sobre el Festival Kiba Kreyol y para organizar su estancia y participation:

Sr. Hilario Batista Feliz  
Presidente Comite Organizador del Festival
fax (537) 271574
Sra. Maria Antonia Cruz Vazquez
fax (537) 271574



The recovery and conservation of the culture of our Caribbean people forms a part of the objectives of Bannzil Kreyol Kiba, an institution sponsored by the Caribbean Association of Cuba. Those interested in this task are concentrating our efforts in the grand Caribbean festival "Kiba Kreyol '99", which will take place from 7/31 to 8/3, 1999. The purpose of this festival is related to the continuation of its main activities:

* Seminars and round tables about the influence of Creole in Caribbean and Latin American culture
* Encounter the Bible and Creole
* Voodoo ceremony
* Creole Carnival
* Tour of Colonial Havana, declared by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site
* Meeting with personalities renowned world-wide in Creole culture: Marta Jean Claude, Rafael Confiant, Iv Dejean
* Exhibition and sale of paintings and sculptures


Contacting the Festival Organizers

Organizing Committee, Bannzil Kreyol Kiba
Calle 88, No. 4101   esq. a 41
Marianao, Ciudad de La Habana
Tel (53.7) 203072

Sr. Hilario Batista Feliz  
Presidente Comite Organizador del Festival
fax (537) 271574

Maria Antonia Cruz Vazquez, Manager
MERCADU-ISPJAE Specialized Travel Agency
Telephone (537) 271574 / 207967 / 271450
Fax (537) 271574 / 272964 / 333028


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