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IFCO/Pastors for Peace
Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization

Gail WalkerGail Walker, Exec. Director,

The folks who have brought you the Caravans along with the Pastors for Peace.

"In January, 1996, Rev. Lucius Walker was arrested by the U.S. authorities because he dared to take computers to hospitals in Cuba. When the computers were seized, Rev. Walker and four others engaged in a "Fast for Life" until the computers were released. The fast lasted 94 days and resulted in the release of of the computers. The computers were delivered to Cuba on September 13, 1996."
-- from  In 6 segments, from then until today

IFCO works closely with the Martin Luther King Center in Havana.

Fundraising for the Matanzas Fire of 2022 -

IFCO Matanzas

See also Matanzas Fire of 2022Matanzas is a hemispheric center of African culture.

Rev. Lucius Walker passes to the ancestors, 9/7/10

Lucius Walker is in the Hearts of the Cuban People  9/26/2010 CAN, Cuba: "On the occasion of his meeting with the leader of the Cuban Revolution Fidel Castro at the Cuban Mission to the UN in New York in 1995, someone asked Lucius what was the secret of his love towards Cuba. Interesting question, he responded, adding that before the tremendous love Cuba has dispersed around the world, “we cannot do anything less than love Cuba”."

Adios to Lucius Walker Jr. in Harlem  9/18/2010 Havana Times 

THE REVEREND LUCIUS WALKER, 80, ANTI-BLOCKADE CRUSADER: August 3, 1930 - September 7, 2010  9/17/2010 Haiti Analysis 

Rev. Lucius Walker Jr. Fought for Civil Rights  9/12/2010 IFCO: "Long before Lucius Walker Jr. made international headlines - including for humanitarian aid to Cuba and when shot by U.S.-backed contra forces in Nicaragua - he was a minister and civil-rights activist in Milwaukee."

Las Caravanas de la Amistad EEUU - Cuba, un testimonio de la solidaridad  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "Las caravanas de la amistad, promovidas y dirigidas por la Fundación Interconfesional para la Organización de la Comunidad (IFCO) y Pastores por la Paz (PFP) han sido experiencias que le han otorgado mayor riqueza y sentido a la solidaridad con el pueblo cubano y su Revolución, y proporcionado un espacio de diálogo y reflexión entre el compromiso revolucionario cristiano y el máximo líder de la Revolución."

Llegarás también, Lucius, con la alegría de la mañana  9/11/2010 Jiribilla 

No queremos pensar en un mundo sin Lucius Walker  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "La ironía del mazazo nos estremeció a todos: cuando la amenaza de guerra nuclear se cierne sobre nuestras cabezas, uno de los hombres de paz imprescindibles se nos ha ido, tras 80 años de verdadero ejemplo. Ha muerto Lucius Walker, el reverendo norteamericano que hace casi dos décadas emprendió una irreversible lucha frente a la obstinada y cruel política del gobierno de su país contra Cuba."

Y la guagua camina…  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "Pastores por la Paz y su Caravana de la Amistad son protagonistas, desde hace más de veinte años, de una hermosa historia tejida desde el corazón por norteamericanos de las más variadas procedencias, colores y credos. El imaginario popular cubano los identifica por un símbolo: las guaguas escolares amarillas que ruedan por calles y avenidas de nuestras ciudades."

Lucius Walker, Baptist Pastor for Peace, Dies at 80  9/11/2010 NYT: "The Rev. Lucius Walker, a Baptist minister who gained national attention with calls for reparations for the descendants of slaves and with repeated violations of the United States embargo of Cuba through caravans of humanitarian aid, died on Tuesday at his home in Demarest, N.J. He was 80."

Reverend Lucius Walker, 1930-2010  9/9/2010 People's World: "In 2007, Walker took a group of New York City high school students to Cuba. As a result, he and IFCO/Pastors for peace were subpoenaed to give evidence against school personnel who had helped organize the trip. As always, Walker refused to cooperate, on principled grounds. The Caravans were expanded to include other places, including Chiapas in Southern Mexico, and El Salvador. Walker was working on the Haiti issue at the time of his death. Walker negotiated with then Cuban President Fidel Castro to make it possible for U.S. youth from poor communities to study at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba. Close to his heart was the issue of the Cuba 5, in whose cause Walker was a major actor. Shortly before his death, he had been working to pressure the U.S. government to issue visas to the wives of two of the Cuba 5 to enable them to visit their husbands in prison; visas which have been cruelly denied for 12 years."


Caravan 2006

Support the Caravan to Cuba End the Blockade, 2/06

The US blockade of Cuba causes shortages of food, medicine and other important supplies for eleven million people. The blockade is an immoral policy that uses hunger and disease as political weapons In November 2005 the countries in the United Nations General Assembly once again voted overwhelmingly (182-4) to call for the end of the blockade. A month later Condoleza Rice responded by stating that the Bush administration intends to intensify the blockade still further and is working on a package of new measure to be announced in May 2006. US policy towards Cuba is totally isolated internationally, increasingly discredited domestically and subject to many challenges from within Congress. 

IFCO/Pastors for Peace intends to respond to whatever new measures Bush devises with our 17th US-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan. In late June we will be visiting more than 120 US and Canadian cities to talk in meetings and to the media about the impact of the US blockade on the health and welfare of the Cuban people. We will be collecting medical and educational aid to take to Cuba in defiance of an immoral policy that says we can't assist our Cuban brothers and sisters. And in early July we will travel to Cuba, without a US government license, as ambassadors for a people-to-people foreign policy.

In Cuba we will learn about its economic problems and shortages, but also about its many social achievements and the ways it is providing medical training and skilled assistance to people from many other Latin American, Caribbean and African countries - the very things that George W does not want the US people to see or hear about. In Cuba with us will be another travel challenge undertaken by the Venceremos Brigade. On July 17th, by different routes, we will both return proudly and openly to US soil. 

That's the intentions - but it needs our supporters, our network, to make it happen. It needs people like you

To come on the caravan as a caravanista either within the US and/or to Cuba we want people to come to Cuba with us, but if thats not possible we also want supporters to be there with us at the border crossing.

To spread the word to your friends, neighbors, colleagues or congregation we can provide flyers to circulate.

To host a caravan event in your community and to get the media involved if you are interested in this we can put you in contact with other interested people in your community

Contact for application forms and/or information on being a caravanista
if you want to get involved in hosting or contributing material aid

Our website at has information and flyers that you can download.

The full program is 

June 17-July 1: Caravan routes with educational presentations and aid collections throughout the US and Canada 

July 2-7: Participant orientation in Texas. Border crossing into Mexico. Travel to Tampico and load material aid onto cargo ship 

July 8-15: Fly to Havana for Caravan educational program in Cuba. 

July 16: Return to Tampico, Mexico and travel to Mexico/US border 

July 17: Reverse challenge; cross the Mexican border into the US, delivering aid from the Cuban people to the people of the US

$$$$$$$$$$ Of course cash is always needed to finance this ambitious project

To make a financial donation - checks or money orders should be made out to IFCO and mailed to our New York office, or you can phone the office (212-926-5757) to make a credit card donation.

IFCO has 501(c)3 status so donations are tax-deductible and a receipt can be mailed to you for use in preparing your income tax.

Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization 
418 W. 145th St., New York, NY 10031
Ph: 212-926-5757 Fax: 212-926-5842


Caravan 2005

Update from Rev. Walker 3:20 PM EDT, 7/21/05

The Commerce Dept. has seized a number of computers and other electronic items such as calculators from one of the Pastors for Peace busses.

They have also rummaged through all of the other boxes, disrupting all of the manifesting that has taken place for the aid. We are not certain if this will disallow the aid to pass through Mexican customs because of their tampering.

This one bus has entered the gateway to Mexico at Reynosa. We are waiting to see how the Mexican customs will react to the disruptions caused by US officials. We are evaluating how we will proceed. We are determined to get all of our humanitarian aid to Cuba. Stay tuned...

(note: all aid going into Mexico must be carefully manifested in minute detail. This is what the caravan has been doing during the orientation in McAllen.)

April Delegation on Afro-Cuban religion, 2000

An Invitation to join an Interreligious Delegation to learn about Afro-Cuban religion.
Dates of Travel are April 15-26, 2000

This interreligious delegation will include lectures and discussions about Afro-Cuban religion, conversations with believers , and visits to houses of Lucumi, Palo and other African religions. Delegates will learn about the use of dance, music and drumming in religious ritual and participate in ritual ceremonies.

They will also discuss the interrelationship between African religion and Christian religion in Cuba today; as well as visit the Center of Traditional Medicine in Matanzas to study the effects of African culture on Cuban medical practice.

The 11 day delegation will include a 7 day workshop in Matanzas led by Prof. Israel Moliner Cataneda. Prof. Moliner is the current president of the Anthropoly Society of Cuba. He lectures on Afro Cuban religion at the University of Matanzas, the Evangelical Seminary of Matanzas and Casa de Africa in Havana.

The delegates will visit centers of African religion -- Yoruba, Arara, Bantu and Carabali -- in Matanzas City and Province as well as Guanabacoa, Regla and San Lazaro in Havana.

This delegation is organized for the members and supporters of IFCO.  

For additional information please contact:
IFCO /Pastors for Peace
(212) 926-5757



We need to send Cuba urgent supplies now!  8/8/2022 IFCO: "Please donate so we can purchase and start sending items by the end of this week!"

Pastors for Peace announces 29th Caravan to Cuba in November  8/1/2018 Adelante: "A statement released by the group blamed the U.S. blockade on Cuba for the Caravan postponement, particularly the impact of the blockade on the availability of airline seats. The bottom line, said IFCO/Pastors for Peace, is that we simply could not secure enough seats for our caravanistas this summer. That is why we were forced to postpone this year’s caravan and are now making plans to travel November 16th through the 25th. The U.S. solidarity organization further said that during their Cuba trip, they will travel to eastern Cuba to visit Santiago de Cuba and Guantanamo."

Cuban Religious Organizations Condemn U.S.A. Measure against Pastors for Peace  8/31/2016 PL: "The letter, signed by the Federation of Spiritualists of Havana, the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba, the Supreme Council of the Abacua Association of Cuba and the Bantu Religious Institution of Cuba, recalls that the links between Pastors for Peace and Cuba date back to more than 30 years ago."

IRS goes after Pastors for Peace for sending aid to Cuba  8/24/2016 In Cuba Today: "But Pastors for Peace now faces punishment for its charitable acts from another U.S. agency: the Internal Revenue Service. The organization was recently informed that it will it lose its tax-exempt status for failing to declare the shipments to Cuba. The Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization Pastors for Peace (IFCO), which has been audited by the IRS for the last seven years, said in a statement that the action is politically motivated."

US Caravan to Cuba Carries on History of Solidarity Across the Black Diaspora  7/5/2015 Truth Out: "IFCO has always been an organization concerned about the plight of Black people in the diaspora, whether that is in the US or globally. People of color are often victims of social inequity/social injustice and that is something that IFCO has been historically concerned about. It’s the first national organization that was led by people of color that organized to fight against social injustice so this has always been a part of IFCO’s mission – its reason for being. It’s very much at the center of much of the work that we do."

End the US Blockade of Cuba and Military Occupation of Guantanamo Bay! An Interview with Manolo De Los Santos  2/25/2015 Black Agenda Report: "I’m here in Cuba, first of all studying. I’m a student of theology at the Evangelical Seminary in Matanzas. I am also here as a staff person for IFCO (Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization) Pastors for Peace working as a liaison between IFCO and the US medical students studying at the Latin American School of Medicine, which has been an amazing opportunity for hundreds of young people from the US, from communities of color, poor communities, to actually be able to study medicine for free here in Cuba."

US Targeting Cuba’s Health-Care System  6/4/2011 Common Dreams: "The United States also bans the sale to Cuba of vital medical drugs and devices, such as the inhalant agent Sevoflurane which has become the pharmaceutical of excellence for applying general anesthesia to children; and the pharmaceutical Dexmetomidine, of particular usefulness in elderly patients who often must be subjected to extended surgical procedures. Both of these are produced by the U.S. firm Abbot Laboratories. "Cuban children suffering from lymphoblastic leukemia cannot use Erwinia L-asparaginasa, a medicine commercially known as Elspar, since the U.S. pharmaceutical company Merck and Co. refuses to sell this product to Cuba. Washington has also prohibited the U.S.-based Pastors for Peace Caravan from donating three Ford ambulances to Cuba."

Las Caravanas de la Amistad EEUU - Cuba, un testimonio de la solidaridad  9/11/2010 Jiribilla: "Las caravanas de la amistad, promovidas y dirigidas por la Fundación Interconfesional para la Organización de la Comunidad (IFCO) y Pastores por la Paz (PFP) han sido experiencias que le han otorgado mayor riqueza y sentido a la solidaridad con el pueblo cubano y su Revolución, y proporcionado un espacio de diálogo y reflexión entre el compromiso revolucionario cristiano y el máximo líder de la Revolución."

Reverend Lucius Walker, 1930-2010  9/9/2010 People's World: "In 2007, Walker took a group of New York City high school students to Cuba. As a result, he and IFCO/Pastors for peace were subpoenaed to give evidence against school personnel who had helped organize the trip. As always, Walker refused to cooperate, on principled grounds. The Caravans were expanded to include other places, including Chiapas in Southern Mexico, and El Salvador. Walker was working on the Haiti issue at the time of his death. Walker negotiated with then Cuban President Fidel Castro to make it possible for U.S. youth from poor communities to study at the Latin American School of Medicine in Cuba. Close to his heart was the issue of the Cuba 5, in whose cause Walker was a major actor. Shortly before his death, he had been working to pressure the U.S. government to issue visas to the wives of two of the Cuba 5 to enable them to visit their husbands in prison; visas which have been cruelly denied for 12 years."

Hip Hop without Borders part of IFCO Caravan to Cuba  6/15/2007 IFCO: ending the cultural blockade

Support the Caravan to Cuba End the Blockade  2/3/2006 IFCO: "The US blockade of Cuba causes shortages of food, medicine and other important supplies for eleven million people. The blockade is an immoral policy that uses hunger and disease as political weapons In November 2005 the countries in the United Nations General Assembly once again voted overwhelmingly (182-4) to call for the end of the blockade. A month later Condoleza Rice responded by stating that the Bush administration intends to intensify the blockade still further and is working on a package of new measure to be announced in May 2006. US policy towards Cuba is totally isolated internationally, increasingly discredited domestically and subject to many challenges from within Congress. IFCO/Pastors for Peace intends to respond to whatever new measures Bush devises with our 17th US-Cuba Friendshipment Caravan. In late June we will be visiting more than 120 US and Canadian cities to talk in meetings and to the media about the impact of the US blockade on the health and welfare of the Cuban people. We will be collecting medical and educational aid to take to Cuba in defiance of an immoral policy that says we can't assist our Cuban brothers and sisters. And in early July we will travel to Cuba, without a US government license, as ambassadors for a people-to-people foreign policy."

Aid group's annual trek to Cuba delayed at U.S.-Mexico border  7/21/2005 Austin Statesman: "Unlike previous years when buses carrying everything from bicycle parts to donated medical equipment were driven through giant X-ray machines and waved into Mexico, the group this year was subject to comprehensive searches by federal agents. Two buses crossed the border after the electronic devices onboard were confiscated, officials said. Group organizers, who oppose the U.S. embargo with Cuba, tried to persuade customs officials to let them keep the electronic equipment. When that failed, they decided to move the remaining buses to a parking lot near the Hidalgo/Pharr International Bridge. Founder Lucius Walker said the group would talk to federal officials again Friday in an attempt to cross the border with all their aid. This is the 16th mission by Pastors for Peace."

Pastors for Peace create Relief Fund for Nations Hit by Hurricanes  9/18/2004 Prensa Latina 

Pastors for Peace Caravan en Route to Cuba  6/29/2004 Cuba Now 

Peace Caravan to Arrive in Cuba Despite US Measures  6/20/2004 PL: "The Pastors for Peace Solidarity movement is organizing its fifteenth caravan for Cuba in spite of US measures against the Island, scheduled to be enforced on June 30, said Reverend Lucius Walker. Walker rejected the new Washington regulations and reaffirmed his solidarity with the Cuban people and government in the midst of a tightening of the aggressive policy by the government of George W. Bush."

Pastors for Peace Challenges US Blockade AGAINST Cuba  5/19/2004 Cuba Now 

Pastors for Peace to Launch Non-Violent Challenge to US Blockade of Cuba  5/1/2004 IFCO 

Activists Defy Cuba Embargo  7/3/2003 Public Broadcasting: "ROCHESTER, NY (2003-07-03) A truck loaded with relief supplies will leave Rochester's Downtown Presbyterian Church to join a convoy bound for Cuba. The group "Pastors for Peace" is organizing what they call a "non-violent" challenge to the US trade embargo against Cuba."

IFCO Condemns US Provocations Against Cuba.  4/24/2003 IFCO: "While the world's attention has been riveted to events surrounding the build up and subsequent invasion of Iraq, the US has launched a series of hostile actions to undermine Cuba, promote terrorism, destabilize its economy and instigate treason. For nearly two years, US hostility towards Cuba has steadily increased. With the US economy in shambles, the Bush administration will be heavily dependent on Florida, the US base of terrorist anti-Cuban activity, to win a second term. This campaign, waged on diplomatic, economic and political fronts is part of that intentional strategy."

Mexican Government Releases Humanitarian Aid for Chiapas  1/16/2003 IFCO: "In response to international grassroots concern for the plight of indigenous communities in Chiapas, the Mexican government authorized the passage of ten tons of humanitarian aid that was held at the Mexican border since December 12, 2002. This aid, which includes medical supplies and computers donated by dozens of churches, community organizations, religious orders and schools throughout the US and Canada, was part of a caravan organized by IFCO/Pastors for Peace for Chiapas, where communities displaced by Mexican military and paramilitary groups are anxiously awaiting it."

We don’t need permission to travel to Cuba  11/25/2002 Granma: "Member of the National Committee to Free the Five, activist with the International Action Center and collaborator with the group Pastors for Peace, Alicia Jrapko designates a good part of her time to the Cuba solidarity movement from within the United States."

Effort aims to deliver humanitarian aid to Cuba  7/11/2002 Daytona Beach News Journal: AfroCubaWeb columnist makes the news - "So, despite an international trade embargo imposed on Cuba, local businessman Alberto Jones has coordinated a busload of medical supplies and humanitarian aid to be shipped to the Caribbean Island this week. "We don't care what you feel about (Cuban President Fidel) Castro. We are concerned about helping people," Jones said. "If a government has a problem with another government, they should deal with each other -- not harm innocent people." Jones, 64, a native of Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, has coordinated humanitarian shipments as part of an annual "Pastors for Peace" convoy for the past eight years. The shipment this year includes surgical gloves, syringes, needles, three wheelchairs and a full-sized diesel school bus, which was purchased with donated cash."

Castro: the bioterrorist in our backyard  10/1/2001 New Australian: Pastors for Peace, that dangerous group of bioterrorist, stands accused of bringing a rat poison into the US to hurt the American people. Perhaps they were really worried about the recent increasers in rat populations in many US cities? This article is a tissue of lies.


Caravan 2006

Caravan 2005: visit their blog

Caravan 2004 - 15th Caravan


Contacting IFCOtop

Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization
IFCO/Pastors for Peace
402 W 145th St., NYC, NY 10031
212-926-5757; fax: 212-926-5842

Contacting AfroCubaWeb

Electronic mail [replace _AT_ with @]

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