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Alberto Jones: Race & Identity - Raza y identidad

Letter of thanks from the ANCInforme del Departamento de Estado sobre Cuba: un golpe devastador  3/31/2021 AfroCubaWeb: "Las hiperinfladas y detalladas acusaciones acerca de la violacion de los derechos humanos en Cuba, son infinitamente menores que las que Estados Unidos comete a diario contra los afroamericanos, las crecientes agresiones contra la comunidad asiatica y judia, los asesinatos masivos a manos de extremistas, supremacistas y anormales, el ataque y asalto sedicioso del congreso de los Estados Unidos, los masivos intentos de coaccionar y la supresion de los derechos de votantes minoritarios sugiere pudiera estarse gestando algo de mayor trascendencia detras de estas falacias."

En conmemoración del día de la lucha anti-racista en el mundo  3/21/2021 AfroCubaWeb: "Es triste y duele ver lo poco que se conoce, se promueve o se celebra este hecho en Cuba. Es triste y duele ver como el problema mas grave, algico e importante que afecta al pais, continua engavetado y sin tocar, a la espera que esta tragedia se resuelva por generacion espontanea."

En conmemoración del día de la lucha anti-racista en el mundo  3/21/2021 AfroCubaWeb: "Es triste y duele ver todo el honor, el respeto, la admiracion y las glorias ganada por Cuba con el sacrificio, la sangre y la vida de sus hijos en Africa, Asia, el Caribe y Estados Unidos, evaporarse, perderse y ser lanzado por la borda, debido a temores ancestrales infundados que Cuba no ha podido superar."

Are Racist Genes what’s Consuming the Nation?  3/16/2018 Havana Times: "Quite a few Cubans and foreigners who support the principles of the Revolution have asked themselves (without finding an answer) how the small Hebrew community in Cuba has beautiful synagogues, cafes and a hotel in Havana, while the Caribbean Association which is meant to promote AfroCuban culture between the over 60 embassies belonging to African and Caribbean nations remains dormant, ignored, without life, instead of being the natural bridge between Cuba, Africa and the Caribbean. The tiny Asturian Society has luxury restaurants in the capital, the Chinese have a buzzing China Town and the Arabs have a beautiful cultural center, while the Ministry of Justice which oversees these activities prevents food establishments from being set up at the British West Indian Welfare Center and at the French Tumba Association in Guantanamo and Santiago de Cuba and doesn’t even think about reviving an Athens Club in Havana."

La crisis racial corroe las bases de la sociedad cubana  10/10/2017 Havana Times: de Alberto N Jones - "En otra vergonzosa inacción y complicidad oficial con el creciente racismo que está devorando el país, resultó el anuncio hecho por la Fiscalía General de la República en el sonado caso de Yanay Aguirre Calderín."

A Cancer That Eats Away at Cuba A Cancer That Eats Away at Cuba  6/18/2017 Havana Times: "Arbitrary ID checks and the selective arrests of Black people on Obispo street, in Old Havana, Varadero and other tourist spots, have hurt and offended well-known Cuban and foreign Black intellectuals. The issue of forced repatriation of people from the country’s interior to their places of origin and them being insultingly identified as “Palestinians”, has traveled the world and stigmatized the country to such an extent, that Dr. Ralph Gonsalves, the Prime Minister of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Cuba’s unconditional friend, declared himself to be a “Palestinian” in a public speech he gave in the city of Santiago de Cuba."

Un cáncer intentando devorar a Cuba  6/17/2017 Havana Times: "El único método probado para erradicar de una vez y por toda esta grave dolencia que puede corroer a las instituciones y el alma del país, es combatiendo agresivamente la pobreza y la marginación de los más débiles, desarrollar una masiva educación de historia, cívica, cultura y antropología a todos los niveles de la enseñanza en Cuba y fortalecer la educación de las artes visuales, la radio y la televisión reformulando y adecuando su programación monótona, acrítica, para que empatice con la audiencia y los involucre en la búsqueda y solución de la problemática poblacional del país."

Reviewing "African-Americans should stop lionizing Castro as champion of black liberation" by Kimberly R Lyle  12/2/2016 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones - "Jose Marti, the father of the Cuban nation warned his people with these prophetic words: Ignorance Kills the People. One hundred and fifty years later, I read a hearsay laden article from another born-again Cubanologist, Kimberly Lyle, who has received her information from ultra-right wing Cuban Americans in Miami* and may have read an article or two on Afro Cuba here and there. In addition, she pretends ironically enough to write without basis about my home town Guantanamo!"

AfroCuban Relations with Florida  11/13/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Booker T. Washington worked hard to enroll Afro Cubans in Tuskegee College in Alabama, especially in architecture. Luis Delfin Valdes a Tuskegee graduate, designed the Club Atenas, a major twentieth-century Afro Cuban cultural Center in Havana. Dr. Mary McCleod Bethune was acutely aware of the importance of developing relations with Cuba, which lead her to enroll Afro Cubans as early as 1924 in her nascent academy of learning in Daytona Beach, where after graduating a couple stayed on board and excelled in the academic world. Aside from the United States, Cuba had the largest number of chapters of the Marcus Garvey Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). Langston Hughes described his detailed search for the heartbeat and songbeat of Africa in Cuba. He developed a close intellectual relation with Nicolas Guillen, Wilfredo Lam and other Afro Cuban intellectuals, which have survived a myriad of adversities to this day through the Latin America Study Association (LASA) and other organizations promoting scientific and cultural exchange."

Oportunismo o extremismo barato  10/14/2016 AfroCubaWeb: con carta de agradecimiento del Congreso Nacional Africano. (Vease la version PDF)

The Persistent Racial Crisis in Cuba  8/26/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Recent controversies in Havana Times and other online media about the heated issue of racism in Cuba sadly confirm my predictions decades ago. That the unfounded fear of the Cuban government to recognize and confront the increased racism in the country and its intent to pretend this tragedy does not exist, would serve only for this malady to metastasize and end up devouring the victim, if an effective and aggressive therapy is not applied."

La persistente crisis racial en Cuba  8/25/2016 AfroCubaWeb: por Alberto Jones - "Las recientes controversias en Havana Times y en otros medios en el mundo sobre el candente tema racial en Cuba, confirma mis predicciones de más de una década que el temor infundado del Gobierno cubano a reconocer y enfrentar el creciente racismo en el país y sus intentos por pretender que esta tragedia no existe, ha servido solo para que esta haga metástasis y termine devorando a la víctima, si no se aplica una efectiva y agresiva terapia."

What does the Fourth of July means to Black America?  7/3/2016 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones - "A moving article written this week by columnist Leonard Pitts in the Miami Herald marks the 10th anniversary of the violent death in a “punk gangster” crossfire of 9 year old Sherdavia Jenkins in Miami. This X-Ray image of the human disaster that is rooted in that city and has metastasized throughout the United States suggests the existence of an ethnic cleansing program in place. In a tragi-comedy ritual, ex-Congressman Kendrick Meek was speechless, stricken by grief, and that personification of a shameless Florida politician, then Speaker of the Florida House Marco Rubio, said “we sit on a crisis of epic proportions,” something I had noticed shortly after arriving in the US as part of the Mariel boatlift in 1980. Tensions were very high in Miami, because of the brutal murder of Afro American businessman and Viet Nam veteran Arthur Mc Duffie at the hands of 4 Hispanic (2 Cubans) police, who smashed his skull into a pulp with their flashlight. The case was transferred to Tampa, where an all-white jury acquitted all perpetrators, setting off the first city wide riot I had seen in my life."

Focus on the harsh realities of black Miami  4/13/2016 Miami Herald: Comment by Alberto Jones - "Visit the Latin American School of Medical Sciences in Havana and the Caribbean School of Medical Sciences in Santiago de Cuba, where thousands of students from over 100 countries are trained to become physicians, nurses, technologists etc., For Free!. The main task assigned to the Medical School in Santiago de Cuba, is to train students from Africa and the Caribbean, especially from Haiti where hundreds have received their degree, are working in Haiti and probably in your community and whose goal is to graduate 100 physicians per year for the next 20 years. Does anyone really believe that our kids in Opa Locka, Miami Gardens, Overtown, Cincinnati, Flint or Chicago are untrainable and born killers? Mr. Monestime, do not fear historical Cuba haters in the Local, State and the Federal Government, most of whom are descendent of former slave-drivers and perpetrators of most of the ills of blacks in Cuba. Be consequent with your duties, seek help for our youths killing each other and learn, why in Cuba, no black person, has been gunned down on the streets, in school, the workplace or in church since 1959."

Letter to Michelle Obama from Alberto Jones  2/22/2016 AfroCubaWeb: "Above and beyond all existing ideological differences between the US and Cuba, I am inviting you to come to Santiago de Cuba and see for yourself, what this city was, is and what it can once again become for millions of uneducated, poor and hopeless young people in the world."

Respuesta Interna  4/6/2014 Desde la Ceiba: por Alberto Jones - "Ante una nueva escisión que lamentable se ha producido en nuestra incipiente y débil organización, les escribo temeroso e imploro, que esto no conduzca a un mayor debilitamiento de los cimientos sin fraguar que estamos tratando de construir. A pesar de no haber visto publicado las bases, conceptos, filiación ni mecanismos para llegar a formar parte de ARAAC, el solo hecho de haberse concebido este abanico unificador de los marginados, obliga a defenderlo, criticarlo, fortalecerlo y crear un mecanismo de funcionamiento democrático, que augure un crecimiento, expansión y reconocimiento, que sea capaz de llevarlo a cumplir con sus postulados teóricos. Mientas ARAAC o cualquier otra institución carezca de una estructura, una visión, una meta y formas de alcanzarlos, nos limitaremos a hacernos señalamientos, nos fraccionaremos y jamás lograremos alcanzar la autoridad interna y externa necesaria para poner en marcha nuestras aspiraciones, nuestros sueños y obligaciones con la sangre de nuestros antepasados."

Afro Cuban Relations with Florida  11/16/2013 Havana Times: "Can anyone imagine Jazz, professional baseball, Latin American and Caribbean literature, without Afro American and Afro Cuban close collaboration?"

El racismo y sus mecanismos de perpetuación  10/23/2013 Havana Times: de Alberto N. Jones - "El British West Indian Welfare Center en Guantánamo, fue fundado en 1945 y como una Organización No Gubernamental, realizó un excelente trabajo social y cultural para miles de emigrantes y descendientes anglófonos. La petición de una Licencia al Ministerio de Justicia para reconstruir su calamitosa edificación, operar un restaurante-cafetería o una hospedería, ha sido denegada una y otra vez, en tanto, un puñado de descendientes asturianos, judíos, árabes y chinos en Cuba, poseen y operan legalmente cafeterías, restaurantes, casas de alquiler y un hotel. El grave daño que esta marginación selectiva ha ejercido sobre los negros en el país puede verse en su estancamiento, frustración y la desmoralización de sus jóvenes. En el periodo 1960-1975, los negros procedentes de Guantánamo y Santiago de Cuba, constituían el grueso de los médicos, enfermeros, maestros y dentistas graduados en Cuba. Hoy la presencia de negros en estas mismas profesiones está en vías de extinción."

Racism and its Perpetuation Mechanisms  10/23/2013 Havana Times: by Alberto Jones - "Simply, these people and thousands more are black and live or lived in a racist world, where there accomplishments are overshadowed, buried and ignored. Their contribution to the world are not exalted, or perpetuated by monuments, academic curriculum, public buildings or in the mass media. This criminal action deprives our children of their self-esteem, history and positive models in life while they are bombarded with messages that illustrate and record all the despicable acts they commit. This ancestral fear of the black, savage, the witch doctor, that some people assumed is part of the past, still exists in different forms in the XXI Century."

El Asesinato de negros a mansalva en los Estados Unidos  7/19/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Cuba excepto Brasil, recibió el mayor número de esclavos en este continente, lo que contribuyó decisivamente a su desarrollo socio-económico e independencia de España, al aportar el 70% de las fuerzas y bajas del Ejercito Libertador. Por ello, Cuba no puede permanecer ajeno, indiferente o aparentar ser cómplice de este holocausto. El poder económico de los Afroamericanos sobrepasa los 900 mil millones de dólares anuales, lo que lo ubica en el lugar 11 por ingreso entre las naciones. Al mismo tiempo, el presidente Barack Obama reconoció, que ninguno de los 40 millones de Afroamericanos está exento de ser visto y tratado selectivamente como un delincuente potencial, sin importar su nivel intelectual, social, económico o político. Más de 2 millones de profesionales Afroamericanos en todas las ramas del saber, 110 Universidades negras, 200,000 iglesias negras y el mayor conglomerado de negros en el mundo de las artes y deportes y millones de hombres ordinarios sin tabúes, jubilados o activos, constituyen la fuente donde se podrían atraer a más de un millón de familias preocupados por la seguridad personal de su familia, donde jamas ocurrirá un Emmet Till o Trayvon Martin, para residir en la antigua provincia de Oriente, con lo que Cuba podría duplicar de su producto nacional bruto, abonar salarios justo, abastecer el mercado e iniciar la recuperación de la decrepita infraestructura nacional."

Cuba’s Ladies in White leader Berta Soler praises exile support  4/27/2013 Miami Herald: "The leader of Cuba’s Ladies in White thanked Miami’s exile community on Saturday for its continued support for dissidents on the island and asked for more moral, spiritual and material help for those who seek to end the Castro regime. Berta Soler also blamed the Cuban government for the lack of economic and educational opportunities for Afro-Cubans and affirmed her support for the U.S. economic embargo against the island." [See comments that include our columnist, Alberto Jones]

Ecuanimidad, cordura y visión ante el peligro de la división racial en Cuba  4/14/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Durante la conferencia celebrada en Miami en Octubre de 1998, “Miami-USA/Cuba, Una nueva visión”, afloraron los primeros esbozos del interés que la administración del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, venía prestando a los cambios demográficos que se estaban produciendo en Cuba a favor de los negros, debido al alto índice migratorio de blancos y mestizos. Posteriormente supimos del reclutamiento de candidatos potenciales en los Estados Unidos y otros lugares, sus programas de formación en la lucha por los Derechos Civiles, su financiamiento, dirección y la proliferación de filiales en Cuba, a partir de estos graduados de la Universidad de Mississippi, el Centro Martin Luther King de Atlanta y otros. Este embrión dio lugar a la formación de los llamados Grupos Independientes Médicos, Agricultores, Derechos Humanos, Periodistas, Bibliotecas etc., compuestos predominantemente por negros y mestizos en Cuba, con el doble propósito de privar al gobierno del apoyo de un importante sector de la población y más importante aún, sería que cualquier acto de repudio o represión en su contra, recayera en este sector, profundizando la escisión dentro de la sociedad Cubana."

Speculations surrounding Roberto Zurbano’s OP-ED in the New York Times  3/28/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Few in the world have any doubt that Blacks in Cuba have made more progress in the past 50 years than in the previous 500. That’s why every statement in Zurbano’s essay should be taken as constructive criticism, a continuum of his longstanding writings, meetings, conferences and symposiums characterized by his never mincing words, forgiving wrongdoings or being ready to white-wash personal or official failures. He should never be described or seen as a disgruntled bystander."

Especulaciones alrededor del artículo de Roberto Zurbano en el New York Times,  3/28/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Pocas personas en el mundo dudan que los negros en Cuba hayan avanzado más en los últimos 50 años que en los 500 anteriores. Cada aspecto contenido en el artículo de Zurbano, debiera ser visto como una crítica constructiva, una continuidad de su larga estela de escritos, conferencias y simposios, que lo han caracterizado por su diafanidad, confrontación de errores y su negativa a justificar las fallas oficiales o personales. Nunca ha sido un observador pasivo frustrado o vencido."

Especulaciones alrededor del artículo de Roberto Zurbano en el New York Times  3/28/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "El análisis prematuro de algunos, las conclusiones superficiales de otros y algún que otro pescador en aguas revueltas, nos acercara a todos a la temida división de los sectores anti-racistas, que necesariamente beneficiaria a lo que creemos combatir. El hecho mismo, que decenas de miles de Afrocubanos han alcanzado un nivel intelectual que les permite, leer, analizar, comparar y extraer sus propias conclusiones, gracias a los conocimientos obtenidos por la existencia de la Revolución, no ha de privarlos de sus derechos de cuestionar, denunciar o enfrentar errores; ni los excluye de proponer ideas o soluciones para los males y sueños incumplidos. Más que debilitar al gobierno o sus instituciones con esta crítica valiente, frontal, sin dobleces, estos planteamientos fortalecen el entorno y crean un ambiente propicio para elevar el compromiso social conducente a la formación de una nación mejor, que es en esencia, el objetivo único de la Revolución."

Speculations surrounding Roberto Zurbano’s OP-ED in the New York Times  3/28/2013 AfroCubaWeb: "Three years ago, I wrote what some characterized as a harsh and critical view of Cuba entitled, “A Worldwide Battle of Life and Death,” which appeared in three parts, referencing the injustices described in Zurbano’s article and attempting to expose the divisive and dangerous content of Carlos Moore's “Acting on our Conscience” The fact that tens of thousands of Afrocubans have achieved the intellectual capacity to read, analyze, compare and extract their own conclusions thanks to the knowledge obtained through the existence of the Cuban Revolution should not deprive them of their right to question, denounce or silence mistakes or forbid them from proposing ideas or solutions for the nation’s failures and unfulfilled dreams. Rather than weakening the government and its institutions with his actions, such a courageous, frontal approach fortifies and creates a positive environment of concern, interest and a social commitment to create a better nation which is, in essence, what the Cuban Revolution is all about in the first place."

La tumba de Antonio Maceo - Una visita decepcionante  10/1/2012 AfroCubaWeb: "Creo que por lo anteriormente expuesto, que es solo una pequeñísima síntesis de las acciones de Maceo, se merece como mínimo una Bandera, una llama que mantenga encendidos sus ideales, flores. Pero lo mejor de todo, es que el propio pueblo que vive en los alrededores del monumento también exige esta pequeña atención, y cito textualmente: "Esto cobra vida, días antes de celebrarse el aniversario de su muerte el 7 de diciembre.""

Antonio Maceo's tomb - A sorrowful visit  10/1/2012 AfroCubaWeb: "I believe the aforementioned, which is a brief summary of Maceo's actions, deserves at least a Flag, an Eternal Flame to keep his ideals burning and Flowers from his people. Best of all is that it is the people living around the monument who demands such basic care and I cite their words: "This place becomes alive days before the celebration of his anniversary on December 7". I have been told, the situation is different at the monument in San Pedro, but I cannot speak for I do not have first hand information. What I do know is that no one is guards over Maceo's remains and I do not mean a security guard, but future graduates from military academies who sometimes receive their diplomas at this historic site."

Restañar el honor patrio, honrando a las víctimas  1/15/2012 AfroCubaWeb 

Cuba 1912: a blemish on the victims, Alberto N. Jones  11/25/2011 AfroCubaWeb: "Natalia Ruiz, Popo, Miguel Benavides, Manuel Fournier, Isabel Cayol, Marcelino Vera, Bellita, Papito Baro and many more described to us, on the porch of our corner store, at Pedro Agustin Perez and 24th of February squares and at the Veterans Community Center in Guantanamo, chilling stories about the brutal killings, hangings and beatings of blacks and mulattos by hordes of enraged soldiers and volunteers armed to the teeth, who were provided immunity or licensed to act by local governments. Determined to permanently terrorize blacks and mulattos, these executioners paraded their horses with mutilated bodies tied to their saddle and with bags full of ears cut off from the dead through main streets, squares and the countryside. How can anyone imagine that historian Rolando Rodriguez never heard nor read any of this revolting evidence in The Diario de Cuba of Santiago de Cuba, la Voz del Pueblo de Guantánamo and other newspapers of that era? "

Cuba 1912. Mancillando la memoria de las victimas  11/8/2011 AfroCubaWeb: de Alberto Jones

Cuba 1912: a blemish on the victims  11/8/2011 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

The birth and death of a fake man-made feud  6/20/2011 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

Gen. Maceo & Lingering Racism in Cuba  12/17/2010 Havana Times: by Alberto Jones - "Likewise, for those responsible to correct and eradicate this revolting social manifestation from our society, they should be reminded that ignoring this festering wound, not confronting head on this viper or to pretend this corrosive mental secretion will fade away, they are setting themselves up for a rude awakening, when this malignancy metastasize out of control across the island."

General Antonio Maceo, Then, Now and Forever,  12/10/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "No one in his/her right mind can deny the extraordinary educational advances that Afro-Cubans have made in the past half a century. Yet, the socio-economic gap between us and other ethnic groups have persisted and widened in many cases. A clear and determined effort by many in positions of authority within the government or holding administrative responsibilities has segregated and relegated Afro-Cubans to the least desirable jobs, poor living quarters, stagnation, opposing their promotion into positions of high visibility, all of which have been clearly identified, repeatedly exposed and denounced with limited or no success. Racism is today a fact of life in Cuba. For this monstrosity to take place in the land of General Jose and Antonio Maceo, Quintin Banderas, Mariana Grajales, Juan Almeida, Jesus Menendez, Guillermon Moncada, Juan Gualberto Gomez and thousands of others exemplary Afro-Cubans, is an affront to our history and moral values. This very serious failure through neglect or indifference, lead to a spurious document entitled “Acting on our Conscience” which hit the cyberspace on December 1, 2009 like an atomic bomb pretending to address this repulsive reality."

General Antonio Maceo, Then, Now and Forever, 12/10/2010  12/10/2010 AfroCubaWeb: by Alberto Jones

A Worldwide Battle of Life and Death. Third Chapter  5/1/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "Is it necessary to present additional evidence to prove beyond any doubt the horrific crimes that was inflicted upon innocent people for centuries or the massive wealth that was derived from such tainted procedure? That’s why it is so outrageous, disgusting and counterproductive to see a handful of opportunists attempting to capitalize on known failures, shortcomings and deficiencies in Cuba’s race-relations, in which, rather than putting forward an honest critique, offer suggestions or design ways to alleviate the suffering of the Afro-Cuban community, they have intentionally chosen the path of inciting our people, fanning the flames of anger, exacerbating their suffering and encouraging physical confrontation."

Una Batalla Mundial de Vida o Muerte. Tercera Parte  5/1/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "Será aun necesario, presentar mas evidencias para fundamentar el horrendo crimen que se ha cometido en contra de África y sus hijos en todo el mundo, para justificar nuestra demanda de justicia y reparación? Es por ello que resulta tan vergonzoso, repugnante y contra productivo observar como un puñado de oportunistas intentan capitalizar sobre las serias deficiencias en las relaciones raciales en Cuba, en el cual, mas que presentar criticas honestas, constructivas, sugerencias o el diseño de modelos que sean capaces de mitigar el sufrimiento de la comunidad Afro-Cubana, estos han optado por el camino de incitar al pueblo, batir las llamas de la frustración, exacerbar las penas y estimular la confrontación física, mientras el grueso de los países y entidades que se ensañaron en nuestro pueblo, se escudan detrás de este mortal diversionismo."

A worldwide Battle of Life and Death, Part II  4/4/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "What preconceived notion leads the Cuban Ministry of Tourism to promote heavily and organize trade fairs in south America, Europe, Asia and Australia, as it blatantly ignore the purchasing power and geographical proximity of millions of Afro-Americans and Caribbean potential tourists who would readily feel at home in Santiago de Cuba, Guantanamo and other areas in Cuba, with whom they hold a strong ethnic, historical and family bonds? How can we be surprised by rising racism in Cuba, knowing that the Ministry of Education curriculum has omitted or intentionally evaded the important historical contributions of Africans and their descendents in the development of the Cuban nation, has shelved films and other cultural events depicting blacks in positive, historical accomplishments, while innumerable films, soap operas and plays made in Cuba or imported, tends to present black people in servility, dependency or unlawful activities, in contrast with the Gentleman, Lady or Mistress attributes conferred upon other ethic groups? Can we plausibly explain how the ICAIC (Cuban Institute of Arts and Cinematography Industry) has the time and funds to honor the memory of Yarine, a vulgar pimp turned into a popular fable, but has not had the time, funds or interest to pay homage to the lives of Bartolome Maso, Jesus Menendez, Carlota, Jose Maceo or Juan Gualberto Gomez?"

Una Batalla Mundial de Vida o Muerte. Segunda Parte  4/4/2010 AfroCubaWeb: "La trágica, dolorosa e irreparable inmolación de Orlando Tamayo Zapata, debido a su decisión de rechazar la ingestión de alimentos, ha desencadenado una ola de protesta sin precedentes alrededor del mundo, con lo que se pretende estimular a otros llamados disidentes en Cuba, no a los que residen en el exterior, a imitar y repetir esta tragedia, como si nuestra cultura fuese Sunni, Shiita, o Taliban. Sin pretender minimizar, cuestionar y menos aun denigrar esta fatal decisión que enlútese, mancha y avergüenza a todos, llama la atención sin embargo, que una reacción similar no se produjo cuando una decena de presos políticos se inmolaron de igual manera en Irlanda del Norte, ni despues las masacres de Sharpville, Ruanda y Soweto, las golpizas de miles de negros en Alabama, Mississippi o Tennessee durante la lucha por los derechos civiles, los miles de linchamientos a lo largo y ancho de los Estados Unidos o ante la diaria brutalidad policíaca en contra de la comunidad Afro-Americana."

Blacks bear the brunt of Cuba's brutality  2/28/2010 Miami Herald: "Zapata's ordeal is being spun from the other side of the coin, too -- the predominantly white and U.S.-based, right-wing anti-Castro opposition who clearly stand to score political points from the case of a black martyr. Righteous declarations can be expected from organizations such as Democracy Movement, the Cuban American National Foundation, the Cuban Liberty Council and, especially, the Cuban Democratic Directorate. Many Cuban civil-rights activists accuse these groups of working to corral and control the new internal opposition forces on behalf of interests linked to Cuba's former Jim Crow oligarchy. That's why they see U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart's ``indignation'' over Zapata's death, as much as president Raúl Castro's ``regrets,'' as a double farce. A staunch supporter of the tiny, white elite of wealth that was overthrown in 1959, Diaz-Balart can cry crocodile tears, but during his time in Congress his right-wing, pro-embargo agenda has only hindered the ability of black Cubans to improve their lot." [Some observers credit Alberto Jones and Claude Betancourt's articles for this historic turn against the Miami Plantocracy, unprecedented, to our knowledge, in any statements by Black Cuban dissident groups.]

Una Batalla Mundial de Vida o Muerte. Primera Parte  12/25/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Prevalecia en Miami un racismo furibundo donde acunaron el termino despectivo Marielitos, lo cual era sinonimo con analfabeto, negro, ladron, asesino, drogadicto, prostituta y/o criminal. En infinidad de articulos periodisticos y en programas radiales AM de microfonos abiertos de Miami decian sin inmutarse, “Esta gente no parecen ser siquiera Cubanos”, lo que significaba que la percepcion generalizada que fue creado a partir del ano 1959, en el cual los Cubanos se describrieron como un pais exclusivamente blanco, rico. de casatenientes residiendo en mansiones con cadillacs, viviendas en la playa, catolicos temerosos de Dios, sin una gota de sangre negra en sus venas y asociando la religion Afro-Cubana con el Voodoo de Haiti."

A Worldwide Battle of Life and Death. Part I  12/25/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Let me help readers of this very complex issue identify all parties involved, by pointing an accusing finger at everyone whose voluntary or involuntary actions may have contributed to bringing us to this extremely dangerous juncture. (a) The Cuban Solidarity Movement in the US, (b) the United States Government, (c) anti-Cuba Blacks groups around the world and (d) the Cuban Government, who stands violently accused of blatant racism in Cuba as denounced in Acting On Our Conscience. (a) The Cuban Solidarity Movement in the United States is primarily White and they have strongly supported the Cuban Government based mostly on events which have taken place since 1959, its impressive social programs, international solidarity, health and education development, but to a great extent, with a limited awareness of the 500 years' legacy of slavery, racism, segregation and inequalities in Cuba."

Sentando las bases para otro 1912  12/8/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "El haber publicado esta carta abierta, constituye un ataque artero en contra de cientos de intellectuales Afro-Cubanos dentro de Cuba, quienes durante los ultimos veinte anos han venido librando una batalla honorable, discreta en defensa de los intereses de la comunidad Afro-Cubana, obligados a caminar una cuerda floja en evitacion de ser tomados como agentes de gobiernos foraneos o cajas de resonancia de grupos desafectos Afro-Cubanos, empenadas en subvertir el proceso Revolucionario en Cuba. En multiples oportunidades he compartido con el Dr. Moore y otros, acerca de los peligros de descarrilar este proceso en Cuba, el cual ha venido mostrando signos de progreso, aun cuando este se mueve con una lentitud pasmosa. Enfatizamos siempre la importancia de la unidad y la uniformidad del mensaje de nuestro pueblo."

Laying the groundwork for another 1912  12/8/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Tens of pleas for help for the elderly, infirmed, children or those suffering from natural disasters in this region have gone unheard by these grieving Afro-Cubans engaged in writing letters and books. How do they expect to stop a hungry baby from crying, an elderly in pain, an infirmed without adequate medication or a physically challenged without a prosthesis to make his life bearable? They have not even been willing to provide technical/professional literature for medical schools and would rather label those extending a helping hand as Castroites. The contradictory behavior of these individuals, interested in increasing the suffering of the same people they gladly provide with a Flash Memory to hear their diatribe, religious or double edged literature, or hopes of a better future while starving has never made sense to me. Nor have I ever bought into their extreme, paternalistic Africanism, when communities ravaged by unemployment, drug addition, violence, prostitution, murder or ignorance lie a few miles away from their gated communities and they are oblivious to their hopelessness and solely interested in what is taking place in Cuba."

A Sincere and Painful Apology to the U.S. Congressional Black Caucus  5/20/2009 Black Agenda Report 

A Sincere and Painful Apology to the US Congressional Black Caucus  5/10/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "These are the real battles for justice, equality and the future of our nation, that all Cubans and Afro-Cubans especially should be waging, and not by siding with those who castrated our independence in 1898 or those who enabled the 1912 massacre and kept us segregated, impoverished, ignorant until 1959 and today. They are shamefully relying on the dark skin of some who are willing to sell their intellect and soul to the highest bidder, by attempting to intimidate, blackmail or create a negative political scene against members of the CBC who have courageously stood by their brothers in Cuba for the past 25 years."

Another Stray Brother: Rep Kendrick Meek  4/10/2009 AfroCubaWeb: "Regretfully, I must admit, that for reasons unbeknown to me, US Congressman Kendrick Meeks and especially now with his bid for a Senate seat, is fully in the fold and under absolute control of the ultra-right-wing Cuban-American mafia in south Florida, the same group of people with blood still dripping from their hands, for untold crimes committed in Cuba especially against people of African descent, who they despised and continue to despise to this day."

Why Banes Does Not Miss the Diaz-Balarts Nor the United Fruit Co  10/22/2008 AfroCubaWeb: "This conviction, faith, and trust in their community, their country and themselves, should have inspired pride, admiration and respect in US Congressman Lincoln and Mario Diaz-Balart, Ileana Ros-Lethinen, US Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez and the salaried mouthpieces and parasites of bogus organizations charged with providing support to their hand-made "freedom fighters" in Cuba. Instead, they produced newspaper articles, blogs, and radio and TV talk shows, all intended to confuse, weaken or incite these victims, instead they angered and compounded their hate."

Attacking Tonyaa Weathersbee  12/2/2007 AfroCubaWeb: "Tonyaa Weathersbee is a columnist for the Florida Times Union out of Jacksonville. A member of the prestigious Trotter Group of African American columnists in the US, she has maintained an interest in Cuba and issues of race & identity there. In September, 2007, Tonyaa Weathersbee wrote an article about a recent trip she took to Cuba, One Race, Two Countries. A group of 4 Cuban Americans attacked her for this article in a letter to the editor, Cuba is no paradise for blacks, 11/07, citing a few myths that are common among Cuban Americans. AfroCubaWeb columnist Alberto Jones comments on this attack in A Failed Revisionist attempt To Mask Cuba’s Tragic History, 11/07."

A Failed Revisionist attempt To Mask Cuba’s Tragic History  11/30/2007 AfroCubaWeb: "It is very upsetting to listen to people who had no contact with a black person except for their nanny, driver, or cook, who never dared to venture into a black neighborhood or did not care when blacks were enslaved, segregated, kept illiterate, and denied their most basic means of survival or when 6000 blacks were massacred in 1912 when they attempted to express their dissatisfaction with the prevailing environment, which was implanted and enforced in all likelihood by the ancestors of these highly offended and aggrieved writers. But to question and attack Ms. Weathersbee’s integrity, when she has been to Cuba numerous times, has met with countless Afro-Cubans and non-Afro-Cubans from all walks of life who have shared with her their views, hopes, and frustration, which she has corroborated and published, only to be slandered by people who have never been to Cuba in half a century, is not only obscene, it is another Miami-type veiled, vicious dog attack, intended to influence the Times Union management and hopefully get her fired from her job."

Seeing the people, not Cold War politics  11/5/2007 Florida Times-Union: by Tonyaa Weathersbee, a member of the Trotter Group, an association of Black US columnists. This article discusses Alberto Jones, whose columns appear on AfroCubaWeb.

Mi Cubanidad  3/11/2006 Un Bohio: published 10/05 - "My worldview was tinted by that dogmatic brain-washing (heavy on the bleach) until 26 March, 2000 when I had the good fortune of encountering the indomitable Dr. Alberto Jones, a generous Guantanamero, in the historic chapel of my alma mater. Dr. Jones is a fascinating man whose energy belies his actual age. A defiantly and politely proud patriot, he also takes great pride in his Jamaican ancestry. I have taken great pride in passing along quite a few of Dr. Jones' columns and essays over the years. Among the things I am grateful for about our friendship, the one thing that stands out the most is the opening of what is an ever-increasing devotion to freethinking and truth seeking. A price tag cannot ever be put on that gift and I will be ever grateful for it. The times when I have heard an African-American express any opinion about Fidel Castro, most of the time, the opinion that is expressed is one based on that individual’s perception of a certain significant level of respect he or she has for the Cuban leader. This perception of Castro is often muddied by the incessant and confusing demonizing of him and his initiatives as practiced by both this country’s corporate media and successive administrations in Washington, D.C. Thus, the question that logically follows is “what are we missing about Castro when it comes to skin color?”"

Chabot Cuba conference faces a challenged Afro-Cuba  10/19/2005 SF Bay View: "The panelists reported that the income gap between Black and white Cubans widened during the "special period" (1990s) after the fall of the Soviet Union and the tightening of the U.S. economic blockade. Remittances - money sent by Cubans in the United States to their families in Cuba - go mostly to white Cubans, 30 to 40 percent. Only 5 to 10 percent goes to Black Cubans. White families received 58.3 percent of total income in 1999, while Black families received only 4.3 percent. This income gap reproduces the race and economic stratification system of the past and is a predictor of the position of Afro-Cubans in the future. Twenty percent of the audience was African North Americans, who met with other African North Americans and Alberto Jones on Sunday to explore a remittance program for Afro-Cubans and to educate and organize African North Americans to put an end to the U.S. blockade and travel embargo against Cuba."

Selling the Human Rights Commission to the Highest Bidder  4/14/2005 AfroCubaWeb: "And today, as a result of an extensive political and economical pressure, arm twisting or in exchange of political recognition from the United States, 21 countries against 17 supported a resolution presented by the United States in the United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, in which Cuba was viciously accused of gross human rights violation for having incarcerated a year ago, 75 individuals disguised as independent journalists, independent unionists, independent librarians or independent everything else. There is a huge volume of audio, video and written documentation, some of it directly from the US government, which clearly establishes that all or most of these individuals were in fact agents of a foreign government and on the US State Department payroll, as well as that of US-AID, and numerous right wing foundations and front organizations, all devoted to training, directing and sending these individuals to spread rumors, create racial divisions, incite improper behavior and promote civil war, as called for in the 500 pages of the Commission for the Assistance to a Free Cuba report that was chaired by the macabre duet of Colin Powell and Mel Martinez."

"Afro-Cuban Dissidents Treated Especially Cruelly", Letter to the Los Angeles Times  10/15/2003 AfroCubaWeb: "Afro-Cuban Dissidents Treated Especially Cruelly, is the pompous title that Mr. Louis Suarez chose for his Letter to the Editor, published on 10/15/03 in the Wall Street Journal. This gentleman who most likely is not Black and knows nothing about what it meant to be Black in "Democratic" Cuba, is just another mouthpiece of the Cuban-American National Foundation and tens of other rabid anti-Cuba organizations, bent on faning the flames of hatred and exacerbating the plight of Blacks in Cuba, in hopes of re-creating the race-war of 1912."

A Despicable Political Ploy: on BET's charging racist execution of hijackers  6/23/2003 AfroCubaWeb: "Still, no argument, rationale or evidence, can ever be invoked to explain or justify the loss of these three lives of otherwise innocent people, victims of this ongoing international strife, that has brought so much depravation, pain and suffering to our country. But, to allow ultra-right-wing Cuban-American Frank Calzon, the Cuban American National Foundation or President George W. Bush to re-make themselves as born-again advocates of black Cubans wellbeing, is revolting. Having failed in their 40 plus years of subversive conspiracies to overthrow the Cuban government through assassinations attempts, invasions, terrorisms, political and economic warfare, demonizations etc., they have now identified and redirected all of their financial resources to the creation of a race war in Cuba. That is why, special effort has been made by the USAID, CIA, US Interest Section and others, to recruit, promote and dissiminate so called "dissidents" on their payroll, who happen to be black."

Reactions to William Rasberry's column on Cuba  2/18/2002 AfroCubaWeb: Alberto Jones reacts to William Rasberry's column "Cuban Surprise."

Cuban surprise  2/4/2002 Boston Globe: "Perhaps I was surprised most by what I thought I knew best: Cuba's racial situation. I'd been led to believe by black Cuban expatriates that Fidel Castro, though he at first had no particular regard for blacks, had, with the exodus of white Cubans to America, entrusted the civil service, the military officer corps, and much of the middle class to blacks. It was one eason I'd been convinced the Miami Cubans were kidding themselves to dream of a triumphal return to power. Well, in truth I saw hardly any brown-skinned or black Cubans running anything - not as managers or ministers or maitre d's, not even as cashiers, clerks, or hotel maids. Black Cubans are in plentiful supply, as a stroll through the poor sections of Havana will make clear. But all the good jobs in this socialist paradise seem to go to people we used to describe as ''light, bright, or damned near white.'' Ask nonblack Cubans about this phenomenon, and they'll blink as though they've just noticed it for the first time. There's just no color problem in Cuba, they'll insist." The brothers here were not leading you astray: there is a marked difference between the eurotourism sector, completely dominated by whites, and other sectors of the economy, such as medicine, biotech, and even politics where afrocubans have reached senior positions. See the writings of Pedro Perez Sarduy on this site for a discussion of this phenomena. See also Alberto Jones' response to this column, Reactions to William Raspberry's column on Cuba

The attempt to divide Cuba along racial lines, II  8/9/2001 AfroCubaWeb: "Since the early '90s, cubanologists from different universities, social workers and even some misguided or ill informed Afro Americans coming out of the civil rights movement unleashed a flood of newspapers articles, seminars, conferences, web sites, books, radio talk shows all of which became part of a well concerted and heavily funded project to divide Cubans along race lines. These initial concerns with the wellbeing of the Afro Cuba community was welcome by most, until it became clear that these entities were all advocating similar divisive and confrontational policies towards the Cuban Government. Most of these groups used similar terminology, format and even words that are not part of the Cuban lexicon, which clearly indicates the existence of a command and control center outside of the Cuban community."

History will condemn them forever  7/25/2001 AfroCubaWeb: "Unfortunately, many in the AfroCuban community have said, that as long as Castro is in Cuba, they will not help anyone living there. Whenever Castro is no longer in the scene, it will be however too late for hundreds of our brothers and sisters, who may have perished because of our narrow view and retrograde thinking. I therefore reject any suggestion to ignore our people and align my actions with those right wing racist Cubans, perpetrators of most of our social ills. Have we forgotten when these individuals did everything possible for us not to go beyond the 4th grade, forced us to live in huts with thatched roof, no running water, no sewer, no electricity, no jobs, healthcare or hopes?"

The attempt to divide Cuba on racial lines  7/9/2001 AfroCubaWeb: "These initial concerns with the wellbeing of the Afro Cuba community was welcome by most, until it became clear that these entities were all advocating similar divisive and confrontational policies towards the Cuban Government. Most of these groups used similar terminology, format and even words that are not part of the Cuban lexicon, which clearly indicates the existence of a command and control center outside of the Cuban community. A great effort was placed on the creation of Independent Libraries, Independent Journalists, Independent Women, Children and Elderly Association, Independent Farmers and even Independent Unions in Cuba, all of this being advocated by people with the lowest union membership in the world. Outside of Cuba, a series of Afro-Cuban "Think-Tank" charged with creating and disseminating news, rumors, distortions, or elevating to "Sainthood" a few salaried Afro-Cuban "Dissidents" that they have created in Cuba, is in fact their most cherished portion of the puzzle, because it creates for them an aura of credibility."

La Nacion Cubana  3/21/2001 AfroCubaWeb: "But what makes this issue so despicable, is that after denying the existence of Blacks in Cuba for nearly forty years and dozens of other failed violent efforts to topple the Cuban Government, these ultra-right-wing Miami Cubans, have suddenly discovered that those Black Cubans who they had vigorously segregated, treated like animals and denied all means of survival for 500 years, is now, their last hope of overthrowing the Government."

Stealing my identity on AfroCubaWeb: the ultra right in blackface  10/1/2000 AfroCubaWeb: "And this is the same media in which they constantly complain how Cuba have "Darkened" and how they will have to "Bleach" the country as soon as it is "Free""

"Why don't African Americans speak out against Castro's abuses": Upper Class, get real!  3/25/2000 AfroCubaWeb: "The insatiable hatred that Myrian Marquez and hundreds of other ultra-right-wing Cubans profess for their country of birth is expressed through their daily bilious exudate geared to demonize, denigrate, and disparage every thing originating in Cuba. Her recent article (1) , "Why don't African Americans speak out against Castro's abuses" typifies her impotence towards people of African descent. Having failed in their 40 year old attempt to overthrow the Cuban Government through assasination attempts, conspiracies, invasions, economical and bacteriological warfare, bombings, sabotage, and the longest and most virulent embargo in human history, they are now resorting to their last hope, a carefully structured and well financed campaign, designed to promote and stir up racial hatred in Cuba, hoping to re-enact the Kosovo or West Bank experience."

Crooks, torturers, pseudo-politicians, opportunists, and hired killers line up against Los Van Van.  10/6/1999 AfroCubaWeb: "One of them, Agustin Tamargo from Radio Mambi, went as far as openly requesting a THREE DAYS LICENSE - when the Castro Regime falls - to dole out retribution to all of those who stayed in Cuba and supported that hated regime. This very disturbing statement is especially frightening to the AfroCuban community, who, because of its non-migratory tendency and the intense emigration of Cubans of Hispanic ancestry to the United States have seen Cuba become a predominantly Black country. Are Mr Tamargo and his cohorts planning to re-enact the massacre of 1912 and the Ladder Conspiracy in Cuba or the Rosewood massacre in Gainesville, Florida?"

Un hito en la lucha contra el racismo  11/12/1998 AfroCubaWeb: "Un hecho sin precedentes en la historia de Miami ocurrió el pasado 31 de octubre con la celebración de la conferencia Miami-USA/Cuba, Una Nueva Visión, organizada por el Centro de Política Internacional… Hago por tanto un sincero y crucial llamado a todos mis hermanos de raza, todos víctimas de ese engendro, para que analicemos nuestra historia, establezcamos quiénes, cuándo y por qué se cometió aquel holocausto y luego dediquemos lo mejor de nuestros esfuerzos --tal cual realizan españoles, árabes, judíos, chinos, etc.--, a contribuir a mitigar el dolor de nuestros hermanos en Cuba, a crear mecanismos que coadyuven a su continuo desarrollo, a demostrarles que no han sido olvidados ni están solos y evitar sobre todo que el dolor personal debido a una injusticia real o imaginaria, nos lleve a ignorar el reto de millones de nuestros hermanos, asociándonos indirectamente con nuestros verdugos. Nadie tendrá que aleccionarnos en las actuales circunstancias. Maceo, Guillermón, Quintín, Mariana, etc., nos trazaron el camino a seguir. Los historiadores disponen del rasero por el cual seremos juzgados."

CONFRONTING CUBA'S FUTURE HEALING RACIAL RIFTS IS KEY, BLACK PANELIST SAYS  11/3/1998 Miami Herald: "Moore, along with author Enrique Patterson, Alberto Jones, executive director of the Caribbean-American Children Foundation, Florida International University psychology professor Marvin Dunn, and Winston Hale, head of the Caribbean Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Miami, told the audience of 125 that the future of Cuba and the Cuban-American community depends on confronting Cuban racial schisms that have been subordinated and denied for generations."

Caribbean workers were `semi-slaves' in Cuba  8/25/1998 AfroCubaWeb/Miami Herald: "How can any attorney argue in a court of law that in the midst of the brutal, repressive environment that Mr. James describes, Santiago de Cuba -- with less than a million inhabitants and Jamaica's closest neighbor -- has produced in the past 40 years from oppressed ranks more black doctors, dentists, nurses, teachers, researchers, engineers, scientists than Jamaica in its 500-plus years?"

A Cuba in Diaz Balart's Image or that of Today's Miami  7/15/1998 Alborada/AfroCubaWeb: "For these and so many other reasons, none of us had to flock to South Africa to see what Apartheid was all about. We were born, lived and many died in our own Soweto! That's why it is so painful to us when we hear the likes of Diaz-Balart attempting to apply the content of the Human Rights Declaration to their narrow and selfish, self serving interest. Where were these demagogues, hypocrites and frequently active perpetrators of the terrible conditions previously described when young people were beaten, tortured, disappeared or murdered, and left by the side of the roads to rot by the military structure that they helped put in place to protect their illegal loot, stolen public funds, or immoral business practices? For us to have a clear picture about the real intentions and the interests that these individuals stand for, suffice to say that Diaz-Balart's father was one of the highest ranking government official in the Batista regime while all of the above was happening, and today, both his sons, one as a State and the other as a U.S. Representative, both represent Miami, which has become one of the most politically corrupt, segregated, bankrupt, drug ravaged community in the nation."

Report from Alberto Jones on the state of the West Indian Welfare Center  5/15/1996 AfroCubaWeb: "he Spaniards, Jews, Chinese and Arabs are already providing food, medince and clothing and other resources for their nationals living in Cuba. We are not and should not do less than other ethnic group do for their people! I have witnessed the pain, the suffering and the anguish, associated with the absence of the most basic means of life and its devastating impact. NONE OF OUR PEOPLE SHOULD DIE FOR LACK OF AN ANTIASMATHIC SPRAY, LOOSE THEIR EYE SIGHT BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF DROPS, DIE OF CANCER IN UNDESCRIBABLE PAIN BECAUSE OF THE ABSCENCE OF PAIN KILLERS, OR SEE THEIR CHILDREN GO TO BED, TOO HUNGRY TO FALL ASLEEP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BUT, IT HAPPENS EVERYDAY!"


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