"Pianisimo Concierto en
Clave-s de I-fa" - installation
Alexis Esquivel
Casket, showcase, half fishbowl, half birdcage. There are sixteen letters
in the diloggún [the divination system of AfroCuban religion (Ifa)]. There are sixteen
photocopies of black leaders who fought for the rights of their race and who are, for the
most part, forgotten by their fellow Cubans. The wooden claves cluster together,
float, or are completely submerged; they flirt with the light and obstruct the view of the
portraits beyond them. The water rearranges and reflects. This web unsettles the spectator
as much as it does the spirits that try to read the music scores with two large F clefs
that are placed on the music stands that obliges them to interpret a strange symphony. |