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Cuban Exiles Fundraise For Defense Of Terrorist, 1/01

Recently declassified Cuban document made public
, 11/24/00

When the U.S. asked Central America for harsh treatment of its ex-agent, Posada Carriles, 11/00

The Posada Case And Terrorism Against Cuba,

Alertan Sobre Maniobras Con Documentos Posada Carriles En El Salvador, 11/22/00



The arrest of Luis Posada Carilles, 11/17/00

Posada, a terrorist extraordinaire, who masterminded all manner of criminal acts from the bombing of a Cubana airline in 1976 to the anti-tourism bombing campaign of 1998, was arrested in Panama after Fidel Castro revealed on November 17th that Posada was plotting to kill him.  Posada revealed some of his extensive ties to the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) in an interview to the New York Times in 1998.  He then retracted this admission when he heard the complaints from his colleagues who were feeling the heat. It is widely reported that Jorge Mas Canosa, the deceased founder of the CANF, got him out of a Venezuelan jail where he had served 9 years of a 27 year sentence for the Cubana bombing. Here we track matters relating to the arrest of this arch-criminal.  He has had access to many state secrets involving the US, including his extensive cocaine trafficking as number two man after Felix Rodriguez at Ilopango Air Force Base in Hangar #2, which belonged in the 80's to the CIA. Rodriguez worked directly for Bush over a period of many years. So it will be interesting to see what happens to his case.

For background information on Posada, see Luis Posada Carilles. For background on the CANF, see The Cuban American National Foundation (CANF).

Cuba Petitions Panama For Extradition Of Luis Posada Carriles, 11/21/00

Fidel Castro, In Panama For Iberoamerican Summit, Denounces Plots, 11/17

Cuban Exiles Fundraise For Defense Of Terrorist, 1/01

Press review courtesy of the Carlos Baliño Institute, 1/01

The Spanish language news agency EFE reported on December 15 from Miami that Cuban exiles in that city participated in a radio marathon to raise funds for the legal defense of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and another 3 henchmen arrested with him in Panama.

Posada Carriles, Guillermo Novo, Pedro Remon Posada, and Gaspar Jimenez were arrested in the Panamanian capital on November 17 after Cuban intelligence notified Panamanian police of a plot by the four men to assassinate President Fidel Castro Ruz during the X Ibero American Summit.

"We are going to free the four compatriots and will not allow that a crime of this nature be committed against them" swore Armando Perez Roura, director of Radio Mambi (WAQI-AM) in Miami.

According to Roura, "the accusation is the pure invention of a regime that uses all of its resources to make lying accusations against its enemies".

The goal of the radio marathon is to collect $200,000, organizer Santiago Alvarez told EFE. He added that the "success of the marathon has been complete: the calls are constant and the pledges are very encouraging".

Democracy Movement, an organization participating in the initiative, called on exiles to contribute in order to cover the legal costs of four Cuban-American citizens whose arrest "appears to be the product of a Castroite manipulation". Ramon Saul Sanchez, President of the anti-Cuba group says that "independently of the strategies for struggle, the defense of those who fight for the freedom of Cuba is an obligation of all exiles when they are found to be in legal difficulties resulting from their acts".

"If these Cubans are be extradited to Cuba, their lives would be greatly at risk, even though the tyrannical regime would promise not to execute them", added Ramon Raul Sanchez.

The anti-Cuba organization has asked the government of Panama to immediately free the four detainees who, according to the exile group, " have not committed any crime".

Rogelio Cruz, attorney for the detainees, charged Thursday before a news conference that he can prove that Fidel Castro framed the defendants in order to accomplish their extradition. According to Cruz, the Cuban government planted the 8 kilos of explosives found at the international airport on the 19 of November, two days after the arrest of his clients He said that the four were in Panama only to facilitate the defection of Eduardo Delgado, chief of Cuban security who was taking advantage of the Summit to escape from the island.

Posada Carriles is wanted in Venezuela where he escaped from prison before being tried for the mid flight bombing in 1976 of a Cubana airliner that killed all 73 persons on board. He has also admitted having plotted a series on bombings in Havana hotels which injured scores and killed an Italian tourist in 1997. Carriles has admitted to receiving funds from the Cuban-American National Foundation in Miami to carry out his acts of terrorism against Cuba. The three other defendants have been implicated in previous acts of terrorism in the US against the United Nations building in New York City, the assassinations of a Cuban diplomat in New York and a Chilean diplomat in Washington, DC.

Radio Mambi and Ramon Raul Sanchez instigated defiance of the US Department of Justice and rioting during the kidnapping dispute of Elian Gonzalez in Miami. Most recently, Radio Mambi incited a mob attack on the Dade County Board of Elections to stop a vote recount of the presidential election.

Press review courtesy of the Carlos Baliño Institute Cubans Abroad in Support of the Homeland & Revolution Florida, New Mexico, Ohio, 1/01

When the U.S. asked Central America for harsh treatment of its ex-agent, Posada Carriles, 11/00

BY GABRIEL MOLINA, Editor, Granma International

IN August 1998, U.S. President Bill Clinton warned Central American governments about Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, but they ignored him.

Posada's arrest during the recent Panama summit and the revelations about how he had been able to move with impunity around the region, including Miami, sparked an analysis of the reasons that the U.S. president's message was not heeded.

The fact is that officials from the CIA and the U.S. State Department were given the task of doing something about the presence of the controversial figure in the area and various newspapers around the region echoed the unusual message. For example, on September 30, El Nuevo Herald printed statements made by government envoys: "He is not protected by the United States, despite having worked for the CIA during the 1960s and for Oliver North's campaign to support the anti- Sandinista rebels in Nicaragua through aid from El Salvador between 1986 and 1988. Washington hopes that local officials have investigated Posada's anti-Castro attacks and conspiracies and will prosecute him if possible."

The newspaper article added: "Posada has lived almost openly in Central America for the last 13 years and has even worked for former Salvadoran and Guatemalan presidents, despite the fact that he is a fugitive sought for allegedly planting a bomb on a Cuban airliner that cost of 73 lives. He recently admitted that he had organized the planting of bombs that exploded in Havana during 1998."

Certainly the government was not showing all its cards. In those days Posada's revelations to The New York Times had sounded the alarm. Terrorism, one of U.S. propaganda's strong points and at the same time one of its weakest, had been used for shameful ends on CIA orders according to this well-known agent. The government needed to distance itself from this.

The message alluded to the "United States' strong opposition to acts of terrorism against Cuba... We would like [the Central American governments] to take legal action against the persons or groups that are carrying out similar actions from their territories," a U.S. government official told El Nuevo Herald in September.

Security officials in Honduras and El Salvador confirmed to journalist Glenn Garvin that CIA agents assigned as diplomats and officials in local U.S. embassies started transmitting energetic warnings about Posada in mid-August 1998. "It was obviously a strong message," one of them commented.

What has happened since then?

Posada, who is now 72, escaped from a Venezuelan jail in 1985 where he was serving a sentence for the Cuban airline bombing that killed 73 people. A former CIA agent, Posada confessed to The New York Times that Jorge Mas Canosa, at that time president of the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), provided the financing and assistance to ensure that he had been able to walk freely out of the prison gates. He later went to El Salvador, although he had also lived in Guatemala and Honduras. He also worked as head of operations for the Venezuelan intelligence service prior to having been arrested for the bombing of the Cuban airliner in Barbados in 1976.

In July 1998, El Nuevo Herald referred to The New York Times interview where Posada acknowledged that he had hired Salvadoran Raúl Ernesto Cruz León, who was arrested in Havana in 1997 and admitted planting half a dozen bombs in the city's tourism centers. Other reports in the Florida daily have also linked him to attempts to hire Guatemalans to plant bombs in Cuba during 1997 and to join with other forces in attempts to assassinate Fidel in Colombia, Venezuela and the Dominican Republic.


However, 65-year-old engineer Antonio Jorge Alvarez (Tony), who directed the activities of WRB Enterprises in Guatemala and made contact with Posada Carriles and other Cuban born terrorists there, also told The New York Times that in those days the FBI appeared not to have investigated the background to complaints about the preparation of a plan to assassinate the Cuban leader during an Ibero-American Summit on the Venezuelan island of Margarita.

In Puerto Rico just before the summit, the U.S. Coast Guard detained a boat containing four men. The leader of the group, Angel Alfonso Alemán from Union City, New Jersey, declared that the group was on a mission to assassinate Fidel on Margarita island.

Subsequent investigations confirmed that the boat belonged to CANF leaders and that one of the weapons found aboard was registered to Dr. Alberto Hernández, the president of that interview that Francisco Hernández, Alberto's brother, and Manuel Foyo, among others, had sent him money for his expenses.

The New York Times quotes Posada Carriles as saying that Mas Canosa and the CANF supplied the funds to finance at least 11 explosions in Cuban hotels and tourist installations.


The newspaper revealed that it had utilized CIA and FBI files as sources for the series of investigations and reports on Mas Canosa and Luis Posada Carriles, and that these revealed close links between the two.

It added that its sources also included testimony from around 100 persons, 13 hours of taped interviews and conversations with Posada, intelligence archives, sworn statements, Posada's autobiography and documents written in Posada's own handwriting. The New York Times reiterated its "support and confidence" in the reporters responsible for the articles, Miami correspondent Larry Rohter and freelance journalist Ann Louise Bardach.

Jorge Mas Santos, Mas Canosa's eldest son, called a press conference rejecting the allegations the day after the articles were published, and Posada subsequently denied he had talked with the newspaper.

An executive of The New York Times said 24 hours later that the paper would not retract the articles. Assistant editor Bill Keller told El Nuevo Herald that he believed there was no need to reply or to clarify anything, since the story spoke for itself. He confirmed that the paper was very happy with its reporters and said that they had done an excellent piece of work.

Meanwhile, Nancy Nielson from the paper's corporate relations department commented that the journalists had recorded three days of conversations with Posada in which he admits that CANF leaders supported the bombing of hotels and other acts.

So much evidence proved overwhelming for President Clinton. But something took place that allowed Posada Carriles to continue moving freely around Central America and even Miami without anybody bothering him. Observers are inclined to believe that the "invisible government," the name author David Wise given to the CIA, calmed Central American leaders. They believe that Clinton's recommendation was something of a hot potato for both the Central American government leaders and the CIA itself, since Posada Carriles knew too much about some people. That is another story, but one that merits a further article.

Recently declassified Cuban document made public, 11/24/00

November 24, 2000 Granma International

HAVANA (AIN).- An important document recently declassified by the Cuban government was made public during the final part of a televised roundtable on Thursday, November 23, which continued analyzing the case of infamous terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

The document is a synthesis of President Fidel Castro’s words to Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez on April 18, 1998, to be confidentially transmitted to U.S. President Bill Clinton.

It was known at that time that the Nobel laureate in literature was to have a personal meeting with Clinton, who admires his work and enjoys an ongoing friendship with the author.

Of the seven points of the document in question, only the first was made public. It consists of a warning of the persistence of terrorist plots against Cuba financed by the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) and utilizing Central American mercenaries.

It refers to two terrorist incursions into Cuban tourist installations before and after the Pope’s visit. In the first case, the culprits escaped by air to Central America without achieving their aims and the explosives were seized.

In the second attempt, three Guatemalan mercenaries were detained, and the explosive charges and accessories confiscated. The mercenaries were to receive $1,500 USD for each device exploded.

The document confirms that in both cases the mercenaries were contracted and armed by agents in the CANF network who were already planning to sabotage Cuban or other airliners traveling to the island.

The method? To place a very small but powerful and easily-primed device with hard-to-detect components in a concealed place aboard an aircraft, timed to go off up to 99 hours later, on land or in the air, a really diabolical procedure.

It was noted how dangerous it would be if such measures became well known and were repeated, to the point of creating a veritable epidemic, as has occurred in the past with airplane hijackings.

Indeed, the document confirms that another extremist group of Cuban origin located in the United States was beginning to move in that direction and that U.S. police and intelligence agencies possessed reliable information on it, including those centrally responsible.

The declassified section of the document concluded by stressing that if the U.S. authorities really wanted to, this new form of terrorism could be aborted in time, but only if the United States fulfilled the elemental duty of combating it, as Cuba on its own could not do so. Moreover, there was a real danger of any country falling victim to such actions.

There is no doubt that Clinton gave the matter due attention and that this issue and the other points were discussed in a wide-ranging meeting on May 7, 1998, between García Márquez and U.S. senior officials, specialists and presidential advisers.

Two days later, the acting head of the U.S. Interest Section in Havana handed over a message to the Cuban authorities acknowledging the information from the Cuban government in relation to its well-founded concerns over plans of that nature being made by organizations located in his country.

In the message, the U.S. government confirmed that it was prepared to receive any information and to evaluate the possibility of its experts examining any physical evidence that the Cuban government might have in that regard.

After reiterating the serious nature of its offer, the U.S. government stated that it was prepared to enforce the law and to combat international terrorism.

On May 11, a State Department official ratified that position to the head of the Cuban Interests Section in Washington, affirming among other things a willingness to jointly examine and follow up on any piece of evidence until matters were totally clarified.

On June 3, 1998, the U.S. government proposed sending the following note to the airline companies.*

"We have received unconfirmed information concerning a plot to place explosive devices onboard civil airlines operating between Cuba and Latin American countries.

"The persons involved in the plot plan to leave a small explosive device onboard an airliner with the intention of the device exploding while the plane is in flight.

"According to reports, the explosive device is very small and contains a fuse and a digital chronometer which can be programmed 99 hours in advance. The target, place and specific time frame have not been identified. We cannot discount the possibility that the threat could include international air cargo operations from the United States.

"The U.S. government is seeking additional information to clarify and verify or refute this threat."

Although the Cuban government understood the U.S. government’s concerns, it responded that sending such a note to the airlines was not the way to approach the problem, which could and should be solved by taking other measures, explained roundtable moderator Rogelio Polanco, also editor-in-chief of Juventud Rebelde newspaper.

Nobody could guarantee the indispensable discretion needed and such a procedure could, moreover, complicate the investigation and obstruct the adoption of more effective measures.

Making this information public, moreover, could create panic and considerably damage the Cuban economy, which is exactly what the terrorists wanted. So the Cuban government proposed a thorough analysis of the most advisable steps with a team of experts.

The U.S. side then alleged that 15 to 20 reports were circulated every year by the Federal Aviation Administration, that these were not public documents and that its own laws and regulations obliged it to inform the airline companies.

The United States then asked for the meeting of experts to be brought forward and to move ahead with the notification, after undertaking the investigations with the Cuban side.

On June 8, 1998, the U.S. government reported on the matter to the 16 Latin American countries operating flights to and from Cuba and six days later it sent a communication on the same subject to the heads of airlines flying to Cuba and the corresponding airport security chiefs.

On July 16, the French news agency AFP filed a report stating that the United States had issued a warning of possible attacks on aircraft flying to Cuba. The issue had become public.

Polanco explained that, in light of the gravity and veracity of the issue under discussion, the TV panel had asked the Cuban authorities for information that could clarify this stage of contacts between the United States and Cuba, with the goal of counteracting those terrorist plots.

That was the reason for divulging this information, which demonstrates that President Clinton was concerned and gave his attention to the problem, and explains why a delegation headed by various FBI chiefs traveled to Cuba, where they were given ample information by the national authorities.

However, Polanco pointed out, the delegation’s arrival in Havana was immediately met by protests from the U.S. ultra-right wing, led by Lincoln Díaz-Balart. The CANF and the ultra-right wing prevented Clinton’s instructions from having any effect.

The moderator also alluded to U.S. government warnings and suggestions sent to Central American countries, asking them to adopt measures in the face of potential acts of terrorism. The fact that these warnings went unheeded can be seen by the fact that Posada Carriles continued to move freely around El Salvador.

* The version of the note printed here is retranslated from Spanish.


Former Cuban security agent Pedro Escalona, who infiltrated the Cuban American National Foundation (CANF) in Miami, accused members of this organization of carrying out terrorist actions against Cuba, and offered to collaborate with courts. The former agent identified Posada Carriles as one of the terrorists linked to CANF, and corroborated Orlando Bosh's participation in the 1976 explosion of a Cubana Aviation aircraft in Barbados. Seventy-three people, mostly young Cuban athletes, died in the tragedy. Escalona confirmed he heard Bosh speaking about his criminal action, and saying that if the North Americans sent him to Cuba, he would tell of US complicity in the Barbados explosion.

The Posada Case And Terrorism Against Cuba, 11/22/00

*THE POSADA CASE AND TERRORISM AGAINST CUBA Participants on Tuesday's televised round table centered their discussion on international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, arrested along with four others by Panamanian authorities. The arrest took place following a news conference given by Cuban President Fidel Castro upon his arrival at the Ibero-American Summit. The Cuban leader exposed yet another attempt on his life during that news conference. Posada Carriles was traveling under a Salvadoran passport and is known to receive protection from San Salvador. 

One of the participants in Tuesday's round table was a member of Cuba's Interior Ministry, Lt. Colonel Adalberto Salaber Fuste. He explained the type of explosives found by the Panamanian police in the residence of Jose Hurtado, the Panamanian driver of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Hurtado was arrested along with Posada Carriles and two other accomplices in the plan to assassinate the Cuban president during the Ibero-American Summit. 

Lt. Colonel Adalberto Salaber Fuste: "The explosives were of the C-4 type which is for military use. Terrorists use this type of explosive for sabotage and assassination attempts. The 20 kilogram explosive that was found is capable of destroying installations and would have inflicted catastrophic damage not only to the Cuban delegation at the solidarity activity given for the Cuban president, but also to the Panamanian people present at the event." 

During the televised round table, Cuban journalists spoke by phone to Dr. Aristides Royo, a former Panamanian president and attorney, who explained the current situation in that Central American nation: "First of all, the news about the international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles has had tremendous impact among the Panamanian people. They never imagined that our country could ever have been used for an assassination attempt against President Fidel Castro. As an attorney I can say that these people are currently detained and that what should happen now is that the Cuban government has a period of 60 days, according to law, to formally request the extradition of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles." 

In Tuesday's second of a series of round tables on the situation of Cuban-born terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, the participants also discussed the true causes of the internal armed conflict that hit El Salvador. The Salvadoran president had accused Cuba of sponsoring terrorism in El Salvador during the civil war. However, the rest of the world now recognizes that the Salvadoran government soldiers were the principal violators of human rights. At Tuesday's round table, Cuban journalists spoke to Salvadoran lawyer Nidia Diaz, who represents the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) in the Salvadoran Parliament. She explained the real causes of the recent conflicts in her country: "First of all, as a Salvadoran, I would like to apologize to the Cuban people and President Fidel Castro for the arrogant attitude of Salvadoran President Francisco Flores. I believe that he was disrespectful in his accusations against the Cuban leader. He also showed a lack of responsibility and ignorance of history. The causes that started the conflict in El Salvador are due to insensibility, a lack of vision and humanism on the part the oligarchic and military power that was governing our country during many years. Generations of Salvadorans lived under military dictatorships that defended the interests of the rich minority. These were the causes of the struggle in El Salvador which one day made the people take up arms and fight the tremendous social, and economic injustice and lack of civic and political liberties and serious violations of human rights." 

Salvadoran Parliamentarian Nidia Diaz also referred to the duty of the Salvadoran government to resolve the situation that was created due to the residency of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in that Central American country. "What the Salvadoran government should do is to recover the Salvadoran peoples' dignity by beginning to take concrete measures to dismantle all its ties with the Cuban right wing elements and examine those government officials that have close ties with the terrorists that have attempted to assassinate the Cuban President and have also used our country to attack Cuba. As Salvadoran citizens we should demand our government to take concrete measures to avoid this type of situation and put these terrorists in jail. We should also demand the establishment of diplomatic relations with Cuba." 

El Salvador's opposition party, the FMLN, announced it would carry out its own investigation into the case of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles and how he was traveling with a Salvadoran passport. It appears that Posada Carriles has used the passport under an assumed name 59 times for trips to and from the United States from El Salvador, which backs up Cuba's accusation that the Miami-based Cuban American National Foundation was funding his activities.

Alertan Sobre Maniobras Con Documentos Posada Carriles En El Salvador

La Habana, 22 nov (PL) La identificacion que encubria al terrorista de origen cubano Luis Posada Carriles como el salvadoreno Franco Rodriguez esta hoy en manos de autoridades salvadorenas y se desconoce que haran con ella, alerto un diputado de ese pais.

En entrevista concedida ayer al canal 33 de la television de El Salvador y transmitida este miercoles aqui, el diputado por el Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional (FMLN), Shafik Handal, relato como agentes de la Policia Nacional Civil (PNC) recogieron los originales de los documentos el pasado domingo.   

"Se presento en la alcaldia de Tecapan un sargento de la division de fronteras de la PNC (Rodolfo Ernesto Campos), acompanado de un agente (Jose Amilcar Ayala), diciendo que llevaba orden de la Fiscalia de la Republica para retirar documentos originales de Franco Rodriguez", detallo.   

Luego de mostrar una copia del acta levantada en Tecapan como constancia de la entrega de los documentos, Handal preciso que los representantes de la Policia Civil extrajeron "la partida de nacimiento original, la ficha original de la cedula de identidad, y copia de un pasaporte que habia ahi".   Ellos explicaron -anadio- que los papeles eran necesarios para esclarecer el caso de Posada Carriles, detenido el viernes ultimo en Panama por planificar un atentado contra el presidente cubano, Fidel Castro, durante la X Cumbre Iberoamericana.   Me pregunto -prosiguio Handal-  que van a hacer, van a desaparecer la documentacion, lo van a proteger de esta manera?

   Para conseguir los documentos salvadorenos, Posada Carriles se acogio a una ley del ano 1992, en virtud de la cual se podia obtener una partida de nacimiento con solo presentar la fe de bautizo, segun alegaron autoridades del estado centroamericano, donde el terrorista opero impunemente durante varios anos.   Posada Carriles, quien entro a Panama el 5 de noviembre con un pasaporte a nombre del salvadoreno Franco Rodriguez, podria afrontar un proceso judicial en el pais istmeno o ser extraditado y juzgado en Cuba o Venezuela, donde tiene causas pendientes.aes/vg

4:30 UTC November 23, 2000

Cuba Petitions Panama For Extradition Of Luis Posada Carriles, 11/21/00


Panama, November 21 (RHC)-- Cuba has petitioned Panama for the extradition
of terrorist Luis Posada Carriles. Cuban Attorney General Jose Antonio Sosa
made the announcement late Monday following a six-hour gathering in Panama
City with members of that country's National Security and Defense Council.

Sosa told local media outlets that Cuba has 60 days to formalize criminal
charges against Posada Carriles. Panamanian police have confirmed that
besides Posada Carriles, Cuban Gaspar Jimenez is also under arrest. Jimenez
entered Panama on November 16 with a U.S. passport issued in Puerto Rico
under the name of Manuel Díaz.

Cubans Pedro Remon Posada, Guillermo Nomo, Cesar Matamoros and Panamanian
Jose Hurtado -- Posada Carriles' chauffer -- have also been detained. The
large quantity of plastic explosives, confiscated by Panamanian authorities,
was reportedly discovered in Hurtado's residence.

Cubans Nomo and Jimenez apparently have criminal records in the United
States linked to the possession of explosives and other crimes that have not
been specified. The Cuban attorney general said that Panama can also bring
charges against those arrested for planning to assassinate Cuban President
Fidel Castro. An unidentified source in the Panamanian judiciary has
asserted that the detainees can be charged with the illegal possession of
explosives and falsification of documents.

In related news, the government of Cuba has offered to help Honduras
investigate Posada Carriles' possible use of Honduran territory for weapons

The Cuban Foreign Ministry has clarified Honduran authorities have nothing
to do with the trafficking of weapons. Meanwhile, the Central American Human
Rights Defense Commission has expressed indignation over the use of
Salvadoran territory as a base of operations of groups responsible for
terrorist attacks against Cuba. Since October 1999, Cuba has turned over
several documents to Salvadoran authorities on the movements of Posada
Carriles, who he gathers with to plan terrorist actions and where -- in this
case the Trapiche restaurant in the Salvadoran capital owned by a Colombian
whose last name is Robles.

Fidel Castro, In Panama For Iberoamerican Summit, Denounces Plots, 11/17

Fidel Castro, In Panama For Iberoamerican Summit, Denounces Plots

Havana, November 17 (RHC) -- Cuban President Fidel Castro has arrived in
Panama to participate in the 10th Iberoamerican Summit. Upon arriving, the
Cuban leader said he had been asked to deliver a brief speech with words of
greetings to the Panamenian people.

He said he was moved to be back in Panama 52 years after his first visit,
when he travelled there to promote the creation of a Latin American students
organization. During that visit, said the Cuban leader, he met with students
who had been seriously wounded in the struggle for Panamenian sovereignty
over the Panama Canal. President Castro said today all of that has changed,
that there are no more foreign troops shooting students and the Panamenian
people in general. He said his ideas haven't changed since that first visit,
and that he sustains those ideas with more experience and conviction than

The Cuban leader said he will never abandon those convictions. Fidel Castro
thanked the friends of Cuba in Panama who gave his such a warm welcome, said
the Iberoamerican leaders will work together for the Summit's success.

A few hours later, the Cuban leader held a press conference in which he
detailed plans drawn up by the Miami based extreme rightwing Cuban American
National Foundation to assassinate him while in Panama. He reported that the
anti-Cuba terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is in Panama at the head of a team
to carry out the task. Posada Carriles is wanted in Cuba for the bombing of
a Cubana airliner in 1976 with the loss of all lives on board. One of the
members of the Foundation's board, Ninoska Perez, stated that President
Castro had no proof to support his accusations. However, numerous prior
attempts on the life of the president funded by the Foundation are
well-known and well-documented.

The Cuban leader is expected to attend a solidarity with Cuba rally at the
University of Panama and pay homage to the late Panamenian leader, General
Omar Torrijos. At the top of the agenda of the 10th Iberoamerican Summit is
the social and economic situation of children and adolescents here in the

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