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Mexican American site 
being suppressed over criticism of Zionism

Aztlan is a Mexican American site which recently has been tracking such stories as the arrest of two Israelis armed with grenades, dynamite, and Glock 9mm pistols (see their page, which have been ignored by the US media, though it was intially reported on by the Mexican media (see links below). They have been told by their hosting provider, Hostex, to remove two pages dealing with an Anthrax mail type incident or face being taken off-line:

"On Monday July 9, 2001, we received a handwritten letter in our mail box addressed to the publisher of La Voz de Aztlan. The letter had no return address but had a July 5, 2001 U.S. postal mark from Santa Clarita, California. July 5, 2001 was on the week that the second largest Jewish publication in the United States, the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles published a very negative article about our publication because we had written a series of pro-Palestinian and anti-Zionist editorials. The one page letter contained a small amount of a yellowish white substance and the text of the letter alluded to the fact that Jews had an illustrious history in biological research that included the development of the Salk vaccine. The letter ended with "Unfortunately, if Hitler was alive today he would pin a medal on you. Unfortunately during World War II the Arabs also supported Hitler. Racism and hatred destroy!"

A few minutes after opening and reading the letter, I started sneezing and coughing and became ill with flu like symptoms. I connected the commencement of the symptoms with the suspicious white substance in the envelope and proceeded to place the letter and envelope in a plastic zip lock bag. Within hours I was able to see my doctor and he put me on 30 days of antibiotics. I have had recurring flu like symptoms ever since."

The events of 9/11 have engered a very complex and quickly evolving situation which is going to require the full energies of all societies involved to resolve. We cannot afford to suppress alternate views, we need to look at the issues from many points of view if we are to make any progress. Jewish and Israeli organizations need to open their minds if they do not want to rush headlong into a tremendous disaster. By the same token, it would be a mistake to scapegoat them when it is the US which causes far greater casualties in the Arab world, 500,000 Iraqi children dead as a result of sanctions vs 27,000 civilians killed in the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, for example. Not to mention the current genocide in Afghanitan...

Links on armed Israelis arrested in the Mexican Congress, 10/10

Detenido en San Lázaro tiene licencia para arma, El Universal 10/12




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