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  Mala Lengua
A Portrait of the Black Child
, Capital's Children's Museum
to 3/26

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Visit Hernandez's web site

Show available for Galleries

6/99: Washington, DC exhibit of Cuba photo

Nestor Hernandez, photographer

NESTOR HERNANDEZ is a Washington , D.C. based photographer of AfroCuban descent. He was introduced to photography in high school through the Urban Journalism Workshop of the D.C. Public Schools, and was on the staff of the Capital Children’s Museum as photographer - in - residence for fifteen years. Hernandez is currently chief photographer for the D.C. Public School system. He also visits Cuba frequently and is establishing a body of work from the island. A major exhibition of these works was held at the CAVE Gallery in Dupont Circle, Washington, DC, in June 1999. He has a terrific website with lots of photos from Cuba at   He is currently looking for other spaces willing to host his show.

In addition, he has another show, FOREVER YOUNG, A Portrait of the Black Child, Capital's Children's Museum

Nestor has been a staff photographer and contributed to many publications, including the Current Newspapers, D.C. City Desk, the Latin Trade Report, El Pregonero, Brookings Review, The Washington Informer, The Metro Herald, National Jurist Magazine and The International Review
of African American Art.

FOREVER YOUNG: A Portrait of the Black Child

A Portrait of the Black Child
Photographs by Nestor Hernandez
Poetry by Laini Mataka

January 15 - March 26, 2000

Capital Children's Museum
800 Third Street, NE
(Third & H Sts., NE)
Washington, D.C.

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, January 14, 6:00 - 8:00pm

"Forever Young: A Portrait of the Black Child" is an exhibit combining photographs of and poetry about the Black child. The project includes over 80 black and white images of children of color from the United States, Ghana, and Cuba combined with compelling verse. Through these photographs and words, Washington, D.C. photographer Nestor Hernandez and poet Laini Mataka have assembled a powerful celebration to the beauty, innocence and joy of the Black child. The exhibit shows children at play and at work and otherwise interacting with their own environments, and while some are unaware of the camera’s presence, others are ready to have their images captured forever,   Forever Young.

See images from the show at:

Show available for arts spaces & galleries

The June photography show "Inside Cuba: A Photographic Journey",in Washington, D.C. was a major success. I received such amazing responses from the show thatI now hope to take it on the road. I'm looking for gallery and art spaces interested in showing the works. Must be able to handle exhibit of 90 16X20 framed prints. -- Nestor Hernandez,

INSIDE CUBA: A Photographic Journey by Nestor Hernandez
June 4 - June 27, 1999  Center for Collaborative Art and Visual Education (CAVE), Washington, DC

The Center for Collaborative Art and Visual Education in Washington, D.C. presents "INSIDE CUBA: A Photographic Journey", an exhibit of over 90 photographs by Nestor Hernandez. Mr. Hernandez is a Washington based photographer of Afro-Cuban descent. This exhibit draws from images taken on eight trips to Cuba since 1978. His work documents the cultural rhythms of the Cuban people, the grandeur of its architecture, and the events that shape this Caribbean nation known as the "Pearl of the Antilles". Wonderfully intimate, lyrical, and - perhaps most of all - suffused with a sense of timelessness, Mr. Hernandez's work connects the viewer with the spirit of Cuba.

"INSIDE CUBA: A Photographic Journey"
by Nestor Hernandez

June 4 - June 27, 1999
Center for Collaborative Art and Visual Education (CAVE)
1635 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20009, Third Floor
Friday, June 4, 1999
6:00 - 10:00pm

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The Center for Collaborative Art and Visual Education in Washington, D.C. presents "INSIDE CUBA: A Photographic Journey," an exhibit of over 90 photographs by Nestor Hernandez. Mr. Hernandez is a Washington based photographer of Afro-Cuban descent. This exhibit draws from images taken on eight trips to Cub a since 1978. His work documents the cultural rhythms of the Cuban people, the grandeur of its architecture, and the events that shape this Caribbean nation known as the "Pearl of the Antilles". Wonderfully intimate, lyrical, and - perhaps most of all - suffused with a sense of timelessness, Mr. Hernandez's work connects the viewer with the spirit of Cuba. See:

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