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The War on Critical Race Theory: Forbidding Talk of White Supremacy

Critical Race Theory (CRT) originated as a scholarly legal concept to examine systemic racism and is associated with Prof Kimberlé Crenshaw. Prof Crenshaw has recently written Seeing Race Again: Countering Colorblindness Across Disciplines.

A key CRT concept is intersectionality—the way in which different forms of inequality and identity are affected by interconnections of race, class, gender, and disability. --

Christopher Rufo studied anti racist programs and came up with the idea of labeling them all CRT derived, then demonizing CRT. In February, 2023, DeSantis named him a trustee of The New College in Florida, which he is busy converting from a progressive institution to a white christian nationalist one where he is free to bully trans people. He is however encountering vigorous resistance: Tiny College Hijacked by Woke-Obsessed DeSantis Saddles Up to Fight Back  2/19/2023 Daily Beast.

Besides systemic racism, one of the primary flash points of CRT for conservatives is that they view it as saying that the US was founded to defend slavery from an England that was turning abolitionist, a view for which there is a good deal of evidence, though this does not come up much in the actual CRT.

Ironically, Rufo and the Republicans' desire to obscure systemic racism parallels that of the Cuban government, whose officials have repeatedly denied that systemic racism exists despite abundant evidence to the contrary. They tend to ascribe all racism to cultural holdovers and personal choices, a point of view the US Christian Right has extensively developed, especially the Southern Baptists, who split from the North in 1845 to serve as a primary mechanism for the defense of slavery. Recently, Cuban President Diaz Cannel has taken to using the words "racismo estructural" which is how systemic racism is translated, but it is not yet clear how far he is going with that.


Kimberlé Crenshaw calls changes to AP African American studies class ‘a shame’  2/15/2023 The Hill: "“Intersectionality is a uniting framework. People seek common cause with each other,” Crenshaw said. “So the reality is that Black people are not just straight, they’re not just men, they’re not just middle class.” “When we expand our understanding of Black reality to include the way the patriarchy, homophobia, class shapes our reality so we can better transform it, it means that we have connections with other movements and other people,” Crenshaw told Sharpton. “And that is exactly why they’re trying to force us to give up intersectionality and that’s why it’s a shame that the College Board went along with it.”"

Rubio Releases Anti-woke Agenda for the 118th Congress  2/2/2023 Marco Rubio: "Restoring Military Focus Act. First introduced in November 2022, this legislation would eliminate the position of Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) within the DOD and prohibit federal funds from being used to establish any similar office. Senators Jim Risch (R-ID), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Mike Crapo (R-ID), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and James Lankford (R-OK) are cosponsors. Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced companion legislation in the House. Protecting Students From Racial Hostility Act. First introduced in July 2021, this legislation would protect students from racially-hostile school environments created by the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) by directing the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights to enforce Title VI protections of the Civil Rights Act when a parent or student impacted by CRT submits a complaint. Senator Mike Braun (R-IN) is a cosponsor."

La teoría crítica de la raza, prohibida en las universidades de Florida  1/25/2023 Al dia: "Según The Chronicle of Higher Education, los presidentes de los 28 colegios estatales y comunitarios de Florida dijeron en una declaración el miércoles que identificarían y eliminarían, antes del 1 de febrero, cualquier requisito académico o programa "que obligue a creer en la teoría crítica de la raza o conceptos relacionados como la interseccionalidad". Los presidentes afirmaron que las iniciativas están impulsando "ideologías como la teoría crítica de la raza y sus postulados relacionados", en lugar de promover lo que se supone que deberían: la diversidad, la equidad y la inclusión."

Florida school district cancels real history as anti-CRT censorship spreads  1/24/2023 Salon: "This past Saturday, Dr. J. Michael Butler, the Kenan Distinguished Professor of History at Flagler College in St. Augustine, was supposed to lead a day-long seminar for Osceola County elementary school teachers on "The Long Civil Rights Movement." The event was hosted by the nonprofit National Council for History Education, a leading provider of professional development for history teachers, and was part of a three-year partnership between the council and the district to enrich history education at underserved public schools. (Osceola County, just southeast of Orlando, has a population of close to 400,000, which is nearly two-thirds Black or Latino, and a median household income of $52,000, well below the national median.)"

At this point the Sunshine State is just a sundown town  1/19/2023 Always Learning: "Let’s speak plainly about the hypocrisy of the right wing. They use the language of “free speech” and open discourse while actively endeavoring to suppress both. The parallels between days passed when laws were used to control and exclude Blacks match up neatly with today’s efforts by thought-controlling white politicians to limit the studying of those past actions. Just because you pass laws demanding students be taught the law is colorblind doesn’t make it so. I’ll keep making the point that nowhere in the United States are there Black governors or elected officials seeking to outlaw white thought, white history, or white scholarship until someone recognizes the one-direction animus of anti-CRT lawmaking."

Evangelicals do battle with "critical race theory" in new online video course  1/15/2023 Salon: "One of the chief complaints among the Southern Baptists' anti-CRT faction, said Daniel Eppley, a religious studies professor at Thiel College who has followed this debate, is that CRT "redefines" racism as something other than "personal animosity towards another based on race." "

Muzzled by DeSantis, Critical Race Theory Professors Cancel Courses or Modify Their Teaching  1/3/2023 ProPublica: "A month before the fall 2022 semester was set to start, he scrapped both courses. Students scrambled to register for other classes. “It didn’t seem like it was worth the risk,” said Cox, who taught a graduate course on inequality and education instead. “I’m completely unprotected.” He added, “Somebody who’s not even in the class could come after me. Somebody sees the course catalog, complains to a legislator — next thing I know, I’m out of a job.”"

How social-emotional learning became a frontline in the battle against CRT  9/26/2022 NPR: "Angelyn Nichols, the district's lead for social-emotional learning, says 2020 put a heightened scrutiny on public education – one that's been rapidly evolving. First, it was about COVID policies. Then, after the police murder of George Floyd and the subsequent protests against racism, the conversation shifted to critical race theory. Now, it has spread to any topic deemed to be related to critical race theory."

England’s New Conservative Superstar  7/24/2022 Common Sense: "“What we are against is the teaching of contested political ideas as if they are accepted fact,” she thundered in a now-famous October 2020 House of Commons speech about Critical Race Theory in education, the closest thing to arresting oratory the Tory party has seen in the Commons since Margaret Thatcher. “We don’t do this with communism, we don’t do this with socialism, we don’t do it with capitalism,” she said, lambasting the promotion of CRT as “an ideology that sees my blackness as victimhood.”"

Critical Race Theory: My concern for public education in Florida  7/6/2022 Tallahassee Democrat: "Consider the wealth gap between Black and white Americans. Rather than recognizing how generational wealth and income inequality affect wages, it will be credited to Black Americans being lazier, having unskilled jobs, and being uneducated. Would these instances not make Black students feel the mental distress that the bill attempts to prevent?"

White Parents Rallied to Chase a Black Educator Out of Town. Then, They Followed Her to the Next One.  6/16/2022 Pro Publica: "One of several presenters at the meeting was Rhonda Thomas, a frequent guest on conservative podcasts and the founder of the Atlanta-based Truth in Education, a national nonprofit that aims to educate parents and teachers about “radical ideologies being taught in schools.” “So what is critical race theory?” Thomas asked the crowd. “It teaches kids that whites are inherently racist and oppressive, perhaps unconsciously,” and that “all whites are responsible for all historical actions” and “should feel guilty.”"

Florida wants to avoid critical race theory and ‘social justice’ in social studies texts  5/20/2022 Politico: "The state is also targeting social emotional learning, which has recently emerged as another topic under criticism from DeSantis. Social emotional learning aims to teach students how to manage their emotions and develop strong relationships with their peers. This is counted as an “unsolicited” strategy to FLDOE, which told publishers to refrain from teachings on “identity and identity identification concepts; managing emotion; developing relationships and social awareness.”"

Departamento de Educación de Florida rechaza libros por incluir teoría crítica de la raza  4/21/2022 Cubadebate: "El Departamento de Educación de Florida rechazó más de 50 libros de texto de matemáticas para el próximo año escolar, alegando que los materiales didácticos incorporaron la “teoría crítica de la raza” y la “adición no solicitada” de conceptos de aprendizaje socioemocional."

State Senator Manny Diaz Jr. On Critical Race Theory Afro Latino scholars and activists slam Gov. DeSantis' dissection of AP African American studies  2/14/2022 CBS: "CBS4's Facing South Florida host Jim DeFede inteviews State Senator Manny Diaz Jr. He spoke about critical race theory."

¿Qué es la teoría crítica de la raza y por qué causa polémica en Estados Unidos?  11/12/2021 Cubadebate: "Al menos ocho estados –con legislaturas de mayoría republicana– han aprobado leyes que restringen la enseñanza sobre temas relacionados con la historia y las relaciones raciales. Su blanco de ataques es la teoría crítica de la raza (critical race theory, o CRT), un enfoque hasta hace poco manejado únicamente en círculos académicos, pero que ha ganado protagonismo en los últimos meses."

Common Sense Conservative Carol Swain Talks NFL and Her New August Book Release, ‘Black Eye for America’  7/20/2021 Tennessee Star: "The name of the book is Black Eye for America: How Critical Race Theory is Burning Down the House. And the publisher is Be the People Books. And it’s co-authored with a young man named Chris Shore, who is a graduate of Georgetown. And it is written for the public. It’s about 150 pages. It’s something that people can get through and explains what critical race theory is, where it came from, why it is unamerican. It runs counter to our Constitution as well as civil rights laws. And it has two chapters on strategies of how to fight back against it."

What Happened To You?  7/9/2021 Andrew Sullivan: "It is, I’d argue, the sudden, rapid, stunning shift in the belief system of the American elites. It has sent the whole society into a profound cultural dislocation. It is, in essence, an ongoing moral panic against the specter of “white supremacy,” which is now bizarrely regarded as an accurate description of the largest, freest, most successful multiracial democracy in human history."

Critical race theory opponents to be targeted, ‘researched’ by NEA teachers' union  7/2/2021 Fox: ""NEA will research the organizations attacking educators doing anti-racist work and/or use the research already done and put together a list of resources and recommendations for state affiliates, locals, and individual educators to utilize when they are attacked," the measure reads on NEA's website."

Heritage Experts: Nation’s Largest Teachers Union Is Terrified About Truth Being Exposed on Critical Race Theory  7/1/2021 Heritage: “The nation’s largest teachers union is obsessed with smearing any criticism of critical race theory. CRT is a radical academic discipline that compels students to act on the Marxist idea that the world is divided between victimizers and their victims—statuses that are based mostly on race and ethnicity, but other immutable characteristics as well. Is this the best use of NEA resources for serving our nation’s educators? Do hard-working teachers really want their union dues empowering a political attack machine that wants to scare parents and others, including teachers themselves, who have real concerns about teaching that America is inherently racist or stereotyping students based on their skin color?"

‘Pray for the Christians’: Graham Urges School Boards to Fight the ‘Godless Socialist Agenda’ of CRT  6/23/2021 The New Civil Rights Movement: "Evangelical and anti-LGBTQ activist Franklin Graham is urging Americans to “pray for the Christians” who are fighting what he calls a “godless socialist agenda,” an agenda he says now includes critical race theory and “concerning transgender policies.”"

Watch Joy Reid take down the architect of the critical race theory culture war in epic debate  6/23/2021 Raw Story: "Rufo claims in his talking points that the father of critical race theory was Ibram X. Kendi, who told Reid that he wasn't a critical race theorist. "I admire critical race theory but I don't identify as a critical race theorist. I'm not a legal scholar, so I wasn't trained on critical race theory," Kendi said. "I'm a historian and Chris would know that if he actually read my work or understood that critical race theory is taught in law schools. I didn't attend law school.""

Republicans, spurred by an unlikely figure, see political promise in critical race theory  6/19/2021 MSN: "Among the GOP base, the issue has caught fire. During a recent speech in North Carolina, Trump’s comments opposing critical race theory were the largest applause line of the evening. Trump has told advisers he was surprised at how much traction the issue has gotten on the right and wants to include comments about it in future speeches. He has drafted on the topic as well, spokesman Jason Miller said. “The Democrats are taking the bait and keeping wokeness alive.”"

How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory  6/18/2021 New Yorker: "His adaptation of the term “critical race theory” was itself an effort to emphasize a deep historical and intellectual pattern to anti-racism, and he, too, found it predictable that people encountering it for the first time would be outraged by it. The rebranding was, in some ways, an excuse for politicians to stage the same old fights over race within different institutions and on new terrain. At my lunch with Rufo, I’d asked what he hoped this movement might achieve. He mentioned two objectives, the first of which was “to politicize the bureaucracy.” Rufo said that the bureaucracy had been dominated by liberals, and he thought that the debates over critical race theory offered a way for conservatives to “take some of these essentially corrupted state agencies and then contest them, and then create rival power centers within them.” I thought of the bills that Rufo had helped draft, which restricted how social-studies teachers could describe current events to millions of public-school children, and the open letter a Kansas Republican legislator had sent to the leaders of public universities in the state, demanding to know which faculty members were teaching critical race theory. Mission accomplished."

Critical race theory battle invades school boards — with help from conservative groups  6/15/2021 NBC: "“I was very naïve at the beginning of the year,” Porter said. “I thought it was a concerned parent who had taken it a little too far. I didn't understand this until recently, but these were tactics from national organizations to discredit the entire district.” McBreairty became Maine’s chapter leader for No Left Turn last summer. He has since put up a billboard-size sign of a school board member’s face on his lawn and said it was surrounded by rat traps to prevent theft. “This is a war with the left,” McBreairty said in an email to NBC News, “and in war, tactics and strategy can become blurry.” The fight has only escalated, and it shows no sign of slowing."

GOP Lawmakers Intensify Effort to Ban Critical Race Theory in Schools  6/14/2021 PEW: "The measures are part of a full-throttle conservative push to restrict discussions of racism and inequity in the name of defending American institutions. A toolkit created by Heritage Action for America, an affiliate of the conservative Heritage Foundation think tank, states that “CRT weakens the public and private bonds that create trust and allow for civic engagement.”"

Northam: Republicans using critical race theory 'to frighten people'  6/14/2021 Loudoun Times: "Serotkin continued, "We need to get to a place where we're talking about what the actual, specific concerns with the curriculum are rather than talking nebulously or generally about CRT.""

Critical race theory is a lucrative obsession for Republicans because the party is 'offended by the political focus on racism and racial justice'  6/12/2021 Insider: "Fox News hosts often depict things like the "1619 Project" as having a vast influence, or white children being explicitly told they're racist when the segments are usually based solely on local news reports or aggrieved parents. Once one of these local spats reaches Fox News, it effectively becomes mainstreamed and a de facto national issue that politicians in turn discuss."

Florida Board of Education adopts rule banning ‘critical race theory’ in public schools  6/11/2021 News 4 Jax: "The original rule change proposal, which bars teachers from attempting “ indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view,” did not mention “critical race theory” specifically, but the language was added in an amendment offered by Board member Tom Grady during Thursday’s meeting at FSCJ’s downtown campus in Jacksonville."

What Do Conservatives Fear About Critical Race Theory?  6/10/2021 New Yorker: "In Texas, the news coverage of the bill—which the Republican governor, Greg Abbott, is expected to sign—has focussed on the idea that it will “ban critical race theory,” as one local news station put it. But the term “critical race theory” does not appear in the text. What it seeks to do, on closer reading, is establish a protective halo around white students, so that they do not hear that their success might have something to do with their race, or that the structures of racial power and privilege in the past also apply to the present."

Florida State Board of Education Bans the Use of Critical Race Theory in Schools  6/10/2021 Ed Week: "Lessons that deal with critical race theory and the “1619 Project” are not welcome in Florida’s public schools following a State Board of Education vote on Thursday."

Disputing Racism’s Reach, Republicans Rattle American Schools  6/1/2021 NYT: "While few K-12 educators use the term “critical race theory,” discussions of systemic racism have become more common in American schools in recent years, particularly in liberal areas. State social studies standards and textbooks have been updated to highlight subjects like redlining and the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II."

We Need to Teach the Truth About Systemic Racism, Say Educators  5/27/2021 NEA: "“It comes down to total censorship,” López Burlingame says, “and we will not be taking it lightly. We’ve been entrusted with the children of New Hampshire, and that means, we will continue to teach the truth. That means, we will not ignore the past and present experiences of [students of color].” Organizing efforts have already taken place, and more will come, if the budget bill passes with this language."

Fox News’ critical race theory obsession  5/7/2021 Media Matters: "The current conservative narrative about critical race theory falsely claiming that the academic framework is “racist,” “Marxist,” and punishes people for being white was launched by Fox News in the summer of 2020. Throughout the rest of that year and into 2021 — which coincided with one of the most significant periods of civil rights protest in decades — the network repeatedly fearmongered about this decades-old study of systemic racism. The ensuing right-wing panic led to a Trump executive order and Republican bills in legislatures around the country attempting to ban the teaching of critical race theory. In turn, Fox News is now covering the local bills and right-wing outrage as supposed proof that the academic field is controversial."

The War on Critical Race Theory  5/7/2021 Boston Review: "The exact targets of CRT’s critics vary wildly, but it is obvious that most critics simply do not know what they are talking about. Instead, CRT functions for the right today primarily as an empty signifier for any talk of race and racism at all, a catch-all specter lumping together “multiculturalism,” “wokeism,” “anti-racism,” and “identity politics”—or indeed any suggestion that racial inequities in the United States are anything but fair outcomes, the result of choices made by equally positioned individuals in a free society. They are simply against any talk, discussion, mention, analysis, or intimation of race—except to say we shouldn’t talk about it."

The GOP’s ‘Critical Race Theory’ Obsession  5/7/2021 The Atlantic: "Last week, after President Biden’s first joint address to Congress—and as Idaho was preparing to pass its bill—Senator Tim Scott stood in front of United States and South Carolina flags to deliver the Republican response. “From colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress,” Scott said. “You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” Rufo immediately knew what he meant. “Senator Tim Scott denounces critical race theory in his response to Biden’s speech tonight,” he tweeted. “We have turned critical race theory into a national issue and conservative political leaders are starting to fight.”"

“Islamo-leftism” is not a scientific reality  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: “Islamo-leftism”, a political catchphrase used in public discourse, has no basis in any scientific reality. Without being clearly defined, the term has been the subject of a number of often impassioned position statements, editorials and petitions. The CNRS firmly condemns those who try to take advantage of the concept to question academic freedom, which is vital to the scientific process and the advancement of knowledge, or to stigmatise certain scientific communities. In particular, the CNRS denounces the attempts to delegitimise various fields of research, such as postcolonial studies, intersectional studies or research on the term “race”, or any other area of knowledge."

L’« islamogauchisme » n’est pas une réalité scientifique  2/17/2021 Centre national de la recherche scientifique: "Le CNRS condamne, en particulier, les tentatives de délégitimation de différents champs de la recherche, comme les études postcoloniales, les études intersectionnelles ou les travaux sur le terme de « race », ou tout autre champ de la connaissance."

An Interview with Imam Zaid Shakir Hillary, Obama and the Clash of Civilizations  2/2/2008 CounterPunch: "Imam Zaid Shakir, an African American convert to Islam and one of the most influential and popular Muslim American religious scholars, commands a rock star following: legions of enthralled and inspired Muslims filling rooms to standing only capacity waiting to hear his words. It represents a fascinating and dynamic phenomenon illuminating the resurgent identity of an educated, spiritual, religious and political Muslim American identity emerging from the post 9-11 era. Shakir, a student of the civil rights era and an educated scholar of political science and traditional Islamic jurisprudence, casually interjects tidbits of political theory, economic reform, critical race theory, Arabic, traditional Islamic philosophy and religious didacticism within his rhetoric."

Harvard Law School and Its Racial Woes - Torts Chamber?  5/15/2002 Village Voice: "In fact, the professor, David Rosenberg, who repeatedly said in class that "feminism, Marxism, and the blacks have contributed nothing to torts," has said his comments were simply misunderstood. By "blacks," he was referring to supporters of critical race theory, he says. Moreover, instead of an apology, he wrote in an open letter that limiting his or any speech would have "a chilling effect" on campus debate. "

Christopher Rufotop

The man who started blaming CRT for everything and made it stick.

Tiny College Hijacked by Woke-Obsessed DeSantis Saddles Up to Fight Back  2/19/2023 Daily Beast: “A few alumni and I were on a text thread talking about it, then started a Slack thread, then started having meetings over Zoom, and talking about what was happening,” New College alumnus Julia Daniel, a professional community organizer, told The Daily Beast. This growing army quickly got in touch with students they saw “rising up, fighting back.” And the movement has grown. From helping students manage media requests, to raising over $120,000, to pondering legislative and legal strategies, or even just sending pizza to campus, a group of hundreds have teamed up over social media channels and weekly town hall meetings to pool their strengths and go to battle with Florida’s highest powers... The trustees include a Trump-allied professor, an editor for the far-right Claremont Institute, and Christopher Rufo, one of the key figures behind the misleading right-wing backlash against Critical Race Theory—a long-established academic framework which acknowledges systemic racism. Rufo has also advocated abolishing diversity initiatives and has made fun of at least one trans New College student concerned about her own place and safety at the school."

Christopher Rufo's anti-DEI crusade visits University of South Florida  2/13/2023 Axios: "Rufo called on DeSantis to "not hesitate in demolishing these offices, terminating the employment of their commissars, and restoring the colorblind equality, individual merit, and scholarly excellence as the guiding principles of the academy.""

Gov. DeSantis anti-WOKE rally with his education commissioner choice, Sen. Manny Diaz.  4/22/2022 CBS News: [Featuring Congressman Diaz Balart, State Sen Ileana Garcia, former State Sen Manny Diaz, Cuban American activists,and the creator of the anti-crt movement, Christopher Rufo.]

A Look Inside the Textbooks That Florida Rejected  4/22/2022 NYT: "Until recently, the idea of building social-emotional skills was a fairly uncontroversial one in American education. Research suggests that students with these skills earn higher test scores. But right-wing activists like Chris Rufo, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, have sought to tie social-emotional learning to the broader debate over the teaching of race, gender and sexuality in classrooms. In a March interview conducted over email, Mr. Rufo stated that while social-emotional learning sounds “positive and uncontroversial” in theory, “in practice, SEL serves as a delivery mechanism for radical pedagogies such as critical race theory and gender deconstructionism.”"

Watch Joy Reid take down the architect of the critical race theory culture war in epic debate  6/23/2021 Raw Story: "Rufo claims in his talking points that the father of critical race theory was Ibram X. Kendi, who told Reid that he wasn't a critical race theorist. "I admire critical race theory but I don't identify as a critical race theorist. I'm not a legal scholar, so I wasn't trained on critical race theory," Kendi said. "I'm a historian and Chris would know that if he actually read my work or understood that critical race theory is taught in law schools. I didn't attend law school.""

How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory  6/18/2021 New Yorker: "His adaptation of the term “critical race theory” was itself an effort to emphasize a deep historical and intellectual pattern to anti-racism, and he, too, found it predictable that people encountering it for the first time would be outraged by it. The rebranding was, in some ways, an excuse for politicians to stage the same old fights over race within different institutions and on new terrain. At my lunch with Rufo, I’d asked what he hoped this movement might achieve. He mentioned two objectives, the first of which was “to politicize the bureaucracy.” Rufo said that the bureaucracy had been dominated by liberals, and he thought that the debates over critical race theory offered a way for conservatives to “take some of these essentially corrupted state agencies and then contest them, and then create rival power centers within them.” I thought of the bills that Rufo had helped draft, which restricted how social-studies teachers could describe current events to millions of public-school children, and the open letter a Kansas Republican legislator had sent to the leaders of public universities in the state, demanding to know which faculty members were teaching critical race theory. Mission accomplished."

The GOP’s ‘Critical Race Theory’ Obsession  5/7/2021 The Atlantic: "Last week, after President Biden’s first joint address to Congress—and as Idaho was preparing to pass its bill—Senator Tim Scott stood in front of United States and South Carolina flags to deliver the Republican response. “From colleges to corporations to our culture, people are making money and gaining power by pretending we haven’t made any progress,” Scott said. “You know this stuff is wrong. Hear me clearly: America is not a racist country.” Rufo immediately knew what he meant. “Senator Tim Scott denounces critical race theory in his response to Biden’s speech tonight,” he tweeted. “We have turned critical race theory into a national issue and conservative political leaders are starting to fight.”"


CRT sites

Why We Published the 1619 Project, NYT

CRT banned in Florida: HB7 ('Anti-W.O.K.E') and Cuban American Republicanismo

Slavery and the American Revolution

White supremacists organizations
"The purpose of this policy (or resolution) is to prohibit: the teaching and promotion of critical race theory, divisive concepts, and other forms of government-sanctioned or -facilitated racism in our school district and to uphold the foundational American principle that all people are created equal and are endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."



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