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Black Radical CongressHas consistently taken a pro-Cuba stance. |
----------------------------------------------------------------- This is a Press Release/Statement from the Black Radical Congress ----------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM INFORMATION Black Radical Congress National Organizing Conference June 23-25, 2000 Main Campus, Student Center Building Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan, USA Phone: 313-438-3114 On June 23-25, 2000 the Black Radical Congress will convene it's first National Organizing Conference in Detroit, Michigan at the historic Wayne State University. The National Organizing Conference will lay the ground work for the further development of the BRC. We will begin a political assessment of the period and outline political objectives for the next year. Experienced organizers will conduct workshops on basic organizing, building local organizing committees and on coalition building. We will also adopt a national campaign. It is imperative for BRC members and activists to gather for this timely assessment of our efforts and to carry forward the vision of "Black Liberation in the 21st Century". "Police shootings, racial profiling, attacks on Affirmative Action and increasing economic insecurity are the problems of the day for the Black masses. Impoverished Black families on welfare are treated like indentured slaves through Workfare; prison labor is exploited for the benefit of private corporations in a modern form of slavery; living wage jobs are harder to find as Black youth are herded into prison instead of colleges and universities. And all of this is taking place while the country continues to experience record breaking economic growth and prosperity but only for a few greedy capitalists." In this era of globalization, blatant racism, from the workplace to the community, is sharpening world-wide. Racially motivated police terror such as the massacre of Brother Amadou Diallo, the brutal attack on Brother Abner Luima, the California Ramparts Police scandal, and so many other acts of terror and brutality pose an ongoing challenge to the African American community and other oppressed communities in the U.S. to unite under a revolutionary program of action to protect life itself. Internationally, the imperialist attack on the Cuban people through the Elian Gonzales Case and the ongoing marginalization of Africa and the peoples of the African diaspora points to the crucial need for the re-emergence of the Black Liberation Movement with an internationalist character. We must continue to build the Black Radical Congress. Join us on June 23-25 for this important national gathering. WORKING AGENDA "Dismantle the Pillars of Oppression: Build a Black Radical Agenda" Friday, June 23, 2000 8:30am Registration 9:00am-5:00pm Organizing Institute (all day) o This will be facilitated by Mark Toney from the Center for Third World Organizing and Timothea Howard from the National Alliance of Organizers. 1:00pm-5:00pm Institutes and Caucus Meetings o Feminist Caucus/Institute o Workers Caucus/Economic Justice Committee o Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Transgender Caucus o Reparations o Youth Caucus o Others.... 7:30pm-9:30pm Opening Plenary & Cultural Presentations o Led by the Youth Saturday, June 24, 2000 8:30am Registration 9:00am Opening Plenary o "Analysis of the period" o Assessment of the BRC and its work 10:30am-12:15pm Workshops o Organizing A Successful Campaign o Coalition Building 12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch 1:30pm-3:30pm Workshops o Developing Local Organizing Committees 3:45pm-5:00pm Plenary o Presentation and discussion of a national BRC Campaign 5:00pm Dinner 8:00pm Cultural Program/Event Sunday, June 25, 2000 8:00am-9:00am Spiritual Reflections 9:00am-12:00pm Organizational Business o Finances o Reports from Local Organizing Committees o Publications o Cyberspace 12:00pm-1:00pm Lunch 1:00pm-2:30pm Closing Plenary o The International Situation 2:30pm Closing Comments 3:00pm Adjourn -- ORGANIZING INSTITUTE Friday, June 23, 2000, 9:00am-5:00pm The purpose of the Organizing Institute is to provide the analytical tools and practical skills necessary to elevate the political influence of the Black Radical Congress in multiple regions across the U.S. 9:00am-9:30am Welcome and Introductions 9:30am-11:00am Theories of Social Change/Approaches Movement Building Highlights three distinct theories of how organizations create social change, and the BRC role in building a base in the Black community, mobilizing resources, and reframing political debate on race justice. 11:15am-12:45pm Effective Recruitment Methods Summarizes effective strategies for conducting membership drives, starting and strengthening BRC chapters, and leadership development. This includes door knocking, house meetings, and targeted recruitment. 1:30pm-3:00pm Introduction to Grassroots Fundraising Covers the basics of how to ask for money, create a donor program, and run effective special events to raise funds to support local BRC chapter work. 3:15pm-4:45pm Framing our Fights: Issue Development Framing local community struggles in a larger racial justice context, and connecting racial justice with struggles based on gender, class, and sexuality. 4:45pm-5:00pm Reflection and Evaluation -- CONFERENCE LOCATION Overview Map http://www.wayne.edu/wsuvic.html Main Campus Map http://www.wayne.edu/campus_maps/maincampus.html Student Center Building http://www.wayne.edu/campus_maps/scb.html -- REGISTRATION FORM Black Radical Congress National Organizing Conference June 23-25, 2000 Main Campus, Student Center Building Wayne State University Detroit, Michigan, USA Conference: 313-438-3114 Hotel/Travel: 800-355-3655 Please fill out the following registration information for the BRC National Organizing Conference. Mail with check or money order to: BRC National Office P.O. Box 490365 Atlanta, GA 30349-0365 Please complete one form per participant. Fees for registration are as follows: Pre-Registration (by June 9): $25 On-Site Registration: $35 Low Income: $10 Student/Youth/Unemployed: $5 To setup a literature table: Table for a single day: $75 Table for the entire conference: $150 Make check or money order payable to "North Carolina Student Rural Health Coalition/BRC" or "NCSRHC/BRC". Total fees enclosed (amount): -- Date: Name: Age: Organizational Affiliation(s): Address: City/State: Zip: E-Mail: Phone: Fax: I will need childcare (yes/no): If yes, names and ages of children: -- LODGING/HOUSING Hotels & Rates: Ponchartrain - $109/night plus 15% tax Best Western - $92/night plus 15% tax St. Regis - $95/night double and $89/night single plus 15% tax For hotel reservations call: Joyce Barnes JEMKL Tour and Travel Phone: 1-800-355-3655 E-Mail: jemkltours@aol.com Other forms of housing/lodging are being investigated, but nothing is guaranteed. The Black Radical Congress National Office P.O. Box 490365 Atlanta, GA 30349-0365 Phone: (404) 768-2529 Fax: (404) 614-8563 |
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