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En Español: cursos en la conferencia


VIII African and Afro-American International Culture Conference
African Culture Center "Fernando Ortiz"
April 2004

The African Culture Center "Fernando Ortiz", the lecture forum of Afrocaribbean Studies "Rómulo Lachatañeré"," the Heredia" Theatre, the UNESCO senior teaching post of Alcalá, the main cultural authorities in the province, the Applied Linguistics Center CITMA, Imágenes Advertising, and Oriente University summon you to the VIII African and Afroamerican International Culture Conference which will be held in the city of Santiago de Cuba.

Taking into account the different subjects, the top priority of the conference is to reflex on the main problems regarding the african topics on the past of the specialists and all those interested in it.

The African Cultural Center summons you and all those artists, sociologists, doctors, and persons interested in general, to establish a debate about the following topics.

  • Pre- colonial Africa. Economical, political and social structure.
  • Colonial Africa Main European settlement. The formation of countries and nationalities in Africa. Liberation war. Africa and its relationship with the rest of the world.
  • The slave trade all over the Atlantic and its approach at present days.
  • The African factor as a component of the national identity of the American, and caribbean people.
  • Diacrony and synchrony in linguistical, philosophical, historical and literary studies about Africa, Afroamerican and Afrocaribbean culture.
  • Genre, race and identity having in perspective the different African studies.
  • Multiculturalism, " transculturación", and reafricanization as modern tendencies to approach the African component in the New World.
  • The political and cultural relationships among Africa and American people at present.
  • African religions. Its situation in the African context. Evolution and "transculturación" in the New World.
  • Psychiatry and religion.
  • African traditional medicine. Its development and its relationship with other types of traditional medicine in the New World. Tropical Medicine in Africa and in Afroamerica.
  • Africa in the XXI century. Different modern cultural problems of the African


Workshop: " Color and form"

Devoted to the different branches of Plastic Ants in which the African trace is shown. All those painters, sculptors, ceramists, engravers, and photographers could participe with teorical works regarding the following topics:

  • The African trace in Plastic Arts.
  • Plastic Arts in the African continent.
  • The concept of Artist in Africa

Those concerned could also participate with a sample of their work, having no more than three pieces, which will be shown in a colective salon.

The regulation of the inscriptions will be in accordance with the general regulations of the meeting.

Workshop "Images"

Devoted to the movie and to the video of etnological type and also to the African movie as such, this workshop will approach the African trace in America.

The participants could show films, videos and they could expound theoretical works regarding the following topics:

  • Literature, movie and video. The African descendant and his approach throughout the mass media.
  • The video of etnological type. Its contribution to the knowledge of the African culture and to the process of "transculturación" in the New World.

The necessary techniques for the exhibition of the samples must be send within the limits of the closing date.

Videos and material films will have no move than 30 minutes of duration. Producers who want to show their works, will have the opportunity to show them in different movies of the city, having the chance to organize a debate about them.

The regulations of the inscriptions will be in accordance with the general regulations of the

Workshop " The ancestral rythm"

Devoted to the dance and to the music of African origins.

Choreographen, musicians, dancers, musicologists and all those persons interested on the subject, could participate regarding the following tipics:

  • The African music. History, evolution and present situation of the continent.
  • The African influence in the music and dance of the New World. Analogy, differences, changes, and the process of creation up to the national musics.
  • The African factor as a basic element in works of musical and dancing type.

Performances will not last more than 10 minutes, having no more than four dancers. Those groups interested on participate as a whole will have the opportunity to do it in specific stages of the city. Since performances come to be a part of the exhibition they will be developed without payment.

The regulations of the inscription will be in accordance with the general regulations of the meeting.


Summaries will provide a general information about the main topics of the works. They will have no more than 100 words and they will include: Tittle, author's name and surname, cientific degree, educational category, institution and and country of origin, address, telephone number, fax, e-mail.

Works will be delivered before November 30, 2003.


Reports will have a maximum extensión of 5 sheets and the exposition will be developed in no more than 15 minutes. The expositions will be published in only one volume, for which they must be delivered in digital format in accordance whith the following requisits: double space, arial word 10 in the case of texts and arial word 9 in the case of bibliography and notes, having in mind that notes will be placed at the end of the document.

Works will be delivered befone November 30, 2003 and only those are in accordance with the regulations mentioned befone will be published. Reports will not be published.

The Organizing Committee has the right to accept or do not accept the reports. In any the committee will make known its decision till January 15, 2004.

Inscription Quota

Reporters and delegates 150.00 USD

Students 80.00 USD


You could ask for a lodging module at low price in some of the hotels of the city by means of Havanatur offices.


English, French and


Dra. Marta E. Cordiés Jackson
Directora Centro Cultural Africano "Fernando Ortiz"
Coordinadora General de la VIII Conferencia
Ave. Manduley No. 106 esq. A 5ta
Reparto Vista Alegre, Santiago de Cuba, CP: 90400

Telefax: (53–22) 642487
(53–22) 623893 (noches)

E–mail: ; ;

Dr. Luis Beltrán R.

Coordinador Internacional

Director Cátedra UNESCO de Estudios Afroiberoamericanos.
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad de Alcalá
E-28801 Alcalá de Henares. Madrid. España.

Tel. (34 91) 8854202
Fax: (34 91) 8854239


Havanatur (turoperador)

Ing. Armando Pérez Cobas (Santiago de Cuba)

Calle 8 No. 56 % 1ra y 3ra. Rpto. Vista Alegre. Santiago de Cuba. CP: 90400

Tel.: (53–22) 641237


Caridad Román Arias (Ciudad de La Habana)

Edificio Sierra Maestra, Calle 1ra e/ 0 y 2. Miramar, Playa, Ciudad de La Habana

Tel.: (53–7)23 9782/ 83/ 23 9362
Fax: (53–7) 24 1760


En Españoltop





PROFESORES: Dra. Marta E. Cordiés Jackson.


El programa propone a través de cuatro módulos un acercamiento a cuestiones medulares de Cuba, el Caribe y la influencia africana a partir del estudio de los elementos que constituyen la identidad, las similitudes y diferencias en los procesos culturales y en la formación de las nacionalidades que lo integran.

 Cada módulo propone lograr una conceptualización y suministrar datos a los cursistas además de proveerle de un instrumental Teórico que los permita seguir profundizando en estos estudios.


Desarrollar en los cursistas la capacidad de razonamiento abstracto mediante el establecimiento de relaciones conceptuales en los fenómenos interculturales a partir de establecer las relaciones pertinentes entre arte-literatura y contexto histórico, para que adquieran una visión general introductoria de las principales manifestaciones artístico-literaria de la región, comparando similitudes y diferencias en los procesos formativos de sus nacionalidades de forma tal que les permita desarrollar un enfoque y juicio crítico adecuado sobre las mismas. Siendo una vía para desarrollar y perfeccionar el idioma español a través de la comunicación con estos aspectos culturales.


Argumentar y valorar aspectos históricos, socio-culturales, económicos y tanto geográfico como del área del caribe a partir de la selección y estudio bibliografía lo cual les permitirá formarse un criterio sobre esos aspectos así como los nexos entre arte-literatura-contexto histórico social.


El programa propone un contenido necesario en la formación de los egresados en ciencias sociales y humanísticas a partir de que será una contribución decisiva al entendimiento de sus raíces culturales, por cuanto la conceptualización del caribe, más que como conjunto geográfico, como universo cultural debe contribuir a desarrollar en ellos habilidades necesarias para profundizar en el estudio de las culturas y valores comunes de nuestros pueblos. Para ello organizaremos el curso partiendo de la unidad introductoria en conferencias productivas, una teórico-práctica que permita a los estudiantes partiendo de las obras literarias en los mismos llegar a establecer conclusiones. Una tercera unidad investigativa a partir de los conceptos asimilados los estudiantes puedan realizar una comunicación fluida en españ


Módulo 1


  1. Raíces históricas y socio-culturales
  2. Historia de Cuba
  3. Formación de la nacionalidad cubana
  4. Papel del componente africano en la cultura nacional.


El componente africano en la cultura cubana.


  1. Religión
  2. Literatura
  3. Música
  4. Artes Plásticas.

Módulo 3

Cultura Cubana y Revolución

1.- Actualidad y desarrollo de la cultura cubana

2.- Cuatro conferencias sobre el tema.


El Español hablado en Cuba

1.- El idioma Español. Surgimiento, evolución y desarrollo

2.- La variante hablada en Cuba; nivel / sintáctico / Morfológico/ semántico. Fonético/fonológico.

 Nota: Cada uno de los módulos puede ser impartido como un curso independiente. 



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